| 19 November 2015 (USA)
Sociopathia Trailers

Introverted and peculiar, Mara spends her days fabricating props for movies. But her reclusive persona conceals an internal wrath. Terrified of being alone, Mara refuses to let her lovers leave, sadistically murdering them and keeping their corpses as living dolls. When she's hired by Kat, a fledgling producer, the two instantly hit it off. As their relationship grows more intense, Mara begins to lose her already fragile grip on reality. When her dolls begin demanding all of her attention, and Kat threatens to break her heart, Mara spirals into psychosis, leaving her no choice but to kill again.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Leofwine_draca SOCIOPATHIA is a lame attempt at a psychological horror movie, a simple gender-swap rip-off of the banned classic MANIAC. The story is about a dull woman who works making special effects props by day and who kills her lovers by night, turning them into human dolls to keep her company. This dull film features indifferent acting and lots of sexual content, but not much else. A lot of effort has obviously gone in to make it quite nice looking at times but why bother when the film has no voice, no personality, and certainly no sense of menace or disquiet.
Woodyanders Deranged and introverted, but still endearing kook Mara (a credible and sympathetic performance by the adorable Tammy Jean) has a job making props for movies. Things seem to pick up for Mara after she meets and falls for perky producer Kat (a winningly spunky portrayal by Asta Parades), but after their heated relationship falters Mara loses her already tenuous grasp on reality and goes off the murderous deep end.Directors Ruby Larocca and Rich Mallery do a sturdy and compelling job of astutely capturing Mara's unhinged state of mind (the scenes with Mara talking to various toys and the rotting bodies of her victims are genuinely creepy and unsettling), ground the macabre premise in a plausible everyday world, and deliver a satisfying smattering of tasty distaff nudity and steamy soft-core sex along with a handy helping of nasty gore. The crackling erotic tension between the attractive and enticing leads provides plenty of extra sizzle. However, this film's key triumph is the remarkable way it depicts Mara as a tragic and troubled person who evokes a complex mix of fear and pity from the viewer. Kudos are also in order for Jared Noe's crisp cinematography and Sean Burnell's shuddery score. A solid little fright flick.
shawnblackman This one was directed by Ruby Larocca who everybody knows from Orgasm Torture In Satan's Rape Clinic (2004). Story centres around a prop builder who we quickly find out doesn't have all her buttons and as a result she throws on a mask and kills people always getting blood everywhere.The film just ends up being a female version of Maniac (1980) which is probably her homage of sorts but it comes too close to Maniac (2012) release which still leaves a bad taste.I guess for Ruby's first time directing its not bad. Film quality is good as well.
LasKeepsItReal This is my review for Sociopathia which will contain several spoilers throughout!This film follows the story of Mara a young woman who often secludes herself from the outside world unless she has to go to work or is looking for a lover to keep forever!Mara works for a film production company designing film props, she chooses to often pass on social activities with her co workers while using her work schedule as an excuse in reality she is looking for her ideal candidate to be her lesbian girlfriend and be loyal by her side.Mara quickly meets young and attractive women on a regular basis although for them they either don't want a relationship with her, are looking for a casual fling or have another agenda. She kills the women one by one and does not want the women to leave her apartment so keeps their bodies as dolls and regularly has imaginary conversations with them. She is taking medication for various illnesses so believes in her hallucinations and can't control them.Everything starts to improve for Mara when she meets another woman named Kat who is also working at the same production company and their friendship soon turns romantic and they embark on a relationship. It is not long before they both face problems and Mara will have to decide if Kat is the right woman for her especially when there is so much about her hidden life she does not know about and her beliefs that her previous dead lovers are being possessive and making her life more complicated.I did find the idea of this thriller interesting and the obvious references to the films Maniac (1980) and May (2002) so i could understand where the plot was going. The only two characters who had the most substance to them were Mara and Kat although i preferred the character of Kat in the movie. I was however slightly disappointed that there was not more background information or a flashback into how Mara started to suffer from mental health problems which ultimately turned her into a murderess even though in one scene towards the end of the film there was a hint but it did not go any further. The film also had enough violence,blood and nudity to please most horror fans although for me this did not compensate for what could have been more that an average film.I would rate this film 6 out of 10!
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