Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre
R | 20 March 2009 (USA)
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Sayra, a Honduran teen, hungers for a better life. Her chance for one comes when she is reunited with her long-estranged father, who intends to emigrate to Mexico and then enter the United States. Sayra's life collides with a pair of Mexican gangmembers who have boarded the same American-bound train.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
thmurphy-37414 Sin Nombre is a beautifully filmed movie that involves gangs and Immigration. The movie starts off with a gangster named Casper, who has tattoos representing his role in the gang. Not having a family causes him to grow up with the gang and grow dependent on them. Later, he involves his brother, Smiley, in the gang, following the harsh beating for initiation into the gang. To fully become a member of the gang, one must kill a member of the opposing gang. Then the story line moves over to the main female character named Sayra. She has grown up not knowing her dad, until he has decided to take Sayra, her brother, and uncle to America. They begin the process by getting on a train from Honduras to Mexico. *SPOILER* After Casper kills the main leader of the gang, Lil' Mago, for killing Casper's girlfriend, Martha, the entire gang is hunting after him. Calling anyone they have connections to, and following him all the way to the border after he hops on the same train Sayra is on. They slowly become friends, which I thought was a little awkward at first, and then very heart-warming as Sayra jumps off of the train after Casper does. I thought that was a very horrible decision on Sayra's part, but it turns out she had the better outcome than her family. Casper and Sayra squeeze by and somehow made it to the border, which was very surprising. If anyone watches this movie, they will be very surprised by what the physical border between the states and Mexico actually is. It is a river, and nothing else besides patrol cars passing each spot every hour or so. ***SPOILER*** Casper gives up his camera to the man with the tube that will carry each one to the other side separately, which proves his connection to Sayra even more as that camera is all he has left of his deceased girlfriend. The gang catches up to them and Casper runs away to protect Sayra from them. Casper runs into his brother smiley, and he shoots him due to the gangs influence. The one thing that is different about movies filmed outside the United States, there is no happy ending. The only happy part was when Sayra made it to the United States and called her Aunt. I thought is was an eye opener to movies outside the United States, and to know that a movie can end without a happy ending is very different. Overall Sin Nombre is a must see movie. You will not be disappointed.
olrovin This film is definitely not an American film as you will soon realize once you begin watching it. It is dark and violent and, unlike most American films, there is no happy ending. The directing was very well done, and I really enjoyed all the different camera angles that really gave you a sense of the perspectives of each character. I think this film captured the unfortunate reality of the Mexican gang life as well as the danger of trying to travel from Central America to the American border. The main characters seemed quite complex and very realistic which I appreciated because it made the movie more real. Do not watch this film if gunshots, violence, and/or blood make you squeamish because there is definitely a lot of that. Overall, I thought Sin Nombre was a captivating, sometimes uncomfortable film that did a very good job of portraying a side of certain realities in Central America while getting a message across. I'd give it 4.5 stars out of 5.
dr_bonone I have just watched this movie and its one of the best thriller/drama I have ever watched. Not only because it does not come from Hollywood, it is because the movie itself. Great acting, cruel, real, brutally honest. The story it is simple, a family looking for the American dream and a gang trying to escape from his past and present actions.Even the story it is simple, it is a really power and deep movie.Even, I am Spaniard and I have had some problems to understand some dialogues so I suggest to download and use the subtitles to understand all the key scenes and understand the film moral.Enjoy.
museumofdave Instead of sensationalism for its own sake, director Fukunaga relates a gripping story straight, a clear narrative outlining the mental and physical journey taken by a young man recruited into a violent Latino gang and used by them to gather protection money to beef up the gang coffers; the young man makes choices that create difficulties his path one of both fear and self-awakening, and a parallel story of immigrants attempting to crash the U.S. border lines him up with a young woman of integrity. As noted by so many critics and reviewers, this is an often violent film, but how else to picture what we know has often made many border towns between the United States and Mexico unlivable? This is an important picture, a sincere and moving effort which captures a world most of us only read about