Special Dead
Special Dead
| 01 January 2006 (USA)
Special Dead Trailers

When a zombie plague infects a camp for the mentally handicapped, a ragtag band of campers and counselors struggles to survive the night. The unlikely heroes fight their way off the mountain as, one by one, they're picked off and join the ranks of the walking dead. It's a campy stampede of blood, boobs and gore as some "very special" people show that they can kick some serious undead ass.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
happykook Being a huge Zombie fan, when i heard about this movie, i was excited. In this day and age it is so hard to come across an original idea when it pertains to the zombie genre, and this one definitely had an original idea.I have to say that i was sadly let down. I wish i could get back the hour and a half of my life i wasted watching this sad excuse for a zombie movie...Now i understand that Indy films usually don't have the flair or expensive effects, but what they usually have it actors making the best of what they have, this was not one of those cases.The character's were tragically cliché' to the point of being an embarrassment. I honestly wonder if the writer simply wrote this movie to perpetuate his idea of what he thinks is "cool". I could not tell if the characters were so horrible because the writing was so terrible, or because the actors were terrible, but after awhile i came to the conclusion that it is both...Even the sex scene (which is usually the staple in indy movies that draws people to watch) left me wanting to switch the channel to public access telethons. I've seen much better acting in porn movies. it seemed at times as if the cast had been held at gunpoint and forced to read their lines...The endless dragging on of nunchuk swinging, head bashing, and pummeling lended to the fact that this zombie movie could not even stay on track with any zombie traditions... A zombie is simply not going to sit on your lap and gently punch your chest for 10 minutes, without trying to bite you, nor would someone with a zombie sitting on their laps just sit there not defending themselves and just call for help.I could continue to elaborate on the many flaws both in the script, actors, and acting, but much like this movie, it would simply be a waste of your time...I hope that another Indy group takes a stab at this idea and shows this cast/crew how a good zombie movie can be made.P.S. and seriously you guys are charging $20 plus $8 shipping for this crap???
t-otoole At last - an original idea for a zombie film, well executed. The film is extremely funny - from the basic idea of retards being attacked by and turned into zombies, as well as how some of those characters are realised (the first character turned into a zombie, who appears throughout the film, is a scream - I couldn't stop laughing at his character). The soundtrack is awesome, I'm not sure if it is original or not, but it fit the movie perfectly. The campfire guitar song was very, very funny. Although obviously shot on a tiny budget, is very well executed. The make-up and effects are acceptable - I was a bit disappointed that most of the action took place at night, although I expect that this covered a lot of budgetary compromises. The acting (mostly) was above average for a cast of no-names. If you love politically incorrect zombie films, Special Dead is a must. Thoroughly recommended.
adia07 How did this get selected for a Film Festival? Great concept. Great poster. Awesome Tag Line.That's it. Your enjoyment ends there.This film was so badly shot that 90% of the movie was impossible to see. How was the gore, you ask? How was the makeup? No idea. Couldn't see ANY of it. It was almost completely shrouded in darkness. I can't believe that this was allowed in a film festival where people paid money to see it. I was so angry, I almost walked out and demanded my money back. It's like watching a bootlegged copy of a movie someone recorded at a movie theater with a hand held, cheap video camera as the battery was dying.I stayed, out of respect for the filmmakers who probably did try to make something new. But basically, it was a waste of 2 hours and hard-earned money. They should sell the rights to the concept and let Sam Raimi or someone completely re-write and direct it.Save your money and your time.
rbrar I saw this movie at the Hollywood Film Festival. In my opinion (and the opinion of my zombie-loving friends), there are only two things that this movie has going for it: the poster and the premise.The fact of the matter is the movie itself isn't funny and isn't scary. On top of that, it's SO damn dark that you can't tell what's happening for most of the movie. Maybe it's gory. I don't know. I couldn't tell in that sea of black. Don't bother seeing it. Public service announcement: the other review of this film on IMDb was submitted by one of the lead actresses... so take it with a giant grain of salt. No... best to ignore it altogether. It just isn't true.