Silent Hill 3: The Movie
Silent Hill 3: The Movie
| 13 July 2012 (USA)
Silent Hill 3: The Movie Trailers

Heather is a teenage girl who is suddenly thrust into a strange alternate reality filled with demonic imagery and twisted monsters. She quickly comes to find that the events unfolding around her have something to do with her past.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews No, I mean it, I am in a state of utter awe of this ability to continue producing grade-A results. This is a review of the PC version. All that appears to mean is that you can save at any time(with a few delectable exceptions), and are not limited to the well-placed(if arguably plentiful) checkpoints. In ways, this is less hard than the others(on the other hand, it is challenging, yes, also on the easiest setting, of the three for puzzles and four for action... yep, adjustable difficulty, so anyone can play this). It's about as long as the first one(in general, it takes a bit of inspiration from it... including in a way that I'd have preferred it didn't, but I understand that others did want that; you should definitely try to play the original one before this, you will appreciate it on another level), but the well-done puzzles seem simpler(that, or I'm getting better... and I tend to think it's the former, not the latter; meanwhile, this has the greatest riddle-solving system yet), if there may be about the same amount of them. On the other hand, this one may have about twice as many types of creatures. They are grotesque and nightmarish again, and this time, a few are downright bizarre in appearance, resembling nothing that we can recognize. All of the design is impeccably done. This again uses our own imagination in conjunction with the unnerving sights and audio to build up the psychological terror. The atmosphere is chilling, carefully established and maintained throughout, by the grisly sights and the incredibly well-done and meticulously crafted sound-side that is either shocking or hinting, never noisy or dull. This has amazing music, if there may be more lyrics than earlier in the series; then again, they are fantastic, and like the second, this does, as it needs to, distinguish itself(without deviating so much that we get alienated), they can't all be carbon-copies, they have to do something new. This hits the nail on the head in that regard. The plot is marvelous, if not as deep as that of SH2. I refuse to give it away. The story-telling is well-done(I swear to you, I was literally touched a handful of times during this, not only scared) with you finding details as you go along, and then the scripted, in-engine cut-scenes(there are no CGI ones in this one, and they are not missed), with a free cinematography(with that said, were there an excess of shots from below the protagonist, or was that just me?), a wide range of animations and rather articulated faces and the like(I do not personally find the introductory movie as compelling as the other two, perhaps that is only me... it might be the pop song, if I will grant that it's sufficiently sad in tone). This has astonishing graphics, and the lighting, shadows and weather effects(love the "grain") are brilliantly done. You now play as Heather, a teenage girl not afraid to speak her mind. I wasn't bothered by the gender in the least, and her personality isn't irritating(I've yet to come across a single obnoxious person in this franchise up to this point); however, her vocabulary, well, fits her age, and it does take away from the mood when something is called/described using words like "boring", "gross" or "yuck". Well, it didn't bother me enough to take me out of it, even briefly. All of the characters are credible, diverse and well-developed, and there are so few of them that you remember everyone and they all matter, none of them can be left out with no impact. Vincent is one of my favorites of all three games. The acting tends to be magnificent. This is instantly engaging and quite exciting. It takes a while before you realize what exactly is going on, without this losing any of its gripping tension. It is a cinematic experience with its strange, interesting and effective angles, and the dynamic camera that you can exert limited control over. The button for this can get you third person view, and that is invaluable in this. It won't work everywhere, still, it will when you have to, as the video-game won't always automatically do so. One thing I suppose one could say is that the enemies can be frustrating, to an extent not seen before this entry. And there are a lot of weapons, if not any that are superfluous. I've heard complaints about the Uzi... well, can *you* use it constantly? Besides, these are not about the combat. The lead now turns her head at nearly everything you can interact with, which at best takes getting used to, at worst is an annoyance. They split up Enter and Use into separate functions... not sure why. There are several endings and other things to unlock. This revisits areas from the previous incarnation, though they do new things with them. Several of your surroundings are creepy places to begin with, like a subway station and train. You now see the elevator as its moving, another of the countless eerie situations in these. It's all so abandoned, so close to quaint, and yet absolutely not. The interface remains unchanged as it should be, and once you are used to the directional keys(shouldn't take long), the way you move in this is rather intuitive, and you can get into this almost immediately. This does tinker with game-play mechanics a tad, all improvements. You can run a nice and fitting distance before tiring, for example. There are immense loads of brutal, bloody, strong violence and disturbing content, as well as a little sexuality in this - you should be able to figure out pretty quickly if you can handle it or not. I recommend this warmly to any fan of the other ones, and of other smart survival horror VG's. An acquired taste that ages like a fine wine, and that I wouldn't dream of doing without. Return to Silent Hill... if you dare. 10/10
