Sound of Horror
Sound of Horror
| 08 October 1967 (USA)
Sound of Horror Trailers

When a group of isolated people in the Greek mountains set off a cave explosion, they are menaced by an invisible shrieking dinosaur that had been buried for eons

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Wizard-8 In a way you've got to sort of admire the chutzpah of these Spanish filmmakers for making their movie monster INVISIBLE for almost the entire movie - that's one way to stretch out a special effects budget! What is real disappointing, however, is that when the monster does become visible, it's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment. Actually, the monster isn't among the real problems to be found in this movie. The real problem with the movie is that it is both very talky and very slow. There's very little in the way of horror sequences, not just from the fact it takes almost a half hour before the first true horror sequence unfolds. The movie also has a weird feel to it, coming across more like an early 1950s low budget horror movie instead of a mid 1960s movie. Oh, the movie has a little unintentional amusement, ranging from the sloppy work done by supposed professional archaeologists to how the characters seem mighty slow to realize that a body count is escalating. But other than isolated moments like those, the movie is a forgettable bore.
Chase_Witherspoon From the opening credits introducing the cast members scampering across the wilderness, pursued by an unknown assailant, you know you're going to get something a little different and that promise lives up to expectation in this Spanish thriller. A trio of treasure hunters converge on a haunted cave searching for an elusive cache of rare antiquities that has evaded them since their first brush when they were soldiers in WWII. But after discovering what may have been the long lost chest, they inadvertently release a terrible, shrieking creature that also happens to be invisible.More than meets the eye to this cast, with Amercian James Philbrook cast as the stoic, unofficial leader of the trio (the other two Casas and Bodalo), his girlfriend Polish bombshell Ingrid Pitt in her film debut, while the ill-fated Soledad Miranda is the leading lady, a rising star who died prematurely in a car accident only a few years following this film. All the cast discharge themselves with professionalism and tact, no hysterics or over-zealous rants, very measured, solid performances. I thought Lola Gaos as the superstitious Greek housekeeper - whose frequent warnings go ignored until too late, - was a highlight, the scene in which she fetches the water, suspenseful and exceptionally well photographed.There's plenty of atmosphere in the black and white cinematography, decent sets and calculated suspense, the film's multi-pronged climax is engaging and leads to an unexpected conclusion that won't disappoint. Perhaps the only faux pas is the fictitious Greek setting and characters, all of which looks and sounds very Spanish. Better than expected, worth a look.
action-express If you are a fan of vintage, cult horror movies like I am then you will absolutely love this movie. I cannot believe that it has no cult following! I can't even find a movie poster for it. Although it is a low budget, dubbed, Spanish movie it has a great story with very good acting and the effects are as cool as can be. Overall it is made in the typical fashion of horror movies of this period but has some real surprises along the way. The acting and dubbing is far superior than most. The sets are good. The camera work is average or a little above. But the story is very good and interesting with many scenes that I do not want to give away. The black and white make it moody and pretty scary. There are some rather gory effects especially for the time. The monster is invisible for the most part yet you can really imagine it from some cool footprints and the blood curdling noise that it makes. You really worry for the people in this movie. It also has one of the most surprise endings that I have ever seen in a movie of this era. Another reason that I can't understand why this movie is not out there is that it is Ingrid Pitt's first movie role. She is lovely as ever but looks a lot different than her 1970's roles.This movie is a must for vintage horror fans.
vigilante407-1 Sound of Horror was a very pleasant surprise. I bought it as part of Mill Creek Entertainment's Tales of Terror boxed set, and was expected a bad seventies flick along the lines of the Legend of Bigfoot. Instead, I get what has to be one of the better Spanish sci-fi/horror flicks that I've ever seen.True, the fact that the monster is an invisible dinosaur is, to say the least, somewhat lame. But it is carried off fairly well here, as there is a lot of suspense maintained in the film when it really counts. There are few real special effects, with only about three actual optical process shots. The cast is excellent, though the characterizations are pretty stereotypical for the time period.I think that Sound of Horror most reminded me of a Mexican horror movie from the sixties ... but a good one without the expository narration to explain what's happened in the last three films. I enjoyed this movie, and would recommend any genre fans to give it a look.
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