Son of Ingagi
Son of Ingagi
| 01 December 1940 (USA)
Son of Ingagi Trailers

A newlywed couple is visited by a strange old woman who harbors a secret about the young girl's father.

Interesteg What makes it different from others?
Steinesongo Too many fans seem to be blown away
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Softwing Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
JoeKarlosi Very notable for featuring the first all-black cast for a horror movie. A newly married couple inherits a house from a woman doctor, unaware that an ape-man once obtained by the doctor whilst over in Africa, exists within a hidden room. When a small gong is rung, a wall panel opens to set the monster free. The doctor was working on a formula to aid mankind, but when her creature drank it, he became savage and killed her. The beast looks something like Anthony Quinn underneath a dime store caveman wig and beard. This at just about an hour's length is worth watching at least once because of the unique casting for those times, but it's kind of flatly directed. *1/2 out of ****
msladysoul I see there are many bad reviews for this movie mostly from Caucasian people who don't really care for race films or appreciate the efforts and are comparing race films with Hollywood films that had big budget that could make any movie better. I consider myself a expert on race films, I try to research the films and the people in it who have been forgotten and overlooked for their contribution to cinema, deserving or not. Son of Ingagi, is not one of the best race films, but I enjoyed it after watching it a few times. Instead of knocking the whole cast, there are quite a few good actors and actresses in this film who try to make the best in this film. Laura Bowman, one of the early black actresses of stage and screen, was a highly respected and talented actress, her acting was in the same fashion of Ethel Barrymore, Marie Dressler, and. She really stands out in this film. She was always great at playing an intimidating, misunderstood, grouchy old woman but she could be comical with the same traits. Handsome and suave Alfred Grant showed his potential as an actor in this film. He showed every true emotion for any given situation more then any other in the cast. Daisy Bufford who played the wife, was a little too cheerful for an horror movie. There were times where she should have been scare instead of smiling and looking calm. I just can't believe her in this film. I would liked to have seen Margaret Whitten, Sybil Lewis, Theresa Harris, or Mae Turner, some of race films better actresses in the wife part. Arthur Ray who plays the Doctor's brother is always good as the conniving old Grinch. Zack Williams was good at the grunts, roars, and I beg to differ if you saw such a thing as him in your home, you would be a little scared My problem with some of the acting was for an scary movie, there was times the husband and wife were a little too cheerful for living in a home where murders were committed but I understand that not too much emphasis, dialog, and attention was given to the actors and actresses in race films, most of these films were shot in a week, but if one is going to make any film or any kind, at least make it good, don't just do anything or show little concern because of lack of money or time. No this movie won't scare you but it gave me a chance to witness black actors and actresses playing people from all walks of life and not being stereotypes and many showed potentiality as actors and actresses. If black actors and actresses were developed by studios like many white actors and actresses, many could have been great.Basically this film is centered around a young married couple who's marriage is interrupted by mystery and murder that indirectly involves them. Dr. Jackson, a woman who is invited to their wedding, was connected to the wife's father whom she was in love with. The Doctor wants to give all her life earnings and home to the young married couple for being nice to her and because of love of the wife's father. The Doctor is killed by the ape she brought back from Africa, (how she got it into this country I'll never know) it seems he dranked something the Doctor mixed up that was gonna do something significant to change humanity, I wonder what it was because it made the ape dangerous and gave the ape killing tendencies. The ape killed his master, his Doctor. The young married couple finds the body and is suspected of killing the doctor because a will is found in which their to inherit the Doctor's money and home and its believed they made the will up and kill the Doctor because there's no other suspects. The young couple move into the Doctor's house (why I don't know, I wouldn't move into a home where someone was killed and the murderer is still loose) and they don't know there's an ape in the basement. An attorney is killed while visiting the home and so the detectives stake out at the home and well its found out later who committed the crimes and other stories unravel. Maybe the movie would have been more interesting if the husband and wife would have suspected each other. I mean there was really no whodunit between the husband and wife. The wife was walking around like nothing was happening.I like The Four Toppers, they were a great singing group. I wonder if The Four Tops knew it was a grew before them with sort of the same name?
michaeldukey2000 While it's been said that there are other older films with all black casts dealing with the subject of voodoo or the supernatural this is without a doubt the first one to feature a creature and an African one at that.Historically this is a pretty interesting picture but as entertainment value it's extremely primitive. Made on teensy budget that would make a Monogram studios effort look extravagant this is an oddity even for ethnic films of the day as they were almost exclusively musical comedies or morality plays. Serious films and roles for African Americans would take a long time to get into the mainstream but the writer and Co-star of this piece of fluff would do much to change that a little later with his film The Blood Of Jesus. Unfortunately the stigma of playing Andrew Hogg Brown on the CBS TV show Amos and ANdy would hang over his head until recently when a lot of his serious films for the Harlem crowd were rediscovered.As the pithy story goes a rather bland couple has received a mysterious wedding gift from a seemingly "Grinchy" woman doctor who just happens to have a seven foot hairy ape type guy living in her basement. Nothing much is explained in any of the characters motivations but sometimes the critter is treated with sympathy, sometimes for chills and other times for laughs. In the first few scenes he comes off more like a mentally challenged human with a hirsute disease rather than the Gorilla Man that he's referred to later. Just when the good Dr. is on the verge on presenting a medical miracle serum to everyone her hairy companion drinks the stuff and goes on a rage and kills his benefactor. Whatever the stuff was it sure didn't agree with him. Most of the movie sort of clunks along with near run ins with the beast until the young couple inherits the house meets the ape man and the movie abruptly ends. I've actually seen worse old films than this tailored for a racial audience but this one is more for historians and exploitation buffs.
BaronBl00d Wow! When they set out to make a bad movie in the golden days, they sure knew how to do it! This film is bad, no qualms, questions about it. The story essentially tells a story about a young couple just getting married who are visited by a wealthy doctor known to everyone else for her miserly ways, yet in secret a very giving woman. We learn that this woman is attached somehow to the wife, and then we discover that she has been in Africa and loved her father. The film is intriguing with its all black cast(save the doctor and her brother), but ultimately fails as the moment the monster(an ape-like man living in the doctor's office) is revealed destroys any credibility the movie might have had. This monster looks so silly with its black wire hairs(mop-like)hanging over its face which has sunken eyes. It moves around in a pitiful way, and in no way is scary. The film also does not know exactly what it is trying to be. Is it a horror film or a comedy? The ape kills on two occasions with no comedy implied, and then later we see it eat two sandwiches from a scared policeman desperately trying to imitate Mantan Moreland. I also forgot to mention the lovely music sung as the wedded couple spend their honeymoon in their house and are visited by all their "singing" friends and family. The film sports few great moments. It has poor, inferior direction, sets, script, and acting. The best part for me was the woman who played the doctor. She was quite atmospheric in her black dress and her portly figure. That, however, is not enough to recommend this exercise in will...making you sit through it.