| 01 January 2001 (USA)
Starwoids Trailers

Noah might have traveled for 40 days and nights in search of land, but did he ever wait 42 straight days and nights for a movie? Starwoids tells the stranger than fiction details of Star Wars fans (A.K.A. Starwoids) and their six week-line-waiting quest to see Episode I - The Phantom Menace on opening day.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
MartinHafer The description of this film is that it's like a Star Wars version of "Trekkies". This is really inaccurate. While I did not love "Trekkies", it was competently made--with a professional host (Mary Crosby), decent production values and something of interest to non-Star Trek fans. However, "Starwoids" is really poorly made--and is only of interest to the most ardent Star Wars fans. Its production values are minimal--just a lot of handicam shots. There isn't any sort of narration. In fact, it looks EXACTLY like some home movies by some die-hard fans slapped together. Why would anyone want to pay for this? Even Star wars fans would expect much more than this--a film which consists of lots of video of folks waiting in line to see "Episode 1" as well as clips of various fan stuff--like a Star Wars musical--complete with fuzzy camera work and completely devoid of editing. I rarely am this mean to an independent film but this one made me mad---I cannot see why anyone would pay for this and it looks more like clips from YouTube.Worst moments in this 'film'? Fans comparing George Lucas to God--and finding God coming up short by comparison. Talk about the expression 'get a life'.
patrick862 I was expecting this movie to be an exploration of Star Wars fandom, in the same manner that Trekkies originally did. However, this movie focused on just a few people who were waiting in line for the Phantom Menace release. Some were part of a website's organization, and others were just hard-core fans of the series. They focus solely on these people waiting in line, so it seems as if you've been waiting 35 days for the movie right along side them.By the end, it felt less like a "documentary" and more like one long advertisement for the website featured in the movie. Don't waste your time with this movie, there are plenty of better sci-fi documentaries out there.
jdollak I should love the subject matter. I love Star Wars, I'm a bit of a nerdy fanboy, I collect the action figures, and I attend midnight showings of any of the movies. But I haven't waited in line. I think if I were younger, and didn't need to work, I'd wait for the fun of it. The truth is that this movie isn't that great. I love certain sections of it. The musical, the figure collectors, and Katie with her X-Wing are all great. The problem is that I find the main players in the movie are not ideal subjects to focus on. The flaws that these people have is in their sense of grandeur, that somehow they are the kings of the fans. The editing is a little annoying too, though I would be pressed to cite an example. I wanted to love this movie, but it's just got too many weaknesses. Good for fans, but otherwise... I wouldn't buy it.
krullboy2000 You would think a movie about a bunch of geeks standing in line for a month to see "The Phantom Menace" would be a laugh fest, "Let's make fun of the nerds" type movie. It's actually much more than that. Yes, it's funny, but it is also touching on how all these geek like strangers became the best of friends just because they waited in line for a movie.Other pieces like Star Wars: The Musical and the woman who painted her car like a X-Wing are just laugh out loud funny. This movie was a great glimpse into a world I know very little about. Let just say I wouldn't want to live there, but it was a great (an often funny) place to visit.