Snervous Tyler Oakley
Snervous Tyler Oakley
PG-13 | 11 December 2015 (USA)
Snervous Tyler Oakley Trailers

After eight years of sharing snippets of his life online, see the intimate truth of Tyler Oakley's relationship with family, followers and fame on his sold out international tour.

SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
hayley gardner Honestly, if you haven't see Snervous I feel bad for you. Tyler Oakley is such an amazing person. Every second with him is hilarious and entertaining. If you know Tyler at all, or have seen even one of his youtube videos or iconic tweets, you don't need to be persuaded to watch Snervous. If you don't know who Tyler, he is the most funny, charming, entertaining, caring guy on the internet. Also making frequent appearances is Tyler's best friend Korey. Korey is another guy who anyone could watch for ages. He's so kind, genuine, and funny. Watching Tyler and Korey's friendship on screen, you can see how well they compliment each other. Truly a dynamic duo. tl,dr: Getting to spend 80 minutes following Tyler Oakley's life is such a gift. Just watch Snervous. Now.
Emily Whitten Honestly I was blown away by snervous. Having been a viewer for a while now, I felt such a connection to Tyler but this documentary only increased that feeling. Tyler let's you in on the ins and outs of YouTube fan culture, from incredible experiences to ones that make you reconsider everything you would do were you to see your favorite celebrity in public. It's honest, raw and heart touching as snervous explores the friendship between Korey and Tyler and the relationship between creator and viewer from the creator side. I would recommend it to anyone confused as to what a youtuber does and what their impact is, a YouTube fan or anyone looking for a funny but meaningful adventure.
paxton malone Everything. about the movie was amazing. I watched for the first time (yes I've watched more than once) at the premiere in LA. I was there with my mom so I was expecting her to be complaining but wen we walked out of the theater, she was in tears. She said the movie was amazing (and I agreed) and said that she wish she could meet Queen Jackie. Tyler Oakley is not only an amazing creator of amazing content, he is an amazing person all around. He truly cares about his people and I know all almost 8 million of us care about him just as much. This movie will make you laugh, cry, cheer, and make you wish you were at every stop of the slumber party tour. The best part is really getting to see what life for him is like behind a computer screen. Tyler, Korey, and everyone else are already so genuine, but seeing what really goes down will raise your level of respect and admiration for a large group of people. I'm so proud of everyone that worked on this movie, they all did such an amazing job. CONGRATS TYLER AND KOREY AND EVERYONE ELSE! Love you guys so much!💙
cait disneylandtyler Tyler Oakley, among a few others who have achieved an extreme level of global success due to their YouTube careers, faces two reactions from members of the general public. Either they are a huge fan of Tyler and his work or they have no concept of what a YouTuber is; let alone who he is. Whichever of these categories you fall under, this film is a perfect insight into the truth of a lifestyle that people imagine to always run smoothly and flawlessly, without upset or disruptions. For a fan of Tyler, SNERVOUS shows the behind the scenes perspective of a sold-out international tour and just how much effort goes into each product, each tour or event appearance. Similarly, for people who might not understand the hype around YouTubers and the rise of Internet stars the film shows the intricate details of the effort that goes into an internet based career and how life is when dealing with such a new and unique form of fame.I truly believe anyone could find enjoyment or entertainment within this movie and any viewer would certainly learn a lot about the complexity of a famous lifestyle, such as Tyler's. The movie perfectly illustrates the highs and lows of life as part of the LGBTQ+ community and life as an Internet celebrity, also highlighting how fan culture can be both so positive and negative depending on how people conduct themselves. I honestly adore this movie and know anyone else would, too.