See Jane Run
See Jane Run
R | 09 October 2007 (USA)
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See Jane Run is a horror film from jenkev productions, Inc. about psychological instability, religion, suburbia and good old Texas BBQs. In the same vein as classic horror movies from the 1970s, this film begins with four teenagers picking up a hitchhiker. When the advice from a local auto mechanic turns deadly, the travelers find themselves trapped in a warped version of the American dream from which only a disturbed mind can escape.

Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
dschmeding Hell no... I wonder what drives amateur film makers to make such senseless movies. Take it for granted... this movie is not gory, it has no suspense, it has one of the most boring main actors EVER and the plot seems written in 5 Minutes. What do you get.... 4 Kids are on a trip, 1 couple, 1 loser and 1 strange girl named Jane who seems to be on sleeping pills. At first the strange acting of her and the loser drives your attention to whats behind it... but there is nothing. After picking up a cool dude they end up in the house of a strange religious barbecue-freak who invites them... and come on, you know whats coming. 5 kids... strangers house, barbecue?!?!Until anything happens you have to sit through 50 minutes of nearly nothing happening, just to get some lame kills and a 15 Minute torture sequence. Even here Jane doesn't change her facial expression and her whole character and actions are neither explained nor make any sense in the end. And to give you the biggest letdown, Jane doesn't even run. The plot is ridiculous, making barely any sense in fusing loosely touching threads together to a big mess and the acting is awkward in the beginning and plain ridiculous in the torture sequences. Now if you watch movies for hot irons to the face, good ole cannibalism and a computer generated decapitation... watch this and fast forward in between the 3 "highlights". It really drives me nuts to see so much time being wasted by those involved and those watching on a script that could have been written by a retard with more logic to it. BAD! Especially because its trash that tries to be more and falls flat on its face. Introducing a main character like Jane without any hint of resolving makes me wants to slap those responsible for 90 minutes of my life being wasted.
kroork i have to start out by asking if this movie was a high school drama project? The story i think, is about a group of teenagers and and some random guy, who get led astray to some guys house for BBQ dinner. Once they Are done they decide to stay the night. pretty typical and thin right. well at this point the killing starts. i could not believe my eyes when i saw such horrid CGI killings. Considering some horror movies from the 80's have awesome practical effects with no budget. So there is no x-cuse for this kind of laughable "horror".The acting was so bad i don't even know what to say. The main character looked like she was asleep through the whole movie. she had no emotion what so ever and at one point is very creepy and insane. It did not fit into the "plot" at all.This movie was nothing but an awkward mess. and i am actually surprised considering all the positive reviews i read for it. ALl i have to say is that if you liked it, your standards r so low, maybe u might like another movie called BTK Killer by Ulli Lommel, or really anything by Ulli Lomme.this movie was laughable and i would be embarrassed to have my name anywhere in the credits of this want a horror freaks opinion, stay far away, don't even watch it out of curiosity, don't let any money be made off this junk. my actual rating for this movie is 0. it gets nothing from me
screamking I'm a huge indie horror fan. And I mean real indie, not big studio movies pretending to be "independent". If you love that type of movie like Texas Chainsaw Massacre and the original Night of the Living Dead, then this movie is for you. If you're looking for stuff like SAW or HOSTEL which are more your high level indie/low level studio, you might not appreciate it. In fact, I kind of got the feeling they were really trying to recreate that old style TCM feel. The story was workable, definitely a plus in this kind of movie where half of them just don't make sense. The acting was solid and really reminded me of that 60's, 70's style. FX were better than expected.ScreamKing ReportCard:Splatter? YES Gore Score: 8 buckets Story: 5 buckets FX: 7 buckets Actors: Joe Estevez! 8 buckets Recommend: Joe Bob would love it. If you love the indies, go for it!
screenwriter-3 I was pleasantly surprised by this indie horror. Loved the nod to Joe Estevez and the whole genre. FX were much better than expected and made the gore creative and cool. And the leads could act! Got a whole Dead Alive vibe from this. It was indie but it hits every mark, honours the genre but it's creative. I loved the Estevez opener. I thought the Texas setting was pretty cool-and it must have been shot there because it really looked like it could be in Texas not the generic "this can pass for Texas but it's really California" setting. It contributed to the general quirkiness that gave me that Dead Alive feeling. And unlike 90% of the indies especially horror, the editing was not a beating-very smooth. It's a great little film and you get that "These guys are going somewhere" feeling.