Shanghai Kiss
Shanghai Kiss
| 17 March 2007 (USA)
Shanghai Kiss Trailers

Liam Liu unwittingly gets involved with a high school girl. He suddenly has to go to China after learning from his father that he has inherited his grandmother's home in Shanghai. He's not very appreciative of his Chinese roots and at first only wants to sell the house and get back to the U.S. as fast as possible. He gets a taste of the Chinese culture and ends up having some big decisions to make

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
fuser_420 just to start....its awesome!!!....its been years for me seeing a film like this....the film is so start from ken...he lives a role of an American born Chinese...talks like one and plays with girls like a born player....great tell about Hayden...she just steals every male heart seeing the film....i really loved the way she speaks....and everyone in the film from ken's friend to Kelly....from ken's father to Kelly's boyfriend....they deliver their best....the film delivers a perfect love drama mixed with coming to age type a genre....the scene in which ken finds out what has really been written in tat Chinese letter,raises eyebrows with a smile and a tear.i really loved the way the film was made....the role of ken just shows my very own image to me.This film is one of the best in my list. after seeing this film i wish i too had a girl like Hayden!!! MUST SEE FILM FOLKS...DON'T MISS IT!!!
princessadorable The movie was okay. I give it 5/10 because it had a story and it said it, but the the main dude was really monotone and lacked compassion and his relationship with the American chick(hayden panttiere) was also lacking something and was just very strange...the fact that she was younger than him was also sorta creepy. He slept with lots of people but not her even though she was the girl of his dreams... yet she was like 16 so it was just weird.Overall it was just a strange movie.. had about the depth of a spoon. Its an okay movie to watch while you're knitting or sewing, that's what I did.
Angelus2 Liam is an Asian American actor who is dating a high school student. Liam is a self-hater who keeps away from anything Chinese. The death of his grandmother however leaves him with a place in Shangai, while in Shangai he falls in love with the city and a girl, Micki. And decides to make a life changing decision.The film is brilliant, people consider it racist, but the film is written and directed by a Asian American director. I felt the film highlighted a key issue among Asians,not just East Asians but South Asians. The film captures what it is like for some Asians living in the western world, who try to get away from their parents world.....Ken Leung is a very talented actor and provides some great comedy, even though a lot of it is wasted on the Chinese through translations, I loved the chocolate martini...Hayden Panettiere was a little annoying but her character was needed; while Kelly Hu sizzles on screen as always providing the person that puts everything into perspective for Liam.... The only thing I felt needed a little work was the ending....But all in all a brilliant film..
ghoge Much has been made by other reviewers about how "Shanghai Kiss" breaks away from the unflattering stereotypes that dog Asian men in American popular culture. And to be sure, I'm glad to see these folks playing roles other than martial artist or math geek. But in its relentless quest to show that, yes, an Asian guy can indeed sleep with white chicks, this movie gives us an entirely unsympathetic main character and throws him into completely implausible situations.Nowhere do we see why it is that Ken Leung's character is such a babe magnet. Instead, we get someone who is shallow, egotistical, moody, immature, and just plain annoying. And he's not even especially handsome, either (though he does have a sort of boyish cuteness). In short, there's nothing particularly desirable or appealing about this guy. Yet, inexplicably, the ladies just can't get enough of him.And as if the fact that the protagonist is totally irritating isn't enough to detract from our enjoyment of the movie, there's also the rank implausibility of the storyline. I mean, how often do attractive women (of any race) blatantly throw themselves at random strangers (again, of any race) on public buses? Or, when someone just steps off a trans-Pacific airline flight, how likely is it that they are immediately going to go someplace where -- you guessed it -- women are eagerly waiting to pleasure him? To me, the whole thing smacked of the film makers shouting out as loudly as they can, "Hey, look at this! Asian guys can get some action in bed!" Well, OK, that's swell, I guess. But somehow, I don't think that making our "hero" out to be as unappealing and unsympathetic as possible, while putting him into completely implausible and unbelievable situations, advances the cause of Asian male de-stereotyping.Full disclosure: I hit my limit and stopped watching the movie about a half-hour into it (right after the main character arrived in Shanghai). So that's why I'm giving it two stars, because maybe it got better after that. But as for me, I'm afraid I'll just have to keep hoping that maybe someday I'll find a non-stereotypical Asian guy in the movies who's actually worth spending some time with.