NR | 13 April 1987 (USA)
Sexandroïde Trailers

Welcome to the temple of fear and eroticism, as a monstrous madman slowly mutilates poor young girls! See the sensual act of voodoo performed on an innocent bar patron! View the lustful bite of a vampire!

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Bloodwank France is a nation long at the forefront of things that are awesome. De Sade, Bataille, Sartre, Rollin, one could make a long list. But for todays purposes, lets talk Grand Guignol. A Parisian theatrical movement founded in the late 19th century which continued until the early 1960's, it served to horrify theatre goers with its gross displays of up front and gruesome gore. Performances usually involved two or more short plays run back to back, and audience member were said to variously faint or even throw up. In other words, a great success. I'm not entirely sure why the movement faded out when it did, perhaps two world wars and general cultural change were the reason but I like to think that one of the writers saw Blood Feast and promptly decided "Screw it, we've been beaten by the best". Or whatever the French equivalent would be, probably involving the word merde. Fortunately the spirit of Grand Guignol did not entirely die, instead one Michel Ricaud brought it to cinematic life in the 80's, mot glorious of decades. Sexandroide thusly is a set of three tales, lasting just under an hour in duration and delivering quite the mighty blast of sex and gore. First up a lady at a bar falls afoul of a villain with a voodoo doll and her photo. Next we have a goth chick meet a ghoul, with impressively horrific consequences and finally a lady and a vampire result in bizarre amusement. To say more would be to spoil the fun (besides others here have detailed events). Though none of the segments have any real plotting the insanity levels are high and by and large I think it best to see such fare with a clean slate. Suffice to say that the first section is something of a warm up, the middle contains some very nasty fare including some violence that looks rather too real to not be real, and the finale has (probably unlicensed) use of a classic pop tune that will have many viewers laughing out loud. Production values are generally porno standard, though Ricaud does muster occasional visual style, particularly when dealing with the voodoo doll man, using his shadow and shots of his hands and arms rather than dealing with him head on. The gore is nasty, it is more HG Lewis than real a lot of the time, but the mean edge gives it a real kick and best of all, the violence is entirely inflicted upon nude or near nude women. This is probably morally indefensible, but I don't have any problems with eroticised torture in cinema so it didn't bother me. I was more peeved by the fact that despite the title, there are no androids in the film at any point. Seems like a deliberate misnomer, whats up with that? Basically, if you like nudity, torture and utter lunacy this is the film for you. If you don't like these things, stay far, far away. Gets a hugely satisfied 8/10 from me though, job well done.
insomniac_rod Man! Did I enjoy this movie! "Sexanroide" delivers a combination that cannot fail. It is presented in a Teatro Guignol format on it's most bizarre expression with a touch of experimental, it has good gore, an unsettling atmosphere, plenty of sleaze and more dark situations.You need to watch the "three acts" of Sexandroide in order to understand how truly bizarre it is.We got plenty of sleaze elements for fans of these kind of films. We got naked women (full frontal), suggestive sexual situations, plenty of torture, gore, decent physical acting, some French weirdness and more nasty surprises.At some point you might think about H.G. Lewis mainly because of the ridiculous gore and some inept situations that cannot reach any understanding.The term "Erotic Horror" comes to my mind... it wouldn't be crazy to call this a soft core horror effort. You see, there are plenty of moments involving sexual situations, naked women, and more.The production values are actually good. I don't know if every act was filmed in a single take. I bet it was. Some takes limit only to close-ups and not so inventive angles. I liked the sexy French women in this movie. Most of them had great bodies (specially the black widow) and were very sexual.I was very confused after watching the movie. I mean, I didn't understand what was going on but it took me more time to understand that I didn't have to understand anything in order to enjoy it.First act. The hot (very hot body) blonde getting it hard via voodoo. She's forced to get naked, puking, gets a bleeding vagina, gets burned, and hanged on.Second act. The depraved specter and the hot goth chick. The goth chick makes a weird dancing and soon after then specter returns to torture her. He pierces her nipples, whiplashes her, cuts his arm, stabs himself and gets his guts out, and then stabs her. Suddenly, they "return immediately to life" and walk out of the dungeon and walk upstairs. Really weird moment. Oh, and there's a romantic moment when the freak gives the goth chick a flower. Nice! Third act. My favorite. Black widow enters a room and stares to a coffin with a white cross painted on. She finds a vampire who suddenly returns to life and forces the black widow to get naked. They struggle and finally she undresses. She takes off her skirt or dress, her lingerie, and her sexy thighs. He grabs her from behind and bites her neck. Suddenly her face turns very white and the vampire returns to his coffin.The hot chick (who got a big, beautiful butt) dances as a stripper (very suggestive) and ends up rolling in the floor touching her vagina. Nice! Oh, Tina Turner music on the background. Then she gets inside the coffin and moves very sexy rubbing her body over the vampire.She puts a sign with a guy making "shhh". Do not disturb. We understand. I'd love to watch what happened inside.Well, this is a very bizarre movie that should be considered only by fans of sleaze and... ultra bizarre.
