Sex and Lies in Sin City
Sex and Lies in Sin City
| 25 October 2008 (USA)
Sex and Lies in Sin City Trailers

Star-studded thriller about the sordid murder of reckless Las Vegas casino mogul Ted Binion. This gritty film delves into the twisted world of Binion's beauty-queen-turned-stripper girlfriend, Sandy, and her secret lover. When Binion turns up dead of an overdose, all fingers point to Sandy, the beneficiary of his millions. A shockingly true tale of love gone sour and greed gone wild on the dark side of Las Vegas.

HeadlinesExotic Boring
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Michael Ledo The film is based on the true story of the death of former Vegas casino owner Ted Binion (Matthew Modine). His stripper girlfriend (Mena Suvari) becomes a suspect.I was not aware of the story and didn't know the outcome which didn't make the film any better. This was a made-for-TV film that made it to DVD. The quality of the acting was uneven at best. The production was told with flashbacks. And of course that oh-so-popular made for TV faux drama sound track, that had me laughing during one of its sad piano tunes, that didn't achieve its intent.Guide: No swearing, sex, lies, or sin.
SnoopyStyle Vegas stripper Sandy Murphy (Mena Suvari) rejects an offer from Ted Binion (Matthew Modine) claiming not to be a hooker. This only riles him up. Three years later, she comes home to find him dead. He is Vegas royalty and a drug addict. He was stripped of his license seven months before for his drug use and ties to a mob figure. The police investigates as Ted's sister Becky Binion (Marcia Gay Harden) battles Sandy and her boyfriend Rick Tabish (Johnathon Schaech). Rick is arrested for digging up Ted's stash of silver in the desert.It's an interesting real life story. It seems to be going for a comedic take which isn't that funny. The story would work better as a murder mystery but Sandy is never portrayed as possibly being guilty. That takes all the tension away from the story and the trial. It's a Lifetime TV movie that needs to be more cinematic and dramatic.
vegas lover This is a good little made for TV movie.I really enjoyed this because I live in Las Vegas and am familiar with the Ted Binion scandal. I thought it was very well portrayed by some excellent actors. As other reviews have said, I am quite sure that none of these characters were as good looking or exciting as they were in this particular movie. Matthew Modine was very convincing as a mogul on his way down due to his heroin addiction. Mira Sorvino plays an excellent temptress. Marcia Gay Harden played a great Becky Binion. I am highly fascinated by all movies and things "vegas" and I think most of the population is also. That's what makes this and all other movies and shows centered in Las Vegas so popular. All in all - a very enjoyable movie to watch - I highly recommend you catch it!
Michael O'Keefe Made-for-TV tale about one of the biggest scandals in Las Vegas history. Do doubt there are liberties taken in depicting the actual events that took place in this 'Sin City' legend. But for television, a pretty saucy presentation. Ted Binion(Matthew Modine), a prince among Vegas royalty, is the owner of the world famous Horseshoe Casino and can be expected to always be wild, rowdy and randy. Rich enough to make up his own rules, but always under the watchful eye of sister Becky(Marcia Gay Harden).This shocking tale of love gone bad begins with Ted losing his mind falling head over heals in love with an attractive stripper Sandy Murphy(Mena Suvari). Deception, greed and larceny comes to the forefront when Ted is found dead of an apparent overdose. Nothing real surprising, but it unravels into a very suspicious homicide with all eyes looking at the beautiful Sandy and her boyfriend(Johnathon Schaech), who was paid a small fortune by Ted to bury over seven million dollars in silver bricks in the desert.I would have loved to seen this made for theaters featuring less restrictions and all the things that make for a strong R rating, if you know what I mean. Modine, although good in the role, seems more than a little over the top...but then again, so was Binion. On the other hand, how could you not enjoy Suvari? Also in the cast: Peter Haskell, Mark Brooks, Michelle Greathouse and Kathryn Zenna.