Silent Trigger
Silent Trigger
| 26 June 1996 (USA)
Silent Trigger Trailers

Waxman is a former Special Forces soldier who is now working as a heavily armed assassin for a top secret government agency. When a covert mission goes terribly wrong, Waxman and fellow assassin Clegg become that agency's prime targets.

SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
HeadlinesExotic Boring
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Comeuppance Reviews Waxman (Dolph) is an ex-Special Forces soldier, and expert marksman. Sometimes his emotions get in the way of his targets and will end up in a crisis of conscience. Now holed up in an unfinished skyscraper with his female assistant, Clegg (also known as Spotter - Waxman is also known by Shooter in some sources) (Bellman) - Waxman and Clegg must execute their new assignment, as well as survive the night in a creepy building with bad guys after them. Will they make it? Well, the movie certainly lives up to its name, as Dolph doesn't really say that much here. Apart from that, this was the beginning of a phase of more serious-minded films from Dolph, leading up to Hidden Assassin (1995). In Silent Trigger, however, there's a lot of set-up in the plot (perhaps too much), but what's good about this movie is that it is at least trying to be different. What helps that are the stylistic flourishes by Russell Mulcahy that provide atmosphere and interesting shots, camera-work and set design.On the flipside of that, however, the fact that the movie takes place in one location (except for Dolph's flashbacks/memories) impedes the movie, even though the set is impressive. Additionally, many scenes needed more light and were too dark to see. And there needed to be more goons for Waxman and Clegg to dispatch. So in summation, we liked what was there, so we wanted to see more of it: more locations, lights and baddies. That would have helped this movie a lot.On the bad news front, there is some really stupid and unnecessary (well, it's always unnecessary) CGI at times. And it's 1996 CGI at that. The inanity of these few moments shouldn't put you off seeing this movie, we just like to point out when this happens as a warning to potential viewers, and take the opportunity to say how much we hate CGI. There's also the classic "one really, really annoying character" cliché we see often. But the violent bits that are in the movie are great, and that keeps the viewers' interest.Also it should be pointed out that Dolph has an extremely large, complicated gun. When he's assembling it, it reminded us of the scene in Spaceballs (1987) where the ship keeps going and going and going. This thing is a monstrosity, but it does some serious damage.Shot in Montreal (it has a very Canadian feel), Silent Trigger is worth seeing but it's not the best Dolph vehicle out there.For more insanity, please visit:
Sven_baumi For me, one of Lundgrens better performances as soldier and assassin showing what it's not so easy to leave the firm. Kill or be killed. But he gives hinds of that goes deeper. So the flashbacks which switch time and place and shows how he became the lone, tired wolf which wants to leave this business. Just one another job to do. The target is the same. His last "job" failed because of the new spotter which was connected with more unnecessarily bodies . But he sees that his target is not the only target today. The new spotter is an old fiend. In Fact the plot is not the work of a real genius but this film thrills. Not least the work of Gina Bellman which gives the film a warm note in this cold location and her character will be stronger as the viewer thinks at the beginning of the movie.
Something_Fishys_going_on_here Whoever thought it was a good idea to make this film ought to be shot. The plot makes no sense at all, one minute these two characters are in a lift shaft, the next, they are in the middle of the jungle, then a desert, then back into the lift shaft again. They seem to change roles a lot too. One minute the lead guy is a friendly Russian, the next, he is chaining people to toilets and shooting his way to god knows where. The story also makes no sense at all, and the acting is very dodgy at places. If you chained someone to a toilet, surely to god you would hear them ripping it off the wall and dragging it PAST you as they escape?WHAT WERE THEY THINKING WHEN THEY MADE THIS???????????????
bob the moo A shooter and his spotter lie high in a church tower. When the green light comes he is unable to shoot and his spotter is order to kill him. Before she does, they are ambushed and escape across country. Years later the same two are unwittingly paired for another job and realise that those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.It starts well – better than expected, the only weakness of the first 20 minutes or so are some very poor computer graphics. However after that it slows right down and, even though I still expected something more from it – it never really delivered. To keep the story going while they set up their shot, we rope in a crazy security guard to keep the story doing something. When the action does finally come it doesn't convince and doesn't totally hang together.The problem is partly that nothing is explained for the whole film – not for tension but just for convenience. They work for an unnamed agency, their jobs have no motive, the flashback story is set in an unnamed country etc. Suddenly at the end we're expected to care about whats happening even if we don't know why it's happening.It's a shame because Lundgren is actually OK in this – I'm not a big fan but he's OK. Bellman is so-so, but she sounds like she's surpressing her voice and sounds weird. I couldn't place her the whole film – then I realised she's from the UK and is from the series Coupling. The director has done some OK action movies and did some cool shots with this. It's just a shame that most of it is so dull and without tension – even the nice ending is spoilt by what went before it.Overall good start, reasonable ending but the bit in between could, nay should, have been much better.