Skin Crawl
Skin Crawl
| 10 April 2007 (USA)
Skin Crawl Trailers

Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
slake09 Obviously some who were involved with the production of this movie are reviewing it, otherwise it would have a uniformly low score.Let's not bother with the plot here, it's already been mentioned by other reviewers and is neither original nor noteworthy.The production values are generally acceptable, with decent camera work, and acting that is at least as bad as you know it's going to be. Maybe worse. I'm OK with average to low production if some element of the film makes up for that. That's not the case with this movie.What they're trying to sell this movie on is sex and horror: the movie contains very little of either. Forget the review where they mention all the different kinds of sex in this movie - you don't see any of it. You'll see even less horror, unless your idea of horror is being terrified at the idea these people would be allowed to make a movie.There aren't enough special effects to mention, the dialog is about the same as you would expect from an elementary school stage play, and the nudity is confined to some lightweight T&A, less than you'd see on late night cable. You would be better off paying a couple neighborhood skanks to dance around your living room. Squirt a little ketchup on them and you'd have about the same amount of horror this movie contains.
nidaurrehman Okay, 1stly, this really and truly is one of the worst films I've ever watched. 2ndly, who paid the dude to write that review? This movie is really pathetic, sure it's on a low budget, but the acting is worse than my 5 year old nephews. The directing is weak. The story is weak. And there are many scenes that are entirely irrelevant to the story and seem as if they were a weak attempt to add to the length of the movie. I have never written a review on IMDb, but after watching this, i had to. I had to do it. Really, i cannot believe that someone could make such a pathetic attempt in making a movie. The genre was one which spells failure. When your performance at your job CLEARLY lack any talent or ability, don't attempt at doing the hardest thing. Horror movies are hard to come by. To make yourself a joke in such movies is easy. So why do it when you clearly lack the necessary knowledge and money to do so. Also i read in a review that this was good for its budget. Now, i hate to say this, but i don't watch a movie for its budget. I watch it for its storyline, acting and entertainment value. If those 3 are good, then generally, you've got yourself a hit. Now it doesn't cost more to make up a better movie, and i'm pretty sure in half the money spent on those actors, they could find better ones who Don't look like they're reading a book. Don't waste your life's precious time watching this rubbish. Learn from my mistakes.
dvmoviemaker I would just like to know what (if any) basis for comparison that people say that films of this yore are 'worst movie ever made' or 'director should be flogged' get the drift.I am just interested as to what is considered a 10 in the same production budget range.It's no good just making bland comments that we've all used before. I thought Spidey 3 was a major disappointment (on that budget) but I thought Cabin Fever was great (for that budget)...but both made a shed load of money.But I do know something, that if the budget was low enough for this movie and yet it got distribution...then a profit was made somewhere along the line...and in the film BUSINESS...that's all that matters.Good luck to anyone who makes a movie and gets a distribution deal.
Donavan Stevens I am not be the usual viewer of a low budget film, but this movie left me laughing more so than reaching for a blanket to hide under. This movie was absolutely terrible. From the onset I thought that the cheesy acting may have been some joke type introduction that would lead into a plot full of suspense and bloodshed, but my hopes were left unfulfilled.I couldn't even finish this movie. I made it 1 hour and 3 minutes in before shutting it off, regretting wasting my time watching a movie that I could have made with my friends and a home video camera. There was more sex than violence, including the 3 basic types; vaginal, oral and anal, in quite specific detail. There was nothing to be scared about in this movie. Furthermore, it seemed to me that they spent more time on the DVD menu than they did anything else within the storyline. You see the same girl get stabbed 3 different times with the same footage and I was bored after the second time. The idea of leaving plot holes and filling them in later with another characters view is sound, but I felt that this movie was just stretching for length, not substance.If you enjoy laughing at your horrors and have a couple of hours to waste (and I mean WASTE) than this might be just for you, but I would rather have stuck needles into my eyes.