Snowman's Land
Snowman's Land
| 14 September 2012 (USA)
Snowman's Land Trailers

When the wife of a crime boss is accidentally killed, the hit man who was hired to protect the remote house in which she was living tries to keep her death under wraps. Fearing vengeance from the gangster, he's soon locked in a fight for survival.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
carbuff Very good dark comedy set in unpopulated portion of Germany (I believe) in winter, taking place mostly in a large empty hotel. The very stark winter works exceptionally well with the subject matter of this film, which is the story of how two bungling low-level German hit men spiral into a mess of trouble. I don't want to spoil anything, so I'll just say that the fairly original plot develops pretty slowly for most American tastes, although it had no problem keeping my attention, especially given its many unpredictable plot twists. If you have some patience and let the plot develop some momentum, I think you will find that the story becomes quite compelling. About the only major negative comment I can make about this film is that it is devoid of likable characters--if you truly need somebody to root for, there's nobody here, with the possible exception of the least stupid hit-man, who is the lead character, and who you are obviously supposed to find sympathetic (although I personally didn't find myself very invested in his fate either). Unlike after nearly every Hollywood blockbuster, I actually felt like I consumed something intellectually nutritious here, so, for that alone, it deserves a high rating.
Horst in Translation ( "Snowman's Land" is the second film written and directed by Tomasz Thomsen and came out almost 10 years after his first work "Stiller Sturm". The main character is played by Jürgen Rißmann and while I was occasionally not sure if he was boring or quietly convincing, as a whole, I liked his performance. It was a mix of the two characters mentioned in the title of my review. He also had nice physical presence. There were quite a few indicators of what is going to happen. For example when his young colleague (reminded me a bit of Pinkman in "Breaking Bad") tells he is unbreakable at one point, it was fairly obvious he is not gonna survive this movie. Same goes for the character played by Kanischtscheff. When he keeps rambling about how this is all gonna be his I felt that he will be killed off at some point as well.I personally enjoyed the first 30-45 minutes of this film the most. There is not really a lot happening, but the tension between the two contract killers and the woman is pretty interesting. When Berger enters the picture, it gets slightly worse, although I liked the idea that they wanted to try to kill him. However, he was faster. When they find the girl and Berger suspects somebody else, it all gets a bit weak and the best moments of the film had already passed. Especially that bald muscular guy all of a sudden knocking out Berger was so out of nowhere, certainly one plot twist too many. I'm not too big on the narrator either. The ending was a bit strange as Berger and the bald guy suddenly disappear and Rißmann's character actually manages to get into safety. It would have made sense if they, according to the title, would only have displayed what happened in the snowy forest area, but early on and also the final scene took place somewhere entirely different. Maybe too much of a forced happy ending for my taste.This film works best with its dark humor. The dramatic sequences were not that great mostly and it was not an outstanding thriller either, but that whole tongue-in-cheek approach is well done. That intro was pretty entertaining with the botched shooting. All in all, I recommend watching it. I just wish the second half of the film could have been half as superb as the first.
gsjaeger-968-581723 A unique and, to me, hilarious film. The dialog is a treasure, with just the right density for the setting. The characters are well and carefully developed, for the relatively shallow people they are meant to be. I've seen it compared to "Dumb and Dumber", but that is really not a meaningful comparison, as this is a much darker and existential film. Indeed, there are a serious of tortuous situations the two main characters are run through. The film comes across a bit like a Tarantino in the woods but without the 70s baggage and with a touch of Stephen King. The film is full of great twists and turns and well paced, considering the idyllic setting. I cannot wait for another film from this writer/director. It is very nice that it was picked up by Netflix in the US. You will like it a lot or not at all.
alpatin This movie is not very typical of German (dark) comedies -- it's intelligently written and well thought out. The actors do a great job of making situations which could easily fall flat very enjoyable to watch and the dialogue is strong. It is easy to root for and sympathize with the main character, even when his actions are questionable; the actor does a great job of pulling off the role. The movie is quiet and reserved, there is no slapstick or cheesy dialogue to keep things moving. It remains suspenseful, however, until the end. Definitely worth seeing if you enjoy untraditional comedies.