Coventry This ultimately bizarre and sickening experimental French (I think) art-house production is very obscure and almost impossible to find, but that's all right, because nobody is looking for it anyway. "Sexandroide" received three extremely positive and enthusiast user comments around here, but they might just be a tad misleading. I know the three blokes who reviewed it, and their tastes are complete opposite to the tastes of …well, normal people. No offense, guys ;) … The most praising thing I could say about this amateurish & schlocky pseudo-cult film is that it is 'interesting'. It's some kind of anthology film, but the three main stories don't feature any story lines and/or mutual themes. The only things they have in common are tons of full-frontal nudity, blood and a setting that is reminiscent to a typically Parisian "Theatre of the Macabre" stage play. The first segment is unquestionably the best one, as it's straightforward and doesn't waste any time on overlong strip-acts and redundant nude dancing. The thin story centers on a lonely blond girl going to the bathroom in a filthy bar. Someone clearly doesn't like her, as an unseen man operating a voodoo doll terrorizes her to death. The poor woman's clothes are brutally torn off, she undergoes a whole series of painful mutilations and eventually her throat is slit and hung. The end. The second story takes place in an ancient catacomb, where a Gothic lady strips off all her clothes and whips herself repeatedly, before some type of SM master joins her. He takes over the whipping, and expands it with nasty nipple piercing and even an excruciatingly sick eye stabbing. The last chapter is really dull and it doesn't even contain as much gratuitous gore and sickness as the previous two. A vampire bites another Goth girl, and she promptly starts dancing – poorly – to the tunes of two whole Tina Turner songs. The added value of this last segment was completely lost on me. As I said, "Sexandroide" has a handful of interesting sequences, like the piercing of the poor girl's nipple, which looked frighteningly authentic and painful. Camera-work, editing and acting performances are better left ignored. One could really wonder who the hell – in their right state of mind – comes up with repulsive trash like this? … More importantly, who are the freaks that watch it?
