| 06 April 2015 (USA)
Silverhide Trailers

A group of conspiracy theorists watches a top-secret military base in the desolate Welsh mountains.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
aimeloche If you're looking for an American Werewolf in London, then you've come to the wrong place this is definitely a B Movie as many have already made it very clear that it is. I have seen worse I have seen better this is not one of the baddest movies. It does start off slow, story leaves something to be desired but the creature and special effects are fairly good. Worth a one time watch. But for true horror and great creature effects and Gore we all know American Werewolf in London and my favorite the Howling are the to go to for horror fans.
Nigel P At a top secret military base, three young reporters are determined to uncover the nature of various tests being carried out there. Sinead (Kelly Wines) especially has reasons of her own to find out what is going on – her father, she suspects, was killed by officials who thought he 'knew too much.' Laura (Lucy Clarvis), who is in financial trouble, and her partner Marty (Jordan Murphy) have also agreed to be part of the investigations. Camped out amidst rolling Welsh countryside where sheep are being viciously killed, it is clear something nasty is out there in the gloom.And gloomy it is in this low-budget conspiracy horror. Whilst there is a good sense of remote unease and isolation, things are sometimes too murky to make out clearly. This unfortunate side-effect of the film's low budget is coupled with another blemish representative of such projects – some of the dialogue (especially that of the photographer Sinead meets, played by whispering Matt Brewer) is often impossible to make out.Against that, Sinead and the photographer, who also has his own reasons for wanting to find out what's happening, are caught in the impossible and tense situation where, if the 'Silverhide' creature doesn't get them, the military who are determined to preserve the top secret nature of the project, certainly will.As things roll on, revelations come thick and fast. Sometimes it is hard to keep up with events, but it becomes clear who the real enemies are. There's more to the creature than 'just' a wolf-man type. In fact, it is a shame we don't see much more than brief glimpses of eyes, snout, talons because the effect of the werewolf (notoriously difficult to realise convincingly) is good. However, due to the spectral talents it possesses, the audience probably sees more of the animal than the soldiers do … This is a flawed but interesting film with a good twist. It won't satisfy everyone and the plotting is sometimes hazy. But it emerges as a very interesting and enjoyable project.
rklkeys How could it get a 10 as if it was a great representation of being a quality B-genre movie? I am a fan of drive-in theater movies and this is along that line, but too many scenes/shots are just too long and dark that I lose both visual and plot interest. The acting is right there with the best of the bad movies, and what is a cheap horror movie without screams and shouting galore! I don't know, I had to watch it in fast forward. But if you liked the 60's-70's Dr. Who monsters, those were fun, (funny) but of course low-to-no budget like this one! Go in with low level expectations, and use fast forward accordingly!
davannacarter To be honest with you, in terms of acting and writing, this movie isn't any worse than your average horror movie. But in terms of technical quality: sound, lighting, camera work, directing, editing, etc. even the average found footage movie is better. I am not lying or exaggerating.I am not bashing the director for filming outdoor scenes indoors. I am bashing him for filming them so amateurishly. It was waaaaay to dark sometimes. You have to watch this movie completely in the dark. Otherwise, you'll constantly be saying, "What am I looking at?" I am sure the director excessively darkened the outdoor scenes to mask the fact that they were shot indoors. But it doesn't help if people can't seem much of the time. It also doesn't help when the dialogue makes it painfully clear the outdoor scenes were done indoors. The sound quality for this movie was bad. You could have the loudest speakers on Earth, the sound turned up full blast, your ear pressed against the speakers, and you'll still be unable to hear some of the dialogue. Halfway through the movie, I gave up trying to hear what some characters were saying. Even when they were speaking at normal levels I couldn't make out what was being said.The sound and crappy lighting make this amateurish movie even more amateurish than it needed to be. Some of the writing was real dumb that would have writers for SyFy channel movies shaking their head, "This top secret government agency *gasp* is secretly running this place." When I heard that line of dialogue I almost immediately stopped watching the movie. The character who delivered that line is speaking after he had gotten his arm ripped off at his shoulder less than 2 minutes ago. This guy has his arm ripped off, they put a towel over his huge wound, and yet he's coherent enough to deliver a long dialogue that lasts more than 5 minutes? WTF? And the movie has seemed to have forgotten about the guy who got shot twice from an AK47 less than 20 minutes and is sitting less than 6 feet away. One character gets shot twice with an AK47 while another gets his arm ripped off up to his shoulder, the main female character only puts a towel over their wounds, and both injured men act as if they fell off their bicycle and landed on their shoulder? It makes no sense. Why isn't the main character screaming for help?There are a few other technical problems wrong with the movie (like the terrible editing), but I won't go into detail. Nor will I go into the other ridiculous aspects of the writing that would have SyFy channel writers stunned speechless. I'll just go into the two most important parts of a horror movie: the kills and the creature design.The kills are horrible. The kills are either off-screen or its CGI blood. The filmmaker couldn't even bother to give us fake blood. He had to give us crappy CGI blood.The monster costume? It's just a puppet head! The movie doesn't show the monster from the neck down at all. Not once. You only get to see the head. And even when they show the head it's for less than 5 seconds at a time. But if your eyes are quick enough you can clearly see the monster is just a puppet head. When I saw the puppet head, my jaw dropped open. I was stunned for 5 minutes. Then I thought, "Maybe it's just a fake-out or something. Maybe that's not the real monster." But then at the end of the movie I saw the puppet head again and my jaw dropped open again. And my jaw stayed open for the remainder of the movie, right through the end credits. And I physically had to close my jaw until after the credits ended. No CGI monster. Not even a dude in a costume. Just a puppet head of something that looks like rabid possum. Wow. To anyone who is reading this review: if you want to make a horror movie right now. Do it. You'd have to try extremely hard to make a movie worse than Silverhide.