Small Town Folk
Small Town Folk
| 01 January 2007 (USA)
Small Town Folk Trailers

High above the tiny hamlet of Grockleton stands Beesley Manor, home to the ominous Landlord and his...shall we say, genetically ambiguent...minions, including Pooch, a cross-eyed marksman, and Dobbin, who likes to drink gasoline. The Landlord keeps a watchful eye over his domain, brutally dispatching any strangers who enter - except for females he needs to (involuntarily) sire a Beesley heir...When three unsuspecting travelers arrive, the Landlord plans to make two of them his trophies and the other his bride...unless they can beat him at his own game.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
fatkitty Hey there horror fanistos! Laughed my ass off at this one! I am a connoisseur of this stuff and this film goes where no other horror/comedy film has gone before....yeah just like the Starship Enterprise boys and girls, and they did it with out any mullah!! That's right, eat your heart out you behemoth beasts of spending, this film is like you smoked a blunt when you didn't have to pay for it! Little models, little person (so politically correct aren't I!) in a pouch no less, horseshoes a flying, knives a stabbing, and it is just so hilariously plotted and acted--- and seriously I must say that this film is a must must must! Gotta see the bicycle helmet guy and the mumbling bad dudes-- watched it with 5 friends, we kept rewinding it to watch certain shots/scenes that were just cleverly, stupidly, hilarious ! To the director of this little master minded piece: when is the next one a'comin? Get some dough this time and you could be the next Sam Raimi Seriously. Truly bluely. Oh and by the way, the reviews I just read on this site that are, for lack of a better word, moronic and absurd --what'sup with that?? Are you people for real?? This film is toasty golden!
aaronmocksing1987 They said this movie would be the absurdity that is Terry Gilliam if he took acid and wrote a horror movie. I'm saddened to say that this movie doesn't quite feel like that, and that's probably a punch in the gut to me considering the review came from Canada. This is the kind of movie that is more like... if Benny Hill took cocaine, filmed a pornography, and let Quentin Tarantino swap parts of the filming arrangements with Uwe Boll. From here, it would be vomited on and possibly shat on with several homeless people in the editing room, where they spliced themselves into it.To be honest, I don't know what the hell is going on with this movie. It's supposed to be a British version of 'The Crazies' with some 'Hills Have Eyes' and some Rob Zombie sprinkled on, but in the end, I see nothing funny or scary.If these people want to make a horror movie, I suggest you go back to school and learn something. Because this is pretty stupid.
team_jasper-1 This movie was so awful I went on my laptop ten minutes in to write this review. The acting was bad, the plot was bad, and the footage is nothing but killers running after victims while making confusing comments in between.The first half hour is nothing but close-ups of their face. The camera is practically shoved into their face. Even in a conversation, they'd have nothing but shots of their face. Even if they were running, they'd have shots of their face, a 2 second shot of their back, then back again to freakishly close shots of their face.You can't even rely on the gore in the movie, because most of it isn't shown, and if it is, it looks so fake, there's no way you can get scared.In the first part of the film, it was so obvious they used green screen. The lines were blurred, the scenes looked fake, it was like I was watching a Disney movie. Except I would have rather watched a Disney.An hour in, and the movie was still playing. By this time, no one was watching except me so I can make an accurate review. At this point, it's nothing but running, violence that's not really violence, screaming and hitting.You'd have to completely pay attention to this movie in order to understand what it's about but it's hard to even watch it for ten minutes.This movie was so bad, I would have called it a comedy if not for the fact that it was put in the horror section of the movie rentals. Except, even the humour sucked so either way, it's a bad comedy and a bad horror film.
robertrun This will be one of the biggest wastes of time, it will annoy you and you will regret your decision. I can't think of another reason someone would produce this pile of s--- unless they were just sadistic, talentless freaks with too much money or time on their hands.I kept waiting for some kind of twist or plot development that would make it worth watching and it never happened.It's starts out with some promise, or inklings that their may be something good coming.. BUT IT NEVER HAPPENS.It gets worse and worse and worse as the movie goes, right up until the end when you realize you will never get the time back that you lost watching it.There is NOTHING REDEEMING ABOUT THIS MOVIE.