Sleep Furiously
Sleep Furiously
| 29 July 2011 (USA)
Sleep Furiously Trailers

Set in a small farming community in mid Wales, a place where Koppel's parents - both refugees - found a home. This is a landscape and population that is changing rapidly as small scale agriculture is disappearing and the generation who inhabited a pre-mechanised world is dying out. Much influenced by his conversations with the writer Peter Handke, the film maker leads us on a poetic and profound journey into a world of endings and beginnings; a world of stuffed owls, sheep and fire.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Tim Kidner Well, not really, but when we see the primary school class scenes, near the start, that is what immediately struck me and I'm sure anyone who's also seen and enjoyed the phenomenally popular and successful charting of a year of a French primary school and their teacher will know what I'm saying. Those who haven't - and enjoyed this, should check it out - directed by Nicolas Philibert, released 2002 and is sometimes known by its less elegant English translation 'To Be and To Have'.Now that I've established that Sleep Furiously isn't just about the primary school (but its importance resonates throughout) I agree with nearly all the comments from reviewers, from the positive to the critical. I can see why the young Welsh couple found it clunky and boring and casting a backwards look on their country-folk yet I can see it for what it is. I too, find it distasteful and mocking for comfortable people to see 'twee folk doing what comes naturally and jolly good luck to them' - as they open another bottle of wine.The reasons why I was attracted to buying, almost blind, except for reviews here and the advert, is because I'm an Englishman who lived and worked in Wales for a good portion of my adult life and for a time, dealt with agricultural policy. Very low down the ladder, I must add. I was also brought up on a farm myself. But mainly, because I'm very familiar with south Wales and re-visit regularly and with images of north Wales so prevalent in the touristy media (and now having taken up my hobby as photographer as part-time job) it's the oft forgotten 'middle-bit' of Wales that I've seen almost nothing of.Yet, of course, it is the main farming area and mention is made of the Royal Welsh Show (which I have been to) which is held near Builth Wells, in Mid Wales - not north or south, where more people could visit and make it more commercial but where the heart of the real country is.Yet, for all the predictability there is around people baking cakes and choosing books at the mobile library (I recall those in my childhood - and I'm mid 40's, so not THAT old!) it is the anticipation of what it is that comes next. Yes, you could fall asleep and no-one would really blame you but it also will bring down your blood pressure and I've always found Welsh used as everyday language, actually rather lovely, if that doesn't sound too patronising and how, with no obvious reason, English will be used instead, despite it being the same speakers and subject!It obviously hasn't found an audience as wide or large as To Be and to Have (which has been shown on BBC4) and it'd be futile to try and work out why and why not. For a moment I wondered if this was a vanity project by the director but I'm sure you'll see why I soon dropped this idea!I enjoyed the few time-lapsed sections probably the most - the curtains gently billowing in the breeze was sublime and the people with the fireworks, complete with a burst of the atmospheric electronic music, wonderful.Whilst not the bravest, nor the most cutting edge of even engaging documentary ever made, it is certainly good and I'm now looking forward to watching it with my 80 year old father and his sister over Christmas. He has always enjoyed nature programmes - and One Man and His Dog - plus attractive country scenery and the pace will suit them both to a tee. And as an old pig farmer, the sights and sounds of the piglets being born will be special, too, I'm sure.
rogerdarlington The oxymoronic and enigmatically titled "Sleep Furiously" is the slowest film you will ever see. First-time director, producer and cinematographer Gideon Koppel portrays Trefeurig, the Welsh farming community in Ceredigion where he grew up and where his parents found refuge from Nazi Germany.Over the seasons of a year, we are witness to the remorseless decline of a rural way of life that is serene but sentimentalised. There is no narration and no narrative and the dialogue - much of it in Welsh - is often banal, yet there are some stunning scenes and the whole thing has a certain elegiac charm.During the performance, my young Welsh friend leaned over to my half-Welsh wife and commented: "Now I remember why I left Wales".
oOgiandujaOo_and_Eddy_Merckx After this film I struggled to collect my thoughts, and that's because really I felt like I had been watching two films, one a banal parochial documentary about decrepit ways of living in the sticks, and the other a mannered appreciation of Welsh landscape. The film for me is a conflation, how to square on one hand seeing time lapse photography of a baby sleeping, then a pulsating tarn with a dark and bizarre copse of trees in the middle of a wasteland, and on the other senile conversations about next to nothing, too hellish for Beckett to contemplate. There's no narration so as a viewer I was left with little context.The artist has a personal vision of a place which in my opinion he is trying to conflate into something universal to a community. His photography of an auction of farm items is beautiful and baroque, and yet to the people at the auction, that's not what they're seeing at all, they see function not form. Gideon Koppel's images feel to me like those of an outsider. Two authentic movies seem to me to jar together and produce something more confused.There are many beautiful images in Sleep Furiously, my favourites are a time lapse of a pair of tautly billowing curtains and a piece of glistening spider web by a collapsed curtain rail. Quite what to make of the non-experimental elements is difficult, are we seeing an elegy, or is what is being lost nothing to mourn at all, a vegetable lifestyle thrown back from more religious days when folks would read The Pilgrim's Progress and conclude that the pathway to heaven was accessed via drudgery?
tao902 A documentary about a Welsh farming community that is struggling to survive. Despite some beautiful scenic shots the film is awkwardly edited and of excessive duration. Many shots are long with little happening in them. It is not a good sign when you're desperately waiting for the film to end. This film does the farming community no favours. Some history, context and explanations for the village's demise would have given the film a clear purpose but we get little more than disconnected shots which are supposedly intended to have meaning but end up close to meaningless. The word 'pretentious' comes to mind. By the end of the documentary I didn't care if the community survived! Half the residents appeared to be English anyway! (I did sleep for a while, and yes, furiously).
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