Sexual Magic
Sexual Magic
R | 30 April 2001 (USA)
Sexual Magic Trailers

A young woman named Nina sees her life slowly unravel after her new roommates, a coven of witches, alter her perceptions in this erotic thriller.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Jackson Booth-Millard I am not exactly sure if this is a thriller type film, but it is definitely one of those films that I only wanted to see for the chance of some decent sex or nudity scenes. I got exactly what I was hoping for, as well as some crap special effects or spirit like scenes. As the title suggests, it is full of sexual magic. Basically a load of witches, or women that believe in witchcraft fantasise all these things, and these spirits as part of their powers grant their wishes. So you can imagine, a woman lying on the bed wanted an orgasm, and she gets it and takes her clothes off (she gets an invisible orgasm). I think there was a short lesbian fantasy, but if there wasn't it doesn't matter, there is enough of what I want anyway. Breasts, arse, belly buttons and sex. Good!
insomniac_rod Well this is a "good" soft core sex movie. It involves five witches that will make true their sexual fantasies.There are tastes for everyone. The typical hot blonde girl, a super hot beautiful brunette with light green eyes (hast to be the hottest from the witches) , a beautiful and sexy African American girl, a sexy red head that wears glasses, and a black haired girl with angel face (reminds me of Tiffany Amber Thiessen)There's no believable plot and there's gratuitous nudity all the time. If not nudity, at least the girls in their underwear. The "final" and intense ritual is the highlight of the movie.Watch this movie for a little fun. The sex scenes are surprisingly good. Quality direct to video erotism.
L. Denis Brown I viewed this film after receiving it in DVD form, as a free bonus disk attached to another order. DVD's that are given away for promotional purposes are usually pretty well unsaleable for one reason or another, and I did not have any great hopes when I played it. I found it was a sexual comedy about five attractive young girls who attempt to use magical practices to enhance their lovelife. The five girls were certainly prepared to show everything they have - they were very attractive and mostly a pleasure to watch, although a few of the shots looked as if they would have had more commercial value as advertisements for silicone enhancement than as movie shots. There were also simulated sex scenes which were generally speaking totally unrealistic, and some hot girl on girl sequences. Basically I would have classified this film as soft porn and I certainly would not expect to see it shown at any of our local cinemas. I did not imagine it would be listed by IMDb, but when I was looking up another film I checked and found it here (together with a comment made by Bazdol last year that it is too bad it has not been released as a DVD. He may be glad to know that this is no longer true.) I also found to my surprise that it had been rated and given an R rating for showing in cinemas; so clearly today's movies can have a greater sex content than I had appreciated. This provides an obligation for viewers to provide feedback about how they rate the production concerned.The story line holding the various sequences together is gossamer thin and certainly does not serve its purpose very adequately. I assume that those who watch this film generally have some idea what to expect and will not find it offensive. I can enjoy eye candy as much as most men, but for me there is a need for an interesting story line if I am not to leave the movie house or turn the TV off. Generally I only enjoy sex scenes where there is something special about them. Nothing is more boring than a long badly filmed sex scene -simulated or real. (Sexual activity is a participator sport - not a spectator sport). I have repeatedly dipped into this movie, as one can with a DVD, and have followed all of the story such as it is - but I have not been able to resist fast forwarding through many of the very lengthy sex scenes that were obviously intended to be the principal attraction. Clearly many viewers would not share this urge and would assess the film quite differently. To them I would simply say; view a film such as Wild Orchid where there is a coupling that has real erotic intensity which has evolved from the preceding story, and through which it would be very difficult to fast forward. I believe they would find it hard to go back to watching Sexual Magic.Morality is a different issue and really lies outside the scope of the IMDb. Everyone is entitled to their own views about this. I will just say that for me the main moral concern arises from the possible influence of a film on young developing personalities. I go along with the frequently argued position that I would much rather young people for whom I am responsible watched films of this type rather than those which extol violence as a way of life. In fact even at my age many of the films regularly released under PG13 ratings still make me both sick and ashamed.It is not easy to rate a film of this type, viewers reactions will probably be highly polarized according to whether they do or do not want to watch this type of material. If the producers of a film have an acceptable script and are successful in showing exactly what they intended with reasonable acting and good photography, then a fairly high rating is deserved even when the rater concerned dislikes the basic story being featured. My initial assessment was that this film warranted a rating of 2/10 for the uninhibited way in which the attractive cast members faced the cameras, but that there was little else to commend. However presumably many other viewers found the story line more convincing than I did, and would rate it much higher. In recognition of this I am raising my rating to 3/10
warrior-21 For adults only because of the nature of the movie. The movie exudes sexuality with a dash of humor and danger. This feature involves a young woman who is worried about her lovelife with her boyfriend and decides to move into her friends place. Well, it is not exactly her friends place but her friends friend place. The house is consisting of four girls living there when she arrives, but these are no ordinary women they are witches. The owner and leader of the house needs a five person in order to establish the five pointed star. Secrets are revealed and erotic passions are set forth inside and outside the chateau. This movie of course has more to it than I have mentioned, so I would advise any adults that want a little passion in their night to rent or buy this movie. Two actresses that were great to see were a great oriental actress by the name of Teanna Kai and a wildly erotic Nikki Fairchild.