Southern Cross
Southern Cross
| 09 September 1999 (USA)
Southern Cross Trailers

A mining businessman gets involved in crimes and murderers as he flees from another businessman who plans to dump nuclear waste illegally in abandoned coal mines in southern Chile

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Macholic Formula movie about the illegitimate son of a rich Chilenian who stands to inherit a fortune and gets mixed up in the affairs of bad guys and falls in love with a beautiful female lawyer (Vargas). It looks very much like a TV movie, not really exciting. The only reason I bothered to see it was because Valentina Vargas was in it. No real surprises here, though it is nice to see Vargas. Great looking Chilenian landscapes on display but Malcolm McDowell's part is very small and doesn't add much to the movie. Michael Ironside plays as usual a bad guy but this is not one of his most memorable parts. The chase scenes are standard fare.
randip12345 I'm watching this right now on tv55 - I really like it. I can't believe I'm so alone in this.It's slow and the other actors are not so hot - it's true Esai is giving the best performance, but I like the plot as well. It's more plot than a straight "character" movie, but not a full blown thriller, I'll give you that. But for someone whose favorite movies are all either character movies, or suspense films - I think it's great.The dime-store support cast is almost irrelevant as they have such tiny parts. Give it a try. Esai is GREAT! The plot is intriguing. The music is fantastic and the scenery - as mentioned previously, is amazing.
EsighFan4life This movie was very well done. I loved the way Esai Morales portrayed his character. The best scean is the love scean. hah! No really, the emotions the actors put out is amazing. Great movie! I give this movie an A+
andialu This movie is really BAD, there is nothing appealing or worth of commentary in it except for the beautiful settings: Chilean landscape. I know I must supply four lines as a commentary for this movie, but the thing is that it is such a bad movie, that I can only say that is actually BAD. Michael Ironside is the only one who saves the money in the film.