Sex Hex
Sex Hex
NR | 12 June 2007 (USA)
Sex Hex Trailers

A corporate office suddenly becomes the sexual playground for a lesbian vampire who likes to watch her female victims seduce one another.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Pluskylang Great Film overall
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
pezgandhi Please don't watch this movie. You will never be able to get the 15 minutes back you lost. I say 15 minutes, because that's how long you'll make it before you turn it off. I actually thought that this was going to be an entertaining r rated movie. The premise is solid and as such, the movie had potential that was not realized. The acting was weak. These women weren't in to what they were doing or had signed up for much more than they thought. The camera angles, soft focus and horrible music furthered the difficulty in watching. The DP couldn't save this one with all the soft focus in the world. Please, next time hire an editor. My thought is that this will show up on the straight to video pron counter AFTER scenes are put back in...we'll call it SexHex v.2Proof that lots of good looking half naked women can't carry a movie.
ulricjoh Sometimes, I wonder about the ratings given to various movies. Are they being voted on by the production company and actors to get some popularity or are there people out there who genuinely feel that movies such as this are brilliant ??? This movie looks like a cheap adult production, with the graphic sex removed.The acting is inept; the plot barren; the editing poor and the "music" score sounds like something from a 1970's synthesizer.In brief, this is *not* a movie that deserves any form of rating over 1-star. And I would only give it 1-star for the audacity to make such a movie. If it were possible to give a negative rating to balance the final outcome, I would have happily done so.This movie falls into the category where I don't care about the money I've spent to watch the title. I care about losing the 15 minutes of my life (I actually fast-forwarded much of the movie in the slim hope that it may have gotten better - it didn't).Even the laptop computer that was used by "Carl" had the company logo blocked out - I wonder if the company didn't want to be known that they had their equipment used in such a sub-zero production ?
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