Sella Turcica
Sella Turcica
| 13 October 2010 (USA)
Sella Turcica Trailers

A paralyzed soldier returns from war to his family in worse shape than anyone at home could imagine.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
D. Ceased Let me go on record as saying I like some Toetag and Fred Vogel movies. Redsin Tower, August Underground's Mordum, they're decent movies (if very grisly and not for the squeamish.) But this one is absolutely terrible; it's easily Toetag's worse movie.Brad returns home after his time in the service, but his family does not rejoice as they should have. See, Bradley was involved in some sort of accident and his health has been deteriorating more and more every day, moving to the point where he needs help to do everyday things. He spends time with his family, while getting worse. Eventually (and I mean in the last 10 or so minutes), he freaks out and kills off a few family members before being killed. Inside his head is a little alien.This movie is so ####ing boring, it goes on and on and on, the dialogue is so pointless and meandering, it's almost a contest against the viewer's attention span. If you manage to stick along for the slow ride, you're given two very good gore scenes and that's it.The acting is very bad, even Camille Keaton (I Spit on your Grave) gives a very bored, tired performance in this. None of the dialogue works because no one is invested in anything. We can't feel for the main character or his family, or care about his situation because the actors don't.The worst part is, this movie could have been good. There's a decent plot in there, but it gets wasted on terrible, terrible, terrible character development. If we could even give half a #### about any of the characters, maybe it could have worked, but with how inept the writing and dialogue is, we just can't. Go watch Redsin Tower instead, much better.
Endgame-953-297845 If there were negative scores, this pile of crap would qualify.Obviously some shills have padded the reviews here because absolutely no one could give this movie a rating of more than 1. IMDb should simply remove this movie from the database. Or, if that's not possible, remove the shill reviews lest someone actually think this garbage has value in any way.Claims the budget is $20K. That's about $19,999 more than it was worth.Quite possibly the worst movie I've ever seen. Inane plot (to the extent that there is any plot whatsoever). Atrocious acting (it's as if they found some people on the street and asked them if they wanted to be in a movie). Phenomenally bad production values. There is nothing--absolutely nothing--good here. Waste of time, effort and someone's $20K.
sogkokou-1 I usually write a review when the movie is either of exceptional standards or when it is an absolute crap, to put it mildly. Well for those who might be unfortunate enough to watch even 5 minutes of "this" ... will know which category it fits in. One could go to great lengths in describing how bad this is. But I'd rather save some time and simply advise anyone with the slightest sense of self respect and intelligence to save their time too and stay away from this ... atrocious joke. Horrific! Horrid! Ridiculously bad !!! IMDb has a ridiculous policy of 10 lines minimum in a review, thus, I must keep writing until it can actually be approved. Thats how bad this "video" is, that I feel sick just by writing about it. But I feel obliged to contradict those three imbeciles posting positive reviews, who are either somehow involved in the production of this joke or they are just sick morons with a twisted sense of humour who think it's funny posting a false positive review in order to make others watch this INSANELY BAD production. Hope the above should be enough to warn some folks, who might actually be interested in watching quality, instead of this ... god I cant refrain from using the word CRAP again in describing it. CRAP ! CRAP ! CRAP ! is what this is. There it goes, I said it. Nothing else needs to be said.
hhop1 I'm not sure if this has ever been raised but IMDb needs to have some sort of a system to filter dishonest reviews. Well, it must be really hard to do, almost impossible, I realise.Anyway, I just could not believe the 3 positive reviews submitted. As someone already mentioned, they must be from the morons who made the movie.Other than those 3, enough is said about the movie. The budget should be $20, not $20,000.Get your remote control and be ready to fast forward. I'm glad I did that otherwise I would have wasted more 90 minutes of my time. The movie is extremely SLOW with no story at all. If you want some gruesome stuff then just watch the last 5 minutes.AVOID AT ALL COSTS!