| 08 May 2015 (USA)
Still Trailers

Tom Carver is a man stumbling blindly towards a crossroad in his life, thrown out of focus by the death of his teenage son a year earlier. He becomes involved in a feud with a teenage gang after a seemingly harmless collision with a young kid. As the feud becomes more horrifying, Carver's world starts to unravel forcing him to make decisions that will change his life forever.

Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Kevin Lea Davies Still wants to be a dark and painful drama at it's core, of which there is no shortage in contemporary cinema. It tells the story of a father broken in spirit after the accidental death of his only son, who we only know through memory and photographs throughout the film. They seemed very close, his previous marriage has ended by the time we are introduced to him, and he turns to drink and drugs to dull the emotional pain.There is no shortage of that angle in recent cinema but the truth is many films have done it much better than this. There is a real depth of character that Aidan Gillen brings to the screen. He's a talented actor, and of course deserving to be the center of this film, but I don't think anyone could save this movie from it's lack of real storytelling. It's a very serious topic, however the direction is very A to B to C and misses some of the most important subjects it brings to the screen. This includes gang violence in North London of which, these children portraying a violent gang seem nothing more than... well children. However, any sense of danger is missing from every scene they are in. The mother, portrayed by Amanda Mealing, tries to maintain a somewhat cordial relationship with her ex-husband, but her grief and struggle are so incidental that she may as well not have been in the film at all.The worst crime in this film however was the lack of any real depth in what should have focused on the most heinous act in the entire movie. In it, a sexual assault occurs of such violation, that it simply dwarfs anything else that happens throughout the film. An event that drives the father to the breaking point, was used as a simple plot device designed to change directions of the main character, but should have been the main focal point of the film. The director decided to go another direction and make that terrible crime so superfluous, that it barely has any screen time at all and the viewer is not invited to see what happened to the victim by the end of the film.An unforgivable act, but more so, unforgivable direction. You may think the plot was dark and gritty, but I think it barely touched on these themes.5/10
Chxface I admit, I tuned in to see Petyr "littlefinger" Baelish in another role. I really like his acting in GoT and also this.And that is about all I liked.A pet peeve of mine is when audio in a movie is too soft and/or muddled and you miss half of what is going on. This started that way and 1/2 the time I was like WTF are they saying?? Does no one watch the final cut before it's released to make sure everything is understandable? UghSo the deal is this guy gets bothered by this gang of teens. I wouldn't use the word horrifying like others. For example, they rape his GF but you don't see it, she just tells him what happened. This movie won't shock you in any way.He ends up capturing the leader of this gang and ends up killing him but not before this kid tells him that (Aiden's) deceased son was actually a thug himself and up to no good.Bored yet! Yeah. Me too. Hence my 3 star rating.Don't bother with this movie, you can definitely find better ones. Side note: I know other reviews say this a gritty movie and it's a roller coaster ride, blah blah blah. I mean, did they actually watch this movie cuz it sorta sucks. Just sayin'.
quincytheodore Let's be honest, half of audiences are probably here to see Aiden Gillen (Petyr Baelish) without his trademark medieval backstabbing. It's safe to say that he doesn't disappoint, almost the entire movie is exclusively about his character's spiraling life and his capable performance makes for a realistically brooding lead. Unfortunately, the film has agonizingly slow pace and it would be about one hour into the runtime before the thriller aspect actually plays out grippingly.Carver (Aiden Gillen) is a father who recently lost his son. He becomes desensitizes with his surrounding, he is less invested on his job and his promiscuous side starts to show. It is about this time that he has an encounter with a gang of juvenile thugs. From trivial things, the confrontation escalates into much more harsher scuffles. The movie is a throughout reflection of the man's hidden angst and rage.Details about his personal life, simple resentment of the more apparent tendency to drink, are appreciated. However, the excessive exposure also creates plodding in the plot, most of the subplots are too lengthy and not all of them pay off in significant way. His relationships with his best friend, ex-wife or new girls are overlapping. At times, it builds the character nicely but others the scenes might be tedious with the same rehearses theme and dialogues.There is increasing tension later at the end. Aiden Gillen delivers a good acting as the deep occasionally sad character. This movie is more of a psychological display, it's a drama at heart, not typical crime investigation. While it has its merits, the narrative feels bland. It tries to build up into an impactful message or commentary about degeneration, but it does feel contrived as it uses unsubtle method.Still has good acting from its lead to portray psychological deterioration, although the journey there is exhausting as the approach can be heavy-handed at times.
TheLastHun A potent and poignant first feature by director Simon Blake and a memorable performance from Tom Carver (played by Aiden Gillen). Gripping from the start 'Still' shows us the fortunes and most unhappy malice that plagues this mans life. There's a real connection to the script and no character is left behind. Strong performances from the leading cast who lay bare moments of tension and emotion. Searching the dark streets of London, there is some brilliant cinematography and acting. Reminiscent Of Taxi Driver's Travis Bickle both Tom Carver and Ed's (Jonathan Slinger) catchy performances draw you into the reality of the victim turned vigilante. 'Still' portrays the suffering of the protagonist, in a very real world view, his life on culluloid shares his powerlessness and frustration that keeps you in the film till the end.