Something's Got to Give
Something's Got to Give
| 04 August 1962 (USA)
Something's Got to Give Trailers

Unfinished remake of "My Favorite Wife", due to the firing of Marilyn Monroe from the film. She was eventually re-hired, but died in August, 1962. Film was never completed.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
williwaw Marilyn Monroe had a contract with 20th which provided Director Approval. Once 20th announced MM for a movie 20th had to also assign one of Ms. Monroe's approved Directors, ( The list was small but what Directors!: Hitchcock, Wyler, Huston, Wilder, Cukor and a few others). The studio also had to roll production within 40 days of announcing the film or Ms. Monroe would get paid and this great star had one of the first of the Play Or Pay Deals. Previously Ms. Monroe got paid off for The Blue Angel and Goodbye Charlie because the studio either could not supply the approved Director or start production within 40 days. Smart Lady. George Cukor approved by Marilyn Monroe was the Director on this film.Cukor has a reputation of great work with women stars: Garbo, Crawford, Shearer, Loren, Hepburn, Leigh, et al. Joan Fontaine was especially kind to Cukor in her autobiography. ( One star who wasn't a fan of Cukor was the irascible Bette Davis). Has anyone ever done a book on the back story to Somethings Got To Give? It would be interesting. We were all told that Ms. Monroe was fired because MM was giving a poor performance as if "acting under water" Instead we see the unfinished film and outtakes and Ms. Monroe looks gorgeous maybe the most beautiful of her career and splendid in her acting. Marilyn Monroe's "Greta Garbo" scenes are hilarious. MM's frisky skinny dip scene is sexy and again proof the Star was in total control. Lovely lady. Marilyn Monroe was scheduled to resume Somethings Got To Give with her cast mates Dean Martin and Cyd Charisse but under Jean Neguelsco's direction. Good deal. I am not sure the relationship between George Cukor and Ms. Monroe was ever that great. And Mr. Cukor made some snide comments about MM after her Death joining in the chorus of those at the time trying to demean the Great Star. 20th was allowing Elizabeth Taylor and cast to run up huge overtime bills for Cleopatra but made the Great Star who made them millions upon millions with Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Bus Stop, Niagra, The Seven Year Itch and her other famous 20th Century Fox films insisted that the crews of her film have MM's birthday party at the studio after hours. Marilyn Monroe photographed by the great Franz Planner and costumed by a genius Jean Louis and looking better on screen than she had since Some Like It Hot, and beautifully performing Her role, this movie would have been a smash hit.How we miss you Marilyn! The Greatest Star
JasparLamarCrabb SOMETHING'S GOT TO GIVE is what MOVE OVER DARLING would have been had Marilyn Monroe not been fired by Fox and it's a shame it wasn't completed because what's here is choice. Monroe returns home after being on a desert isle with Tom Tryon only to find out husband Dean Martin is marrying Cyd Charisse. She tries to get him jealous with Wally Cox(!)substituting for Tryon. It's silly, fun and extremely well put together by the master George Cukor, who managed to squeeze out a lot with very little. Martin is Martin, Monroe is terrific (and stunning!) and Charisse is gorgeous. Phil Silvers pops up briefly as the insurance adjuster and Steve Allen is pretty funny as a then pop-psychiatrist. If nothing else, the film is of historic importance.
oliverpenn I taped the "finished" product of "Something's Gotta Give" when it appeared on AMC. Being a fan of Marilyn Monroe's, I expected to like what I saw. The documentary showed Marilyn just as she has been described by many of her co-stars: confused, ill-prepared and generally "lost." By the time that Tony Curtis finished "Some Like It Hot," he almost hated Marilyn. Movie stars like Curtis do NOT like waiting around all day for their co-star to show up! And, when they show up, not ready to perform.Tony Randall said of Monroe: "if you were there watching her film a scene, you'd say, 'she'll never get by'...but the next day, you look at the rushes and MAGIC ON THE SCREEN." He felt, basically, that Monroe had "no talent." That the camera transformed her. Tom Ewell ("Seven Year Itch") said, "what you see on the screen with Marilyn, usually took up to 90 takes per scene. She couldn't remember her lines." More than any of her movies, I think that "Something's...Give" would have been awful, worse than Doris Day's overblown version, which was ill-directed. Dean Martin looked totally out of it, while Cyd Charisse did quite a credible job, much better than Polly Bergen, who was much too "acty" and over the top.Day, a much more skilled actress than Monroe, had her moments in "Move Over Darling," but the script was bad, and they should have used Day's own hair instead of those crazy wigs.Poor Marilyn's brain was not up to making ANY film at the time of SGTG. I must admit that she was much better when she kept her mouth shut (when she first saw her children on her return), but her scenes with Dean were God awful. The best thing she did was take a nude swim.Just compare Day's scene with Don Knotts and Monroe's with Wally Cox in the department store scene. Day and night. Day/Knotts was certainly better than the grade school calibre acting of Monroe/Cox.To be fair to everyone. I didn't like "My Favorite Wife," "Something's Gotta Give" or "Move Over Darling." Was there a "Thelma Ritter" in "Something's"?
LeslieHell Whether or not George Cukor would have made a good, sexy comedy from "Something's Gotta Give" is a moot point. We'll never know if it would have been compared favorably to its source, the very funny Cary Grant/Irene Dunn movie "My Favorite Wife." It would have to have been better than "Move Over, Darling," the mess it turned into after Marilyn Monroe died.We don't know what sort of screen chemistry would have been generated by Marilyn Monroe and Dean Martin (though if an actor ever came off bad with Martin, it wasn't Martin's fault). We don't know if the public would have accepted Monroe as a performer of significance for the emerging nineteen-sixties; each new decade necessitates weeding out what or whom isn't going to work from the previous one. We don't even know if this movie would have been entertaining or embarrassing, or both like "Some Like It Hot."But thanks to the 37 minutes of footage that someone managed to find, process, and splice together, we do know a couple of things:1. Though a little underweight, Marilyn Monroe still looked like she would glow in the dark; sexy, funny, tremendously likable to men and to women, and unlike any of her imitators. She drops a lot of the breathless affectations she picked up around "How to Marry a Millionaire," using mostly the sweet voice we hear in her TV interviews. 2. She missed lines here and there but Marilyn was touching and convincing as a mother of two kids (!) as well as a sexy wife. Nobody seems to be enjoying the famous nude swim scene more than she.It's common knowledge that a few weeks into shooting "Something's Gotta Give" Marilyn was fired by 20th Century Fox. What too few people know is that shortly thereafter the studio and her agents were already negotiating a new contract for Marilyn, one that would guarantee her better material, choices of directors, and a substantially higher salary. A few upcoming projects that were being considered for her were "Period of Adjustment," "Irma La Douce," "Two for the Seesaw," and "What a Way to Go." If you have a chance to see this 37-minute curiosity, do so by all means. It isn't much, but it's like Marilyn popping out of the sky, laughing and giving us one last wink.