Skeletons in the Closet
Skeletons in the Closet
| 21 July 2001 (USA)
Skeletons in the Closet Trailers

A father suspects his son to be a murderer...or is he just paranoid and trying to cover up his own past which involves his wife being killed in a fire?

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
disdressed12 i admit,this is a very deliberately paced movie.just when you decide to turn it off from boredom,the movie drops you a tantalizing clue or two.just enough to keep you watching.this movie is all about the drama and the is very low key and the acting is good.the movie is a psychological suspense mystery.just when you think you have it figured out,it turns out you don't.i found it hard to know for sure who was crazy and who was sane and what was real and what wasn't.if you can get through it,i think it's worth it in the end.the ending is satisfying,even if it leaves unresolved questions.obviously this movie is not for everyone.if you're an action junkie,you might not be able to sit through this.otherwise,give it a shot
cmhughes-1 Jonathan Jackson and Treat Williams (who also played father and son in Deep End of the Ocean), are together again in this eerie movie where again bitterness and resentment prevail between the two. Jackson plays Seth, a tormented teen with a troubled past...his mom was killed in a house fire when he was just a kid. So he's become a rebel. Seemingly stereotypical, until odd things start happening around town.Disappearances of people and murders...and Seth's dad suspects him. Is he merely trying to get his son out of the way to make room for new girlfriend/fiancé Linda Hamilton? Or is he looking for a scapegoat to pin the blame on? One things for certain....We all have a few skeletons in the closet...but this time, the skeletons are real.
liammurphy1 Even though this film had such a small budget $1.5m (it really shows at times) it was a very suspenseful and very well acted by B-MOVIE king Treat Williams and fading star Linda Hamilton a good if underused performance (she just seems to pop in and out of the movie) The best performance in the movie has to go to gorgeous Johnathan Jackson who really deserves to be a bigger star on this role alone. The story surrounds the strained relationship between father and son (Williams & Jackson). Jackson is a very weird kid and his father gets very paranoid about his behavior. Is Jackson a serial killing teenager? what happened to his mother? did Treat kill her? you'll have to watch to find outpersevere with this Indie- you'll be rewardedMy vote 8/10 (really worth the £2.99 i paid for it)
nadiam I don't think there was anything redeeming about this film. The plot was formulaic, the acting was mediocre, the dialogue contrived and the shaky tourist-with-a-video-camera cinematography work was the worst of all. I can't believe a company had the nerve to release this film, what a mess.