Sons of Liberty
Sons of Liberty
| 25 January 2015 (USA)
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The story of a group of very different men fighting in the American Colonies for freedom, and how they will shape the future for the United States of America.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
anna_erishkigal First - the criticism. This show come with a side-order of outright FICTION. It has all the bad tropes -- the star is 10 years younger than the real Sam Adams was at that time; General Gage was not a total despot; and there are other historical inaccuracies that I had to correct with my kids as we watched.That being said, as a miniseries, we all sat down and enjoyed this show as a family immensely ... it's been a long time since we were able to drag the kids off their electronic devices. Given how freaking BORING most egg-headed academic historians make history, paired with what seems to be a systematic eradication and villification of history in the public school and university system as well as a removal of our flag and our national symbols, we've been grasping at ANYTHING that will get the kids interested enough to even care.Setting aside the historical innacuracies, as a trilogy of movies we enjoyed this immensely. Great acting, a lot of action, accurate attention to detail insofar as how colonial people lived and what the city looked like, and great special effects. As a history lesson for the kids, for the first time ... ever ... they're beginning to look forward to our upcoming trip to Liberty Hall, Valley Forge, and Gettysburg this summer. And even in a short period of time, some of what I've been warning them about insofar as the academic / media hostility to free speech and the governments actions to eradicate the Bill of Rights all of a sudden began to "click."Now we're off to watch "Last of the Mohicans" (French & Indian War), "The Patriot (American Revolution), and "TURN: Washington's Spies." As history set pieces, all three are deeply flawed, but after watching "Sons of Liberty," now they're interested enough to CARE. Which is the first step in teaching history.
jahermes-84845 Glad I didn't read the reviews before I watched this. Perhaps you can put you expert knowledge of history (which is recollections from others since I assume you did not live during this period to personally witness these events) aside and remember that these men are true American heroes and the major events actually did happen. Who knows how and what was specifically spoken 250 years ago.This series was great for anyone that forgets why we are free to even have these debates in this type of medium. A lot of our youth are not pursuing this information and certainly not reading about it on paper or online unless its a requirement. Perhaps this is what is needed to get them engaged beyond the classroom.Bet you didn't like the movie Lincoln either because Daniel Day Lewis is 2 inches shorter than Lincoln.
cristo111 I'm pleased that someone has finally captured the character of Sam Adams, as the "Assassin's Creed" style ninja and impoverished pub-keeper he truly was - not the rich middle-aged brewer I mis-remembered from supposed history books. And John Adams, his wise, established older cousin. I was so surprised to hear that John was older after having read the fictional account in David McCullough's novel "John Adams". Silly David. Though I must confess, I love your voice-overs on Ken Burns' fictional movies about America! Imagine the chilling frisson of historical recognition as you hear Benjamin Franklin deliver his historical and immortal line to our intrepid trio of freedom-seeking Bostonians: "Come on in, just don't ransack the place". Wow. History comes alive. Totally believable. This is so believable you don't need to ever believe anything else. Bravo.
gearheadpatriot Recognizing the historical significance of the Sons of Liberty, I started the series with high expectations. While I understand literary license, this mini-series absolutely misrepresents the events and personalities it claims to represent. Dramatizing key events with romantic affairs, and comic book heroics cheapens the sacrifices of the men and women who founded our nation. If you want the real story of Lexington and Concord visit battle road, the National Park Service has an exceptional program at each of the critical junctures of the battle. Failing a trip to Boston, go to an Appleseed or Libertyseed clinic, you'll get the most accurate account of the battle you can find anywhere.