Small Town Girl
Small Town Girl
NR | 10 April 1936 (USA)
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Kay is a girl living in a small rural town whose life is just too dull and repetitious to bear. One night, she meets young, handsome, and rich Bob Dakin, who asks her for directions while drunk and then proceeds to take her out on a night on the town. Kay likes the stranger, and when the drunken Bob decides that they should get married, Kay hesitates little before consenting. The morning after the affair, Bob, once sober, regrets his mistake. His strict and upright parents, however, insist that the young couple pretend marriage for 6 months before divorcing, in order to avoid bad publicity. Bob resents Kay for standing in the way of him and his fiancée, Priscilla, but Kay still hopes that he'd have a change of heart.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
mark.waltz When big city folk invade the New England town of Carvel for a big game, STG Janet Gaynor ends up on a sudden date with BTB Robert Taylor and after a night of champagne, ends up in front of a JIP. It's a definite case of WTH the next morning when they wake up in his car with a marriage license sitting between them. This Carvel is no relation to the home of Andy Hardy in the series which began the following year at MGM, but like some omen (bad or good), Lewis Stone is cast here as Taylor's very serious father. He's a doctor who works at a Boston clinic, and is involved with the snooty and selfish Binnie Barnes who agrees to go away for six months to avoid the scandal while Taylor and Gaynor pretend to be on their honeymoon and attempting to make their marriage work.Comedy erupts on Taylor's yacht as Gaynor deals with sea sickness, even though she's ordered the most magnificent of foods she feels are typical high society cuisine. But once they settle into their marriage, Gaynor's feelings become clear even though Barnes' sudden return from her trip means nights alone as he neglects her and the clinic (especially a young patient who adores him) and Barnes simply hangs up the phone when Gaynor desperately tries to get ahold of him. "Uncle Henry" Charley Grapewin is dapper here as the well dressed head of the clinic who has no faith in Taylor's future as a top doctor, thinking him a fool and warning Stone that he may not have a long future if his frivolous behavior continues.This is at its most entertaining during the first half, although at over 100 minutes, it does tend to drag a bit. At times, Gaynor's small own girl is totally like Esther Blodgett during the early scenes, even though she adds some glamour along the way covering provincial innocence that Barnes considers non-threatening. But classic Hollywood always gave the underdog the man, and while Taylor may seem at home in fancy nightclubs (the one in Carvel seems way out of place) and on yachts, he's certainly not going to find happiness with the selfish Binnie no matter how much she tries to manipulate him. It's no surprise to discover that "A Star is Born's" William Wellman directed this, and it would be Gaynor's next role which brought her screen immortality.Joining Taylor, Gaynor, Barnes and Stone are James Stewart as Gaynor's small town admirer (really given nothing to do), Nella Walker as Taylor's kindly society matron mother (who sees through Barnes and obviously would prefer Gaynor), as well as Frank Craven and Elizabeth Patterson as Gaynor's parents and Andy Devine as their son-in-law whose seemingly giant baby pelts everybody with rice pudding and potatoes. It's typical MGM light romantic fare where the praises of home and family explodes off the screen, city people are presented as pretentious and short-sighted to the rest of the world, and the sweet country folk are praised as only as Louis B. Mayer could demand them to be.
Michael_Elliott Small Town Girl (1936) *** (out of 4) Charming Cinderella type story about a poor farm girl (Janet Gaynor) who goes out with a rich playboy (Robert Taylor) and after getting drunk the two are married. When they sober up they realize the mistake they've made but agree to stay married for six months so that the scandal won't ruin his career. Director Wellman handles the rather sappy story very well and the two stars really shine, which is the main reason this film works. Gaynor is very charming here and quite believable as the poor girl who gets caught up in something she didn't expect. Taylor is equally impressive and is able to be charming yet a jerk at the same time. The strong supporting cast includes Lewis Stone, Binnie Barnes, Andy Devine and James Stewart. The film runs a tad bit too long and is quite predictable but there's no denying the charm between the cast.
bkoganbing For most of her career Janet Gaynor did nothing, but play small town girls, the best known being Esther Blodgett. But I've seen her in films like State Fair and Three Loves Has Nancy and it's the same part, the girl from the tiny hamlet who conquers the big city and the men in it. With a title like this, there was only one casting possibility.Janet's a girl who's thoroughly stuck in a rut in her New England hamlet and yearns for a little adventure. She finds it in the person of Robert Taylor, a young doctor who comes from a wealthy Boston family. After a night's carousing Gaynor and Taylor are married, to the chagrin of his fiancé, Binnie Barnes and her boyfriend James Stewart. Remember this is Boston so Taylor's father Lewis Stone prevails on Taylor to give the marriage a few months trial. Of course this is where the balance of the story comes in. In many ways this plot seems like a harbinger of The Way We Were.Taylor's career was now in full swing as Small Town Girl was the next film after his breakout performance in Magnificent Obsession. Remember in that film he was a playboy who became a doctor. Here's he's a doctor who doubles as a playboy. Never mind though, feminine hearts all over the English speaking world were fluttering over MGM's latest heartthrob. My mother who was a juvenile at this time told me that Taylor's appeal back in these days was just about the same as Elvis's.James Stewart was at the beginning of his career as well as MGM had him in about seven features in 1936, mostly in support. Interesting though with worse career management, he could have gone on playing hick roles like Elmer the boyfriend. But it was also obvious there was a spark of stardom with him as well.Gaynor would leave the screen a few years later, Taylor was at the beginning of his career. He'd have better acting roles in his future, but for now Small Town Girl is a great example of the screen heartthrob he was at the beginning of his stardom. Fans of both stars will like what they see in Small Town Girl.
Arthur Hausner I'm always leery of any film in which a couple marry when they are drunk and then can't remember what happened later when they are sober. That is partially the premise in this film; it is Robert Taylor who is the drunkard and he recalls what happened with great difficulty. Janet Gaynor had been drinking, but she knew what she was doing and took the opportunity to get out of her small-town humdrum life. To me, the situation is virtually impossible, and what J.P. would marry a man who is that pie-eyed? Still, once the event happens, I found myself rather enjoying most of the rest of the movie despite its predictability. Only the yacht trip dragged a little.I confess I was never a Taylor or Gaynor fan when I say that the best one in the film is 8th-billed James Stewart, playing Gaynor's home-town boyfriend. It wasn't too much longer when his star shone much brighter than either of the two stars in this film.