Space Probe Taurus
Space Probe Taurus
| 01 January 1965 (USA)
Space Probe Taurus Trailers

In the year 2000, the spaceship Hope One sets off to find new galaxies for colonization. However, an encounter with an alien being and a swarm of meteorites sends the ship streaking off course into a sea of monsters on an uncharted world.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
drystyx This journey into outer space flick is fairly typical of the B movies, the low budget films that weren't supposed to be liked. As a result of being the low man on the totem pole, those involved made the most out of a little. That often resulted in the superior sci-fi flicks. Such is the case here. The overwhelming factor in these cases is the use of "credible characters in incredible circumstances", something I believe I was the first to use in critiques some thirty or forty years ago. Here, the astronauts are three men and a woman. They begin as seeming to be one dimensional, but that's where the writing, directing, acting team fool you. They gracefully become real characters, particularly the two supporting astronauts. I admit I usually pay more attention to the "supporting players", and usually it's the women who care about the romantic leads. The romantic lead pair go through this as a bit of a cliché, but show some dimensions in character near the end. All together, the quartet was superior to most of the "A movie" astronauts in credibility. The character of John Andros must have been the delight of the team making this film, and it's fascinating in the way they bring him along late, almost as an after thought, as though he would be just "hanging around". He is basically the story here, and I believe the story is told through his eyes, which I won't spoil by how it ends. There's a lot to like here. It is craftily directed. Despite the low budget and limited action, there's not a dull moment. It grips you throughout. That's some directing, writing, editing, acting, the who shebangs! There's even a terrific Gilligan's Island style dream sequence. A hidden gem. I probably won't put it on my top 20 sci-fi films of all time, but it's definitely in the top 40. Of course, as I noted before, this is more of a "man's movie" than a chick flick.
MartinHafer Leonard Katzman--AIP previous ship contacts earth--demanding they detonate the ship remotely--why didn't they ask for clarification? ha, ha--women are stupid find UFO in space--just floating there--board and shoot alien yr 2000 blown off course by meteors--land underwater constant sexual harassment these are the BEST astronauts? silly crabs scuba battles"Space Probe Taurus" is about what you'd expect from a pre-"2001" sci-fi film--with the standard rocket ship, typical clichés and a sexy crew member to be sexually harassed. When the film begins, an Earth rocket is in trouble and radios instantly back to the based to press the self-destruct button. Why? Who knows. All you know is moments later, another rocket is being sent into space and it has four crew members--and one's a hot lady who spends most of her time fending off unwanted sexual advances from two of the men.Now here is the only part that IS unusual. They come upon a ship in space...just floating there. So, they do what any normal crew of astronauts would do...enter this ship, get into a brief fight with an alien and shoot him and then blow up the ship to hide the evidence!!! This was so weird and confusing...and, oddly, it seemed to happen in a vacuum. Soon after, they are almost destroyed by meteors and are knocked off course--and are forced to land on a rogue moon. But, they unfortunately land under water! What's next? Well, it involves a bit of scuba and more contact with aliens as well as giant crabs (yes, they spared no expenses here!).So is it any good? Well, it's at least not terrible. For fans of the genre it's what you'd expect and not a lot more.By the way, if you DO see the film, the alien who is murdered can be seen in the film clips Disney shows in their Sci-Fi Dine-In restaurant at Hollywood Studios at Disney World.
Stephen R. Beasley (PogMahones) Four scientists (3 men and 1 woman) head toward the planet, "Tyros", but as they fly through some asteroids, their trajectory is thrown off which causes them to land on it's ocean floor, rather than on the land. On the ocean bottom, which appears to shot in a 75 gallon aquarium, they encounter crabs which are supposed to be attacking the ship, but for all intents and purposes, it looks like they had threads attached to the crabs which were merely dragged across the model in a tank. Kinda lame, especially considering that other movies of it's time had much better special effects. The entire movie appeared to be made by a beginning film student. Even the scene where one scientist is sexually harassing the lone female scientist...was so contrite that I felt an urge to change the channel, but resisted and kept watching it until the end. There is a scene where one humanoid type sea monster attacked a scuba diving scientist which might have (but probably not) been scary if I was a toddler. The scene was completely out of context of the storyline. The actors were "wooden" as if they were just trying to honor their studio contract by appearing the film at all. The lines were very monotone. The reason for traveling to Tyros was never explained.I've given this movie a rating of 1. The plot is painfully thin to say the least. You may enjoy this movie best if you mute the volume because it's such an incredibly basic storyline.I'd love to see this in the hands of Mystery Science Theater 3000. They would make it much more interesting, and funnier.
Michael O'Keefe Directed and written by Leonard Katzman, this space probe is slow and lacks excitement. The special effects seem as if this TV project was produced ten years earlier. A team of scientists, including the attractive Francine York, set out in the year 2000 to find a livable planet in space. The craft is forced to land on a strange planet , where they are attacked by crusty humanoid sea creatures and giant crabs. The voyage turns out successful after all and they name the planet after a comrade they lost in their discovery...Andros 1.Besides Miss York, this bad piece of Sci-fi features Russ Bender, Baynes Barron and James B. Brown. Take the journey, but don't expect much.