EVOL666 All I can say about SEXANDROIDE is...WTF?!?!?!? This is honestly one of THE STRANGEST films I've ever seen, and that's sayin' a lot. Since I don't know any factual details about the film, I'll give you my interpretation: SEXANDROIDE is a short "anthology"-style film. It's done in a "performance-art" style - much like watching a video of a play. It appears that the intention of the film was to mimic the "Grand Guignol" theater style performances that were popular in France in the late 1890's - 1960's. SEXANDROIDE looks just like something that I would expect to have seen on one of the stages in Paris - but with a more modern twist.Act 1 is an intriguing little number about a drunk broad at a bar. Someone doesn't like this chick, because while she's sitting and enjoying a few cocktails, a man that we never fully see is making a voodoo doll of our poor pub-patron. Home-girl obviously had one too many and goes to the bathroom to puke. At this point Unknown-Man starts "playing" with his voodoo doll. First he rips it's clothes off - which is duplicated hilariously to our "heroine" in the bathroom. Next he stabs the doll in various places including her eyes, tits, and of course her vagina - which are all then interpreted physically to Drunk-Lady. He cuts the doll's throat, burns it's face, and hangs it - again, all which is then transferred to Drunk-Lady. END OF ACT 1.Act 2 has a gothy looking chick descending some "creepy" stairs into a dungeon. She snoops around for a little bit and then some freak dressed in black with a hood covering his head shows up. Goth-chick is startled, and shoots the hooded guy several times. He lays there for a minute, then gets up and leaves (?!?). Once he's gone, Goth-chick strips and does a really ridiculous dance. Then she grabs a whip and starts flogging herself. Hood-man comes back and is pretty turned on by Goth-chick's little show. He pulls his mask off and reveals that he's some sort of really poorly made-up ghoul-thing. Now for the fun stuff...Ghoul-Man handcuffs Goth-chick to a chair and starts torturing her. He starts by piercing her nipples multiple times (which I'm pretty sure is real). When that's not enough, he takes a lllloooonnnnggg needle and runs it through the skin on the underside of her breast(note: I watched this film with my girl, she thinks this scene was faked, I think it was real - guess you'll have to decide for yourself if any of you decide to pick this one up...). He then takes a knife and cuts her face several times - then he hacks his own arm with the knife in cheesy-magician fashion. Next, he graphically stabs one of her eyes out (which was apparently a "staple scene" of the traditional Grand Guignol theater...), then stabs her in the chest. Ghoul-Man then stabs himself in the stomach and pulls his guts out. They lay together on the ground for a while, then they both get up, Ghoul-Man gives Goth-Chick a rose, and they both walk back upstairs (?!?!?!?!). END OF ACT 2. This one was sufficiently gory and sleazy, and plays like a mix of FLOWERS OF FLESH AND BLOOD meets THE WIZARD OF GORE on 14 hits of acid...Now for the absolute STRANGENESS that is Act 3. A heavily made-up guy is laying in a coffin. A pretty hot chick in "mourning" attire comes in to look at the dead guy. Coffin-guy (who turns out to be a vampire...) wakes up, gets out of the coffin, and starts groping Hot-mourner. He then "violently" tears all her clothes off (in pretty hilarious fashion, as you can tell that she's trying to help him with her tights because the Vampire is having some trouble with them...), and bites her on the neck. Vampire goes back and lays in his coffin - Hot-Mourner appears to be dead...or is she???...When Hot-Mourner get's back up, she's wearing ridiculous vampire make-up and some fake dollar store fangs. She then starts doing a ridiculous dance (that looks like something that you would see in a low-rent strip-club in West Virginia - but this chick's hotter than most you would see up there...) to TINA TURNER MUSIC !!!???!!!. OK...stop tape people...this has officially become one of, if not THE strangest thing I've ever seen on film. The crazy make-up Mourner chick doing a stripper dance to Tina Turner music is so unexpected that I almost spit my mouthful of cheap bourbon all over my girlfriend. Don't believe me? Ask her or track this one down for yourself...anyway...After dancing to not one, but TWO Tina Turner joints, our Hot-Mourner-Turned-Vampire-Turned-Stripper climbs into the coffin with Vampire-man and dry humps him for a little bit. I guess the Count gets tired of us watching, and hangs a "do not disturb" sign on the side of his coffin and shuts the lid. END OF ACT 3.First off, I'm not sure that my above descriptions really do justice to just how strange and entertaining this Z-grade "masterpiece" really is. SEXANDROIDE has absolutely everything that you could want from this sort of production - "interesting" story lines, tons of gore and nudity, and NAKED TINA TURNER DANCING!!! I honestly hadn't seen such inept stripping since the last time I was in Tijuana. All three ACTS showed originality, some good gore FX (in the case of the first 2...), and lots of gratuitous full-frontal in all three episodes. I really enjoyed the hell out of this one. Total schlock at it's "finest" that will probably only really appeal to exploit/gore fans. This one reminded me of an H.G. Lewis film if it was done in the 80's as a play - and with NAKED TINA TURNER DANCING!!! (sorry, just can't get over that part...). 9/10 from me on just a straight enjoyment level. Most others will think it's trash.