| 04 April 1987 (USA)
Starship Trailers

Jowitt, a mercenary without recluse institutes a totalitarian regime in a small mining city of an arid planet, Ordessa, helped in that by androids incapable of any emotion. The young Lorca and his android professor, Kid, are both in this tended situation. To find the liberty, they must at any costs seize a spaceship, the "Red Star", but they quickly have to face an android killer...

Steineded How sad is this?
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
thommystrmdahl Well i ordered this from and i must say that found several things interesting. As for the American version of the film the android voices have been dubbed over and some stupid music score has been put on it to, which makes it much less impressive than the original version. And the sound effects of the guns have been altered also as for some minor edits... It was like they tried to edit this film so it would adapt better or more to children which its not meant to do! So in my opinion get a hold of the international version and stay away from this imperial American crap! As for the movie itself, i enjoyed it when i watched the other version when i was a kid!
duaneshouseofpizza This movie is pointless...some of my friends and I had a Crappy sci-fi movie party and this was by far the worst. I looked amazing on the package. But it is possibly the most boring thing I have ever witnessed in my entire life...It made me Physically Ill having to sit though this after ten hours of other horrid Sci-Fi trash such as Abraxas and Star Crash.There was huge mining trucks...and weird robots wearing football helmets wielding M-16s that I called OJ Simpson robots. But this was just the most lifeless and horrid drivel in the world.This is actually, the worst movie I have ever far the worst.
silentcheesedude Yow, I remember this movie when it came out in the 80's. There I was, with a bunch of friends, I was about 15, popcorn in hand, expecting to see a great sci-fi movie at the theater.We were all disappointed. The plot was totally unoriginal, the b-grade acting & the special effects were a let down. The masks they used for the bots were ugly, and the ship designs were bad. 18 years later, they stick in my head like a bad, umm, movie.The whole underground resistance idea could have worked if they put more idea and thought into the story line and had somewhat of an interesting dialogue, but there is none worth remembering. To be fair, the movie is probably better then some of the garbage that we see today that passes as sci-fi, but that's not saying much.3 out of 10
_PAB_ Lorca and his friends are fighting against a Robot-Army that is controlled by the evil commander of their colony. They are in underground an are kidnapping and reprogramming some robots to have a better stand against the overwhelming forces of the "Empire". Last but not least there always has to be a little love-story ;=)