Sleeping Bride
Sleeping Bride
| 29 January 2000 (USA)
Sleeping Bride Trailers

Sleeping Bride is the story of a girl, Yumi, who since birth, has never been awake. A boy called Yuuichi finds the girl in the hospital while he is a patient there. A nurse remarks that the girl is 'Sleeping Beauty', and Yuuichi believes that a kiss from a prince will wake her, just like the story. Yuuichi returns to see Yumi every day, says 'Wake up, I'm the prince' and kisses her. Ten years later he restarts his daily ritual to see Yumi, one day she wakes up.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Ian Clark To compose into words just how good this film is would be nigh on impossible for myself. As other users have noted this film, packaged with the RINGU trilogy box set, is given a misleading approach by the liner notes stating it is thematically similar to the RINGU films. However what I can say is that this deliberately fools you - horror? NO. Enjoyable? on.......The style of the film with the neutral colours and direction, the way in which it is lit and photographed, is absolutely stunning. I myself put the DVD on thinking it would be a horror - after thirty minutes I was frowning, but by the end I was in awe of how good a film it actually is. It takes you on an unexpected journey and you disembark feeling so much the better! To open with a large scale disaster and end with a more personal one - it comes full circle. Along the way you grow as the main characters develop and see things as they would. For the theological discussion at the end brings home exactly why Yumi has been granted this time on Earth - that God watches over us and tests the human spirit? For Yuuichi to be surrounded by all his friends and loving mother yet he is prepared to risk all on Yumi? Would I be alone in thinking that she is a gift from God? She fell from the sky and therefore the angel-likening stems from that. Towards the end her Father is calling her and she knows she must return - can Yuuichi give back that which is most precious to him? The end reveals the answer to this..To sum up though these petty ramblings I would say that this film is an absolute delight to watch and is up there in my favourites - and I have the most eclectic taste in films!! Watch it - put the DVD on, sit back and enjoy!!
Ben Westwood Okay, so if you're having a nice day and you don't want to watch a horror movie with your friends and you want your girlfriend to be putty in your hands, then rent this and show it to her.I was lucky enough to get this from Japan before it came out in the UK with the box set. When I watched it, I really wanted to see it for it's Rikiya Otaka at the start. He played his part great in the movie as younger Yuuchi. He was cool the way he played it.I think you should watch it if you want a sappy and good hearted romance with cute little kiddies in it and high young girl. One for the ladies, and one for us lads if we've got her on a date! Really cool, bye!
MegatonShotblast I got this film in the Ring trilogy box set and according to the write up it was going to be a horror version of Sleeping Beauty and was similar in style to Ring.Its pretty much wrong on both accounts. Although the story is based on the Sleeping Beauty story I fail to see where they got the horror element from.It does have a similar look to the Ring but thats only cause its made by the same guy. But if your going in expecting a horror film then your gong to be a bit disappointed. Then again having said that I was expecting a horror and I came out enjoying it even more then I thought I was going to. Call me a sentimental old fool but when a love story is done well I really love a good love film.I'm sorry my review isn't so good but I couldn't let there be only one review especially one saying it sucked.
toasterc It is hard to describe this film and one wants to tried hard not to dismiss it too quickly because you have a feeling that this might just be the perfect film for some 12 years old girl...This film has a nice concept-the modern version of Sleeping Beauty with a twist. It has some rather dreamy shots and some nice sketches of the young boy relationship with his single working mother and his schoolmate... a nice start you might say, but then it got a bit greedy, very greedy, it tries to be a science fiction, a drama, a thriller, a possible romantic love story, fairy tale, a comedy and everything under the sun. The result just left the audience feeling rather inadequate. For example, the scene when the girl(played by Risa Goto) finally woken by his(Yuki Kohara) kiss, instead of being romantic, it try's to be scary in order to make us laugh afterwards... it is a cheap trick, because it ruin all the anticipation and emotion which it was trying to build for the better half of the film. I have not read the original story the film is base on (it is the well-known work by the comic-book artist Osamu Tezuka is famous with his intriguing and intricate stories) I wonder if all the problems exsist in the original story or did it occur in the adaption? It is rather illogical even for someone who is used to the "fussy logic" of those japanese comic-book. For instance, how did Yuki Kohara's character manage to get to the hospital in an instant(when its suppose to be a long bus-ride away)to run away Risa Goto's character in front of the tv cameras right after he saw her live interview on the television?There are also some scenes that is directly copied(very uncreative!) from other films and they all seem rather pointlessly annoying ie. the famous "the Lion mouth has caugh my hand" scene from "the "Roman Holiday"The film tries to be everything but ends up being nothing... it fails to be a fairy tale and it did not have enough jokes to be a comedy... and strangely there are some scenes that even seem like an unintentional "ghost" movie. Nevertheless, one should give it credit that it has managed to caputured some of the sentiment of the japanese teenager.It is by watching this film I have a feeling that there might be some films that should have come with a warning label that said "this film might only be suitable for person under the 18 of age", it would have definitly been on the poster of this film.