Shadow Zone: My Teacher Ate My Homework
Shadow Zone: My Teacher Ate My Homework
PG | 01 January 1997 (USA)
Shadow Zone: My Teacher Ate My Homework Trailers

Thirteen-year-old Jesse is a typical teenager who hates his teacher, Mrs. Fink. While visiting a vintage clothing shop, Jesse sees a doll that looks exactly like his dreaded teacher, and he convinces the shopkeeper to sell it to him. When Jesse accidentally pierces the doll's arm with a sewing needle, he is shocked to find Mrs. Fink with her arm in a sling the next day and gets spooked when a spot on the doll's face appears, exactly where Mrs. Fink has a mole.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
PodBill Just what I expected
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
vfkuser Haha I first rented this at Blockbuster when I was very young, and it scared the crap out of me. There is just something about the Grim Reaper at the start, and what the voodoo doll does that creeped me out. However, I for some reason rented it several times. It has both comedy and horror(tame of course, but still pretty dark for a kids movie). I recently rented it on Netflix (for a stroll down memory lane) and watched it for the first time in about, 7-10 years? Still pretty good, a few cheesy parts of course, but decent at that. Has an interesting enough plot to keep you going, and the doll is just creepy as hel*! Ha. It centers around a middle school kid and his friend that hates his teacher(who didn't at that age?) The kid and his friend go to an old artifact shop and find a doll that the kid thinks resembles his teacher. He buys it, and slowly through the movie it looks more and more like his teacher, and whatever happens to it happens to the teacher. What starts off as playful and interesting turns into a horrific experience for the kid, so he seeks out the help of his friend and the friend's older sister to help destroy the doll. A good movie to watch when you've got nothing else to do.
Tommy Nelson stars: Shelly Duvall and Margot Kidder.This is so good. It's a kids horror movie about a doll that a kid buys that bears a small resemblance to his teacher. Soon it starts looking more and more like her, and when the doll falls, the teacher falls, like voodoo. The doll is really funny and the doll and teacher are played and voiced by Shelly Duvall. It seems like they were trying to imitate Tales from the Crypt, because it starts off in a school. The bell rings and the kids go to their classes and a bandaged up Grim Reaper comes down the halls in to a strange room and tells the tale. This was so cool, and even the ending was fresh. I highly recommend it! my rating-B plus. 87 mins. PG for some blood and mild language.
matt_34812 This is the best movie ever made!!!!!!!! The doll is hilarious when she says anything from, "Ouch!" to "Traitor!" to "eeeeeeeek shoulda used a ladder!!!" to "when you lie you pay." Geneva is also a great touch with her librarian Sol. They are both like hippies and say things like "snatch your soul and take control" to "nighttime-in graveyards!" to "whats up little brother!" to "that's cool" and "the place near waaater" and do things like scurry over to $14.95 jewelry or rolling over their eyes saying "real trouble." The doll smashes forks and plays cards. She has little legs that walk and says, "Ohhhh." The little sister named Annabel says things like, "don't you ever knock" "where's my milk?!?" and "oh what it walked." If you ever see this movie buy it. My friend and I are even buying the versions that are in spanish. This movie has changed my life forever. It is so funny and on a scale out of ten it is about a 157,943,474,917,323,865,345,999.99 I love this movie sooooooo much. vote for it and give it a ten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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