Soul Searcher
Soul Searcher
| 18 March 2005 (USA)
Soul Searcher Trailers

Street sweeper Joe Fallow is approached by the ailing Grim Reaper who offers to train him as his replacement and become the new 'face of death'. Elsewhere in town, an evil force threatens to merge the worlds of Hell and Earth into one. And only Joe, assisted by an enigmatic supernatural bounter-hunter, can stop it from happening.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Rosettes This was, no puns intended, a movie I picked up to watch in replace of daytime TV during my off time from my graveyard shift job.It has two downing points to it. First of all, it's theme could be related to BtVs or Angel. Seeing it that way, one can be left with the feeling of an unbought pilot. Secondly, the monster special effects, the route to hell and such are rather cheap. On the other hand, if one can accept that images and projections from hell would be difficult for a normal human mind to accept, would not be like a multi million dollar Hollywood production, then they are "acceptable".But unlike most horror movies which are only good for one pass because afterwards, the shock is gone, this is good for a few watchings. It's a horror movie that doesn't depend on shock or scare to work, but rather a decent story to tell, to get across.It has all the right elements. The underdog good guy, his watching elder, the best friend, the love of his life, a fairly psychotic enemy, the heartbreak, the salvation, the ace in the hole.It's worth a look.
booth1976 I found myself amazed at what Neil Oseman managed to squeeze from his tiny budget with Soul Searcher. It's a shame that critics and the industry in this country didn't leap on it with enthusiasm in the same way that the American's did with El Mariachi because it's just as big an achievement.As for entertainment value, I was expecting something incredibly badly acted from what I've read. This just isn't the case, the acting is competent, the cgi effects are of the lower end but for me this did not remove me from the experience. In fact on many occasions I thought. "Wow, how the hell did they do that and how ambitious where they for even trying it in the first place!" And the work with miniature's is amazing. The train sequence is simply brilliant.I think for any film students, filmmakers, or anyone getting into film-making this is an absolute must. However for the casual viewer this also comes recommended. It's a fun, effects laden low budget adventure with a lot of charm.
jaszczak If it was not for the visual effect I would have voted 10 instead of 8, I loved the story and the actors did very well, I predict a great future for Oseman, I'm pretty darn sure this guy will become one of the best directors out there..the Acting was good, the story was good , the few things I didn't like about this movie, was the fighting choreography, and the special effect but what can you expect with a 30.000$ budget..I'm all a very pleasurable movie, worth watching.. if you can look away from the fight scenes and the special effect.. this movie is a winner..I wish I could afford to give Oseman a 3.000.000$ budget instead and ask for a long as he used the same actors
zepulonmpike More distinguished film critics than myself have determined that you should judge a film in terms of what it sets out to achieve. Director Neil Oseman set out to make a SFX laden action/adventure picture on a budget of around £20,000. You can't get a half decent four door saloon for that. So in my opinion the films existence should be applauded alone. But there's a lot of other good stuff going on. Above all else the film has a strong and consistent visual style which is complemented by some surprisingly good Harryhausen influenced special effects.Obviously there are issues, but there are always going to be with a twenty grand extravaganza. They are mainly down to narrative issues, overall the story works very well, young man is trained to be grim reaper whilst falling in love and trying stop a madman for opening up the moat of souls. The problems lie with tiny things like ezekial just up and leaving before the big battle.At the end of the day, if you read the directors journal, Neil Oseman Had to do EVERYTHING, co-write the script, and produce. All this on the tiniest of budgets with no help from the BFI or Screen West Midlands who are probably at this moment handing out cash for another gritty urban drama about something controversial. or a cockernee gangster film. Nobody makes this kind of film in this country anymore.In the end, Soulsearcher is a great, entertaining movie that harks back to the likes of Back to the Future and Ghostbusters. If you can't see past the flaws to see whats been achieved then clearly low budget movies aren't for you.