Shadow Fury
Shadow Fury
R | 01 July 2002 (USA)
Shadow Fury Trailers

Madsen, a bounty hunter with a bad liver and an even worse attitude, with the help of the lovely Dr. Forster, must stop Dr. Oh and Takeru and restore order to the world.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
gtrwizrd It was so bad it was hilarious. The bad guy originally tries to kill this girl and by accident he kills his own girlfriend and then he becomes best friends with the girl he wanted to kill in the first place. The bad guy turns into a good guy who was blown up, stabbed, shot & hand grenaded. He still lived to kill himself with a sword that he had lost in the middle of the battle and then grew other swords out of his pocket or wherever. The whole movie was about a bunch of alcoholics with no good livers to go around. The good guy couldn't kill the bad guy shooting him or stabbing him all over but he killed him when he stabbed his FOOT. We laughed thru the whole very dramatic/action movie.
GIZMO35_PF This film is quite rare to find in the genre of action/sci-fi but once you see it, you'll find out why it is so different than other cliché films of it's type. It is sometimes predictable but you will feel sympathetic for the main character even though he isn't real. All the fight sequences rip off Jackie Chan movies but they are executed with raw intelligence. We see that Michell has troubles with his liver but the main character kills himself with Kismet to give up his life so he could save Mitchell. It might seem a little cruddy for a film like this one but it does make you feel for something that isn't real let alone makes you want to feel anything for the characters. If you have time, watch this film and you'll be surprised, like me, on how much emotion is packed into an action/sci-fi film.Rated MA15+ for Aussies for Violence, Language and Nudity
Alan Johnson I love this movie!!! Everyone should rush out and rent it! A "take no prisoners" kinda movie that is very entertaining. A must see! My hats off to the writer and the director. A Superb film!A brief synopsis: In the future, a bounty hunter must stop a vengeful scientist and a killer clone!Starring the 'dry as a bone' Sam Bottoms - Excellent performance! as the bounty hunter, and MMA Star Masakatsu Funaki as the kick-ass, road-weary warrior clone. Bas Ruten is superb, as always, as the older version of the ultimate battle clone. Pat Morita is great as the white, wiry-haired mad scientist, and the always cool, Fred 'The Hammer' Williamson makes a few appearances. 'The Hammer' has got the cool gadgets (He is the Q character, if you will).Great editing, great casting, and very fun to watch. A roller-coaster ride, for sure. Great flick!! -J.Alan Johnson (
Wizard-8 While Japanese filmmakers seem to be losing their penchant for stiff atmospheres in movies, as this film suggests, there's still a lot of work to be done - at least for these particular Japanese filmmakers! Now, the stunt and fight scenes *are* spectacular, with ingenious use of wirework showing amazing stuff that even CGI can't do. However, the screenplay is unbelievably bad, even by comic book movie standards. We have characters who are just a step removed from real cartoon characters (check Morita's wild-haired and chortling scientist character!), sometimes spouting incredibly moronic dialogue. The story is a slow-moving, often illogical mess with some dumb plotting - like how Bottoms' character is told to track down one character, and the next scene has found him - with *no* explanation as to how he found him! Bottoms, by the way, is a real poor choice for an aging mercenary character, unconvincing even when simply shooting a gun. It doesn't help that his character is completely unlikable, even though he's the lead. Williamson is a welcome presence, though like Morita, he's only in the movie for five minutes! Had he been cast in the lead, playing his often-used Jesse Crowder character, without doubt it would have been easier to sit through.