Patience_Is_A_Virtue The third installment of the Silent Hill series will not disappoint any big Silent Hill fans, and that is a promise. While it lacks the depth and emotion of Silent Hill 2 and is less captivating, it is still a great game nonetheless and doesn't fail to hold your attention.The game is a direct sequel to the first game. If you haven't played it, that game revolved around Harry Mason searching for his daughter in Silent Hill. Well, now that little girl has grown up and is a young teenage girl, who serves as the character you play as in the game. Like all young teenage girls she has quite a temper on her, but her heart is in the right place and she is determined to find out what is happening to her. Heather wakes up in a shopping mall after falling asleep in a restaurant, and is leaving when she is approached by a detective who goes by the name of Douglas Cartland. He tries to get Heather to come with him to speak to someone, but Heather vehemently rebuffes him and goes to the bathroom, where she escapes through the window. Thinking she is safe now, Heather goes through the back of the mall, only to discover that something has gone terribly wrong. Soon, her whole world has been shattered, and the only thing she can do now is survive.The graphics are superb, and are much better than any of the other games (including 4) the plot is brilliant, and the characters are all extremely interesting, to the point that you really care about them, and that even goes for the bad guys as well. All in all, Silent Hill 3 is one fantastic game. However, like all games, it has it's pros and it's cons.Pros: -The graphics. They are fantastic, and are the best of the entire series.-The monsters are more challenging than any of the previous games, and are often much harder to defeat. This serves as more of a challenge to the gamer which is definitely a good thing.-The weapons are fantastic. There is a lot more to choose from then in any of the other games. Also you can unlock certain weapons which is really fun.-The characters are probably some of the best in the entire series, especially Heather, who is my favourite character of the series.Cons: -The fact that you don't spend a lot of time in Silent Hill irked me slightly. Also, you don't get to run around exploring the town like you did in the previous games. It takes the fun out of it a little bit. However, you can pay a visit to Heaven's Night, the club from Silent Hill 2 just in case any fans of that game are interested.-The camera angles can get quite annoying at times. Sometimes the camera goes allover the place. I can't really explain it, but you'll see what I mean when you play. It doesn't really cause too many problems though.Apart from that, this game is well worth buying. I'm not sure that it's better than Silent Hill's 1&2, but it is definitely worth playing if you're a fan of this series, or even if you're not, you should still give it a go, but I'd advise playing the first game before you do. 8/10
Haruka Sawaguchi Silent Hill-3 May not be the best in the series in my opinion *That would go to The Room* but it comes closer than either of the first two- which were already amazing games. Silent Hill 3 is were the series gains momentum, begins to define it's place, and truly begins to fix problems. Silent Hill 3 opens in a dream sequence, a bloody and ruined theme park. Deja vu for fans of the original. However in this sequence you die. When you wake up a weird old man appears to be stalking you so you escape from a bathroom window. Bad idea. You just walked into the portal between your quiet town and silent hill. In this transition, creatures stalk you till you actually get into the town. Silent Hill 3's story progresses slower, and so does the game. But it quickly gains speed and throws you into your worst nightmares. The music is the best of the series, and has the first uses of lyrics in Akira Yamaoka's music. Silent Hill 3's story is just as bizarre as the first 2, however it's best to be familiar with the first one too fully understand SH3. I would recommend highly recommend Silent Hill 3 to any survival horror fan.
tjranma I am not too easily creeped out but there are times where I would like to be shocked. I played the 1st one on the PS, and rented the other two when I got a PS2. SH3 is certainly different from the 1st two games, but it still delivers when I want to feel the creepiness around me! The graphics are very good & sure makes for a realistic feel. Included with the game was the original CD music soundtrack and it makes your mind wander when you listen to it! The bizarre enemy characters, though not as creepy as the ones from parts 1 & 2 still provide a thought provoking "Where the **** did they come from?!" If a movie's made about Silent Hill, it'd better be something more than Resident Evil was. Good movie, but the characters should've remained as in the games. Stay true & all will be fine.