Sex & the Single Mom
Sex & the Single Mom
NR | 08 September 2003 (USA)
Sex & the Single Mom Trailers

Jess Gradwell and her teenage daughter boast a superclose relationship. When it comes to sex, however, Mom won't stand for anything less than premarital celibacy. So she gets a pretty healthy dose of her own medicine when she winds up getting pregnant from a brief encounter with a newly single doctor! This new situation poses a major challenge to the mother-daughter dynamic. Tune in to see if Jess and her daughter can rise to the occasion.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
caa821 Many Lifetime flicks contain the spouse with the "hidden past," the psychotic neighbor or babysitter or student, who usually whacks a few folks and at the climax wields a carving knife at the hero or heroine. Most of the balance of the network's offerings are like this one: all sorts of romantic, sexual and family angst amount the personnel in the cast.Here, Gail O'Grady (moving-up on Meredith Baxter in this genre), and her daughter deal with all sorts of feminine romantic problems, but if there is any relationship to "real life," I didn't see it.Everyone has problems, and they all have a significant depth to the person(s) dealing with them, and one has to deal with them as they occur, and proceed onward.If real-life problems can sometimes occur in what might be termed "ten-foot square by a mile deep," Gail's problems here, as with most femme leads in this type of offering, seem to be "a mile wide and three feet deep." One follows another, and there is no way to empathize either with her or her daughter in any realistic manner.And where the female characters here are shallow and somewhat vacuous, the males (typically on Lifetime) are doophuses, and (if possible) even more shallow.The actors are pleasant in appearance, C-level in terms of material and performances, and while the subject matter is not unimportant, the way it is presented here is.P.S. I saw this flick on a weekend morning. Was doing some other things, and another person was watching, and my fascination was in it mediocrity. The sequel, "More Sex..." had begun, and about a half-hour into it, I noticed the former lover who had impregnated her, and had earlier announced his returning to his wife (but only after "messing-up" the bed clothes with her in their hotel room) appeared at her door, announcing a now impending divorce. He was in process of wondering why she hadn't informed him of "his son," and wimping about, just as we had to leave. However, had I not had to leave the set then, I'd have changed channels. From this point I'd have preferred somebody stick a knitting needle into my eye rather than having to endure whatever the remaining 1-1/2 hours had in-store.
Jlentzz I enjoyed the sequel more- I am wondering why "More sex and the single mom" isn't on this site yet. I'd more so like to comment on that. At least this movie had more of a conclusion. I wish, however, that Miss Panabaker would have been in the sequel. There was nothing at all wrong with the new actress, but I would have rather seen the original actress play the part. I'd also like to know who played the new Sarah, and also I'd like to know who played the devilishly handsome Gabe. I don't think that I've ever seen either one of them before. Gail and Grant really pull off the chemistry just like in the first one. I definitely enjoyed the sequel more.
j1jenn A Good movie though the script does get a bit hokey at times. It's not trying to change the world, just share a story. O'Grady & Show as the lead characters share quite an electrical chemistry & the 2 are a great pair on screen. It's as if they "know" each other! O'Grady is a beauty & Show is a babe! What a team! From a literary standpoint, there are some incredible themes and the filming of the parallel themes of the the mother rediscovering her sexuality while her daughter begins to discover hers, are well done. The mother/daughter relationship overtones, not just between O'Grady's character & her young teen, but between O'Grady & her mother, were interesting, realistic & could have been further pursued a bit. Over all, it's a chick flick, but a good flick!
Adam_Brody_Luva When I first saw a perview for this movie on Lifetime, I figured that it would just be another cheesy, fake, annoyingly dull Lifetime original. But because I had seen some rather intresting, and heartwarming originals, I decided to tune in. I remember lieing there in shock at how amazingly real the movie was, and how it really grasped onto some of the hardships of teen life. The lead girl, reminded me of me, Im a lot like her, and it surprised me at how real they made her character. Of course there was some scetchy scenes, like when the mother comes home, and finds her daughter in bed with her crush. It wasnt very realistic, and it seemed to be a very choppy part of the film. Other than that I suggest this movie to any teenagers who want to see a movie about real life, and that deals with issues that we really deal with. And I suggest it to adults who want to know what their kids are really doing. rateing 6 stars