Sky West and Crooked
Sky West and Crooked
| 31 August 1965 (USA)
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A young, lonely, emotionally challenged teenage girl finds solace in burying dead animals after the sudden traumatic death of a childhood friend 10 years earlier.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Johan Louwet I really like Hayley Mills acting. Even the movies that were not up my alley it was Ms Mills performance that made it bearable. She shines in both family movies and drama but I prefer her in the latter. Also here she is the one carrying the movie. While not her best it's in my opinion better than The Trouble with Angels, The Moon-Spinners and The Chalk Garden. But I think the B/W movies Tiger Bay and Whistle down the Wind are superior to Sky West and Crooked. Pollyanna is on par with this movie. So yes I really liked the story. Ms Mills and the other kids upsetting the community and the priest with the idea of burying all kinds of dead animals in the local graveyard, sad but even mildly amusing at the same time. Once Ms Mills character discovers why she is so traumatized and her mother is so depressed, the movie starts to drag quite a bit. Her time with the gypsies is considerably less interesting than everything that happened before but it is of course vital to the story and its ending which I loved. I would rate it 6,5/10 but give it 7 stars as 6 is just too low for such a strong performance from the main actress.
richievee I did not much care for this film the first time I saw it, but a second viewing created a more favorable impression. The acting is very good all around, particularly from the talented Hayley Mills, who holds my attention at every moment that she is on screen. Ian McShane, too, is quite convincing as the young Gypsy man, Roibin. Also deserving of special praise is Geoffrey Bayldon as the vicar. For a change, it is nice to see a church pastor portrayed in a positive light. The direction (John Mills) is always acceptable and at times much more than that. The fleeing of Brydie White is nicely handled with swiftly moving camera and quick cuts. Close-ups are very effective indeed, especially of Brydie, Roibin, and Rev. Moss. I love the way Hayley Mills invests her character with tiny facial mannerisms that almost certainly were not in the script. For example, watch her while Brydie is recuperating in the wagon's bed. Her look of confusion when she wakes up, views her surroundings, and later tastes the hedgehog soup is so real and convincing! She is just a brilliant and captivating actress who is able to make her roles come to life in a believable way. Hayley is, of course, utterly beautiful throughout every frame of the film, and it is no wonder why the Gypsy would be so smitten by Brydie's charms. The acting of village children is rather a hit and miss proposition, sometimes quite good and often impossibly amateurish. Plaudits, too, for Brydie's lovable canine companion, "Dog," whose real name is "Hamlet." Be sure to see the image gallery, which is one of the DVD's bonus extras. It contains lots of black-and-white shots from behind the scenes. Several show Hayley Mills's father (director John Mills) and mother (writer Mary Hayley Bell) during the days of production. Not a perfect film, by any means, but if you liked the far superior "Whistle Down the Wind," you will probably find something to enjoy here as well.
onlyscarlet I caught this film just now in the middle of the night (I get my best cinematic education from TCM and IMDb) and I missed part of the beginning, but you'd only need a snippet to see that Hayley's performance is stellar, unlike any movie I've ever seen her in. She's not a Disney darling here, that's for sure! Her own father directed her in this film and her mother wrote the screenplay! I can't imagine what it must have been like behind the scenes but her dad must've known her well because he brought out the best in her here! She truly looks like a different person, like she's delved into the essence of what it takes to be an actress, instead of just what it takes to sell movie tickets (sorry Disney!) While I love all of those old Hayley Mills classics this is the first time I could ever see her as more than just a label to churn out numbers at the cinema and it's no wonder it's not nearly as well known. For that reason alone it should be on every true movie buffs DVD shelf, if it ever finally comes out that is.
dselwood This a wonderful film and as a family we have had many happy hours watching this film. My daughter used to watch it nearly every day as a youngster and has always been one of her favourite films.We often talk about it when reminiscing. My daughter is now an adult and we I have tried to get this film for her;To date no luck. Please could any one help?