Space Fury
Space Fury
| 01 January 1999 (USA)
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A potential disaster rocks a space station and the lives of those on board in this suspense-filled science fiction drama. Konrad (Michael Pare) is a scientist who, while piloting a small spacecraft, accidentally crashes into Tesla, a laboratory in space created and maintained by the Russian government. While accusations of sabotage and sinister intentions greet Konrad upon his arrival, in time he is accepted by the multinational crew. But as personal tension begins to grow among the crew, it's learned that something is wrong with Tesla --something which could pull the space station out of orbit and send it crashing to Earth. Faced with the distinct possibility of a fiery death, the mood aboard Tesla turns from ugly to violent as Konrad and the others try to find a way to save the station -- and themselves

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Steve Nyland (Squonkamatic) One other fellow on here gets it right: THE DEAD OF SPACE (which is the title I saw this movie under) is indeed exactly like what you would see if your average crummy B (or maybe C) grade 1950s/1960s science fiction movie had been made today. And like the appraisals of those films most of the critiques of this movie are being made based on the film's low budget, minimalist production design and lack of name-brand talent in the cast beyond Michael Pare, who easily steals the show as a psychotic scientist on board an international space station. It's easy to get distracted by such statistical data and miss whether or not the film is actually any good, which accounts for the 3 star average rating, which quite frankly in this case is unfair. Nobody's really talking about the movie itself, and what about it might work or not. Here's a try:WHAT WORKS: The film does what it can with what it has. The production design is spare but does get across the claustrophobia of an orbit bound space station pretty good. I also like the prominent role that the Russians play in this since their space program is just as important as anyone else's. There's also a clever twist on the idea of how space missions are funded with a Coca-Cola type sponsor being the private company who has paid for everything. Science comes at a price, and the crew's mission amounts to an extended commercial for their various beverage products, complete with a cynical marketing director as part of the "mission control" crew. Nice touch!WHAT DOESN'T WORK: The subplot about international terrorists having subverted the already psychotic astronaut in some bid to -- if I got this right -- crash it into Los Angeles. It isn't needed: The possibilities of a psycho astronaut are good enough and the first 20 minutes of exposition has almost zero to do with how the final conflict plays out. We've even had real life events that sort of put some of what the movie suggests into a context of reality: Remember the nut astronaut with her adult diapers driving cross-country to kidnap a romantic rival? Sure, the "mission control" scenes are poorly staged and there is a sort of wooden execution to the bulk of the cinematography, most of the acting is sub par, and an air of improbability hangs over the whole idea here. But what I am not bothered by for a second are the "on the cheap" PowerMac created special effects -- Not everybody gets to be Stanely Kubrick, I guess. And you can't fault the film's creators for having wanted to see what they could do and pulling it off for the most part.Is it bad? Sure! In fact it's the production's inherent awfulness that sort of lends a charm to it, much in the same way that garbage like PHANTOM PLANET, TOBOR and ASSIGNMENT: OUTER SPACE are rife with awfulness. The "escape flight" inside the little CGI space shuttle is particularly awful. The trick isn't in trying to forgive or excuse it, the trick is in finding content therein that redeems the awfulness, and as one other contributor points out the movie actually does do a nice job in suggesting what life on a little orbiting platform might be like ... though I'd think for the amount of money one of those things would cost you'd figure out a way to have more than six people up there, and certainly more than one good looking woman who sports red Victoria's Secret underwear beneath her form-fitting spacesuit. Then again, she's supposed to be Russian, and we should know by now that all Russian women in science fiction/action movies are total babes. Can't fault them for having her play the role to the hilt, which is definitely one of the things the film gets 100% right.5/10
M. Genese I disagree with the critics. A gritty realism and and good FX work make this feel credible. The threat of terrorism among the Russian end of an international space station is not so unbelieveable. As the new station goes up I think of this movie. Obviously its really low budget, but I thought it was OK. Michael Pare is good, believable. The female lead came across well too, I hope she does more stuff.
imdb-94 Possibly the worst film ever made, and certainly not worth the transfer to DVD. The acting is so wooden, that the only fair outcome would be if everyone on the cast list spent the rest of their career as a waiter.The Science id bogus, the special effects laughable and the plot apparently made up on the spot. If I ever meet one of the producers, I'll ask for my money back.
ron-ron Weird space film. Simple minded plot and acting. The crazed-American-Terrorist Astronaut kills the Good Guy Russian Astronaut hero. All this is done on a 50's look-a-like Mir space station. The small amount of animation is not too bad.