So You Said Yes
So You Said Yes
| 07 February 2015 (USA)
So You Said Yes Trailers

A woman who avoids relationships opens a vintage bridal shop, and goes head-to-head with the snobbish owner of the town’s classical bridal shop—only to find out her rival is the mother of her new boyfriend.

CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
huggibear Touching, sweet, romantic comedy & drama. Well, it doesn't classify as a romance according to IMDb, but I beg to differ. It was unlike most movies in the way of romance. It didn't have the most prettiest gal nor the most handsomest guy as the main characters, but that's what was different about it. The acting was good. It had a charming appeal! It's worth one viewing.
lojaentrecampos No good script. Couple ages not match. Not very real ... someone that always interrupts and say bad of your mother is not natural to fall in love. Not real that the mayor daughter would like dress like that.I just saw half. Not worth see the rest. The yoga and oriental food, the physiologist to artificial. The relation between them not natural like kiss out of nothing.They are not bad actors, but the things they have to do is completely unreal.
marsmii I managed to get through 1/2 of it, but it was agony so turned it off. Kellie Martin has not aged well and always has a stressed look to her in any roll she plays anymore. She looks much older than what she actually is, so her playing the romantic lead in a movie just doesn't work. Maybe she'd be better in a heavier roll as a detective or a librarian---or maybe she could learn to lighten up and smile. It was not an enjoyable movie even though the male lead did a great job. Jennifer Dale was good as his snooty mother but she seemed too young to be his mother. I agree with the person who said Kellie and Jennifer looked close in age. Bruce Boxleitner is always a joy to watch.
Pheeke This movie was not good. Often I forgive a lot in chick-flicks because I am enjoying them so much but this one was just boring. No effort was put in the story or the performances. It's predictable and annoying at times.I love stories about weddings and romance, but no chemistry between the couple was to be found. The main character was one-dimensional. They tried to give her character by making her quirky, which never works. The love-interest had no development and was just there as plot point. Only the mother-in-law had a little backstory. They make her the villain for so long that at the time you have to start liking her it's too fast of a turnaround.There is not enough in this movie to make it awful, but there is certainly nothing good here either.