Solo mía
Solo mía
| 31 October 2001 (USA)
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A women meets a charming man and falls in love, they get married and start a family. As they age and have children, the man's becomes violent and abusive.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
monkeyshines17 This is a decent film about domestic abuse with the final conclusion that you don't hit the ones you love. Period. There is also a fair amount of social commentary concerning the weak laws that protect abused women from their husbands, especially when a child is involved.What is scary is that people still think that it is OK for a husband to beat his wife in this day and age. That is not love. The previous comment on this page mentioned that the film showed the husband to be completely at fault. He is. She smokes while she is pregnant. That is a terrible thing to do, but it does not warrant how he beats her, kicks her while she is on the ground, gives her black eyes and slams her head into the cupboards.Normally I would say that this film is sad, but trite. However after seeing the post before mine, perhaps much of the world hasn't yet figured out that domestic abuse can never be justified. You don't hit the ones you love.
bjorkpluto Paz Vega is just as famous as Penelope Cruz in Spain. Vega was excellent in the film Sex with Lucia and now she shines in Solo Mia. Solo Mia is excellent it shows the humiliation and the torture women experience due to domestic violence.Also, Solo Mia is very different from many Spainish films I have seen this movie is not about love or no latin lover this movie is about a cruel evil man Joquain played by Sergi Lopez that is insecure and hates his wife. Unlike typical North American movies on domestic violence Solo Mia goes BEYOND just showing Joquain beat his wife Angela once or twice this movie goes beneath your skin and SHOWS HOW HORRIBLE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IS. Also, when Angela goes to court to get Joquain charged she learns Spainsh women have NO RIGHTS IN TERMS OF PROTECTING THEMSELVES FROM THEIR HUSBANDS. The movie also is a social commentary on Spainsh attitudes towards domestic violence but also about Spain's brtual sexism and misogyny against women. Paz Vega can now be seen in the Adam Sandler flick Spanglish but Vega is a true star already. I wish Vega great success in the future. I admire European cinema that doesn't sugar coat violence against women like North American films tend to do.
Andres Rais I went to Spain last week with my family for a wedding. I was suggested to buy "Te doy mis ojos" due to recommendations and critics. My dad was listening. So we went for it. While I was in another part of the store taking a look, my father came with this movie. "This is it", said my dad. I accepted to buy it because Sergi Lopez was in it. Thank god he played a very difficult character with his experience in acting. So, he did not let me down. The movie did. I will try to be brief to make my point here. Sergi played Joaquin a man who beats his beautiful wife Angela (Paz Vega). What I did not like is that the movie shows that he is the only one guilty, like her friend Andrea (Elvira Minguez) said. I mean, she was going to have a baby and she lightened a smoke. That is silly after a warning of him. The characters played both like children. The difference was that Joaquin went insane or any other adjective you wanna add. I think that some parts were not very intense, hard and the story demanded. Performances were pretty good with the best on Elvira Minguez and Alberto Jimenez (Andrea and his husband). My rating: 4.5 out of 10. Andres.
jotix100 Domestic violence is perhaps more prevalent than one realizes. People caught in this situation often don't have the guts to confront reality and never leave the relationship soon enough to gain their sanity.This film, directed by Javier Balaguer, was shown recently on cable and since it paired Sergi Lopez, perhaps Spain's best movie actor, and Paz Vega, got my attention.The situation presented here is a study on how Joaquin, an up and coming advertising executive meets and falls in love with the lovely Angela. One can see from the beginning this relationship is doomed. Joaquin takes out all his frustrations on Angela and beats her up on many occasions until Angela walks out. The best part of the film is the surprising twist we witness at the end. We realize that justice works in mysterious ways, but it finally arrives and Angela is a winner.Sergi Lopez is excellent as Joaquin. This actor has an intelligence that keeps amazing his fans from one film to next. Paz Vega is a beautiful, but resolute Angela. Elvira Minguez plays the pivotal role of Andrea, Angela's best friend, with conviction.