| 31 August 2002 (USA)
Sparkhouse Trailers

The relationship between childhood sweethearts, a farmer's daughter and boy from a rich family, turns tumultuous in this modern interpretation of Wuthering Heights.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
M Campbell I'm years late to seeing this mini-series and probably wouldn't have discovered it at all, if not for looking for anything Richard Armitage did in his earlier career. All I can say is wow, what a great contemporary drama for prime time TV. No one does drama as well as the BBC. I wish American TV could produce drama of this quality. The acting was superb Richard as always does not disappoint, transforming himself from a shy clod of a farmer (John) to a handsome, selfless, giving man who loves Carol despite all her faults and past history. Sarah Smart, was really excellent. Her life story is the center of this piece and Sarah really gave the performance of her lifetime; her range of emotions was commanding. Joseph McFadden nailed the role of the cowardly, self-centered creep and star-crossed lover of Carol.. Camilla Power was wonderful as Becky Andrew's sweet innocent wife caught up in Carol's and Andrew's obsession with each other. And a very young Holliday Grainger as Lisa, the teenage daughter of Carol was totally captivating in her innocence. (Spoiler's may be ahead)The story which shows the life of a girl Carol (Sarah Smart) who comes from a highly dysfunctional family, whose father was a violent brute and a child molester, whose mother was a flake that took off leaving her children with this monster. The only escape this poor girl had was to find her soul mate in the little boy Andrew (Joseph McFadden) next door. They grew up to love each other and perhaps would have found happiness if not for the lack of understanding and approval of his snobby parents. When they reach the age of 18 they plan to run away and get married, only to be discovered and have their plans destroyed by Andrew's father's breach of doctor patient confidentiality. Here we learn that not only was the girl molested as a child and raped by her father but at the age of 12 she gave birth to his baby, who is now being raised as her sister. After the marriage plans collapses and he is sent off to college. The two don't see each other until Christmas break, when he comes home and sees her with another man John (Richard Armitage). So he pretends to not see her and picks up another girl to make her jealous. She in return makes up to John, to make him jealous as well. Poor John really likes her and is so shy and introspect that he feels lucky that she will even go out with him. She finally decides to get Lisa and leave the farm where they live for good. After years of being away, she returns pretending to have been successful in the time she's been away when actually she is poor and had a really hard time making it with Lisa. Andrew has also return from college, married with a pregnant wife. She convinces her sick father to turn the farm and business over to them in exchange for taking care of him. He doesn't last very long, and dies leaving her a worthless farm business. Realizing she's about to get evicted, she decides to marry John for his money and labor to fix up the farm. But Andrew can't accept this even though he doesn't want her. He does everything to break them up; when that fails he decides to leave his wife and child to get Carol back. She however keeps her commitment to John and sends him away. Unable to take Carol's rejection, Andrew kills himself, leaving her totally devastated. The series ends with understanding John, finding Carol in a near catatonic state and bringing her home. Leaving the viewer hopefully with him Carol will find the kindness and true love her childhood never afforded her.. I'm sure my description of the story does not give it justice. It was such an excellent screenplay adaptation. I urge all like me who haven't seen it to buy it and view this wonderful contemporary drama.
Holly Finnigan I loved this drama so much. I agree that it brought back old feelings that I had experienced in the past myself. I was in love myself when this came out (even though I was only 15) and so it reminds me of a happy time in my life and a still very special person. I know that it was based on Wuthering Heights and I have to say that I feel that this bettered it. However there are still elements within it that depict Emily Bronte's novel. It also helped me when I came to study it at A Level. I'm so glad to find out that its being released on DVD at last. I'm also glad to see that other people share my love for this drama. Enjoy the DVD when it comes out!
kenhelnette Never really watched other wainright series "at home with the braithwaights." but this is magnificant. Two main stars are brilliant. In this modern version of wuthering heights the roles of cathy and heathcliff are swapped. The son of a doctor and the abused daughter of a local alcoholic farmer have a passionate obsessive love affair. Thwarted by his snobbish parents and some very personal home truths, the two are forced apart. He leaves to go to university. The events then take on both the Brontee and also more modern slants. The direction is fast paced and uses the moors in most scenes and is a piece of absolutely fantastic very grabbing television. Is just unmissable tv!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rlmac fantastic series inspired even if not adapted from Wuthering Heights I was glued to the screen for the first episode and was distraught to find I had to wait a whole week for the conclusion. gripping, dramatic, emotional. the two lead characters had few scenes together, yet the connection between them was unmistakable. A review in the Newspaper was scathing, mocking the writer for claiming it was a modern day Wuthering Heights; I found this odd - the similarities are plainly obvious for anyone to see. Maybe its better to say it was beautifully inspired by the classic, which is itself woven throughout the programme. From the trailers I expected Sparkhouse to be an average run-of-the-mill story of teen lovers, but I was wrong. It is a brilliant dramatisation of TRUE love.