Shake Hands with Murder
Shake Hands with Murder
NR | 22 April 1944 (USA)
Shake Hands with Murder Trailers

A female bail-bond broker and her partner help an accused embezzler prove his innocence. Having the body of the embezzler's late business partner pop up doesn't help matters.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
bkoganbing No stars in this PRC film, but a nice group of character players take center stage in Shake Hands With Murder. As business partners and possibly a romantic couple Frank Jenks and Iris Adrian provide a lot of laughs.Adrian and Jenks are in the bail bond business and clearly Adrian is the brains. Jenks comes up with the marvelous idea that if they get a higher class of criminal to go bail for, the business will get bigger. So he goes bail for Douglas Fowley who's been charged with embezzlement of some high yield bonds. As this has taken just about all the capital the firm has, Adrian appoints herself to locate Fowley and stick to him like glue.Fowley will need friends especially after the head of his firm Herbert Rawlinson is found dead. As Adrian and Jenks were also in the vicinity they are all three in the same leaky boat of criminal justice.Shake Hands With Murder is your typical paper thin PRC production. But the three leads and the rest of the cast keep it entertaining and lively.You always have to wonder though when you see a film like this what it might have become with a major studio doing it.
Paularoc Patsy Brent (Adrian), and Eddie Jones (Jenks) are co-owners of a bail bond business. Patsy wants to stick to the small stuff but Eddie believes they should think big and go after the bigger bond crimes. When he posts a $25,000 bail for an accused embezzler, Steve Morgan (Fowley), Patsy is livid. She insists they find Morgan, turn him over to the police and get their bond back. She accidentally meets Morgan but doesn't realize it's him. Patsy and Eddie go to the investment company Morgan supposedly embezzled from and while there, the company's president is found dead. Patsy tracks down Morgan and they then together search a hunting lodge where Morgan thinks one of the investment company board members has hidden the stolen bonds. The board members have been tricked into coming to the lodge and Morgan sets a trap to catch the thief and killer. It's all rather silly but Iris Adrian, Frank Jenks and Douglas Fowley make it a fun time killer on a rainy afternoon. All together, those three must have been in hundreds of movies. Typically, Adrian and Jenks make with the wisecracks. Fowley plays a good guy in this movie, as often as not he generally played a bad guy.
robert-temple-1 This is a quickie and a cheapie which at the time went under the genre heading of a 'gag and gangster comedy'. In fact, there aren't any gangsters in it, and the only crime is white collar crime by businessmen. The leading lady is Iris Adrian, who despite being only 32 was already making her fiftieth film. She is one of those wise-cracking dames, but her voice is so loud and rasping, the wisecracks can be injurious to your health. Best to wear ear plugs. Despite the fact this film was made for about ten dollars, and shows it, it is amusing and diverting. I call a picture a C picture when it was made for ten dollars or less. B pictures can cost as much as a hundred dollars. (That was a joke.) Well, they cranked these things out to make double-bills and that is why they were about an hour long and nobody took much trouble over them. Maybe they made them in the lunch hour. They threw in a glamour guy, a few spooky looking guys, a wise-cracking dame, her sidekick whose jokes never quite make the grade, a couple of heavies, a respectable citizen or two, and thought of something to happen. A story idea helped from time to time. In this one, Iris Adrian is actually the lead player as a female bail bond broker. Naturally, she has to be a bit tough because she is bailing hoods all the time. But as we know from the movies, tough gals always have wilting romantic hearts buried somewhere deep inside, covered in the dust of having been trampled on too many times. Oh yes, the plot. Somebody has stolen some bonds from a financial company, and it is one of the board members. Then the Chairman is strangled because he is onto the crook. Follow the dots from there.
Leslie Howard Adams Darn tootin' they were and that was high cotton for two players usually delegated to the bottom half of the cast list, and sometimes not credited at all.But it ends up as being mostly an Iris Adrian and Douglas Fowley movie, when Patsy Brent (Iris Adrian), girl bail bondsman...bondswoman...the heck with it...girl bail bond broker, finds that her partner, Eddie Jones (Frank Jenks), who is trying to acquire a better class clientele has invested all of their capital to bail Steve Morgan (Douglas Fowley), investment company executive who has been framed on an embezzlement charge out of jail. And Morgan has disappeared.Trying to find Morgan, Patsy stumbles across the body of John Clark (Herbert Rawlinson), Morgan's ex-boss, not to mention now late boss. Patsy spots Morgan and catches up with him at a mountain lodge, where he convinces her of his innocence. They spend a week searching together for the missing bonds Morgan was accused of stealing, and spending a week at a mountain lodge with a man is nothing new for characters played by Iris Adrian, and the suspicion is she really wasn't in that much of a hurry to find the bonds.They finally find the bonds hidden in a secret compartment which has been rigged as a booby trap. Well,that's what Fowley called it while looking squarely at Adrian and keeping a square face all the while, which wasn't that easy for Fowley, who was not known for overlooking a chance to smirk. Anyway, this booby trap is rigged so that when the panel is opened a wire leading from the panel to a suit of armor, causes the arm of the armor to raise and fire a gun hidden within it to fire at the person opening the panel. And, no, I don't care to explain it again. Even Iris understood it explained that way.Morgan tricks the board of directors into coming to the lodge and, when they arrive, he asks them alone one by one to open the panel, telling them that's where the missing bonds are hidden. He knows the guilty person will, knowing the panel is still booby-trapped, refuse. The board includes characters played by Gene Roth, I. Stanford Jolley, Forrest Taylor and George Kirby, so there is no shortage of usual suspects. But the film has zipped right along and is now in need of some padding, so Morgan gets to test them all and the culprit is the last tested. The suspect listing above may or may not have anything to do with which one was tested last.