Secret Enemies
Secret Enemies
| 17 September 1942 (USA)
Secret Enemies Trailers

FBI agents Carl Becker and John Trent raid a New York hotel, sending Nazi spies to an upstate hunting lodge.

Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
MartinHafer Carl Becker (Craig Stevens) is going to meet a government agent friend. However, a group of Nazi spies get to this friend first and murder him using poison gas hidden in a radio(???). The death is ruled a suicide...and Becker knows his friend was not depressed and loved he fights to get someone to investigate the case further. Eventually, his path crosses that of the Secret Service. They not only believe him but he joins the service...and spends the rest of the film trying to capture these wicked Nazis.This is a B-movie from Warner Brothers--hence it looks a lot better than the typical B. It's also more enjoyable. However, like most B- films. this one has some lulls in the quality of the writing--with a few scenes that didn't make any sense whatsoever (such as the escape from custody from the train). Still, it is, like the best of the Bs, enjoyable and packs a lot into only about an hour.
kapelusznik18 ***SPOILERS*** Right after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor it was a given that Hitler, binded by the German Italian & Japanese axis mutual defense pact, will declare war on the USA. With German/American Henry Bremmer, Frank Riiecher, desperate to gets his wife and family out of Nazi Germany before the ax drops he get his lawyer friend Carl Backer also a German American, played by future TV private eye Peter Gunn Craig Stevens, to get the papers to get them out before war is declared. The person who is to help Bremmer in all this is unknown to Becker Nazi spy and undercover NYC hotel manager Dr. Woodford allies Otto Zimmer,Robert Warwick.Blackmiled by the Nazis to serve the "Fatherland" in order to prevent his family from ending up in a Nazi concentration camp Bremmer as their radio operator is involved in directing Nazi U-boats to attack and sink allied shipping. It's not long that Becker, now a US secret agent, gets the jump on Woodford & Co. and has them busted by the FBI and sent to be tried and later, no doubt about the outcome, executed by the US Government for espionage & treason. Unknow to everyone involved included Secret Agent Becker the singer at Woodford's hotel Paula Fengler, played by Faye Emerson was was to later marry FDR Jr, is secretly married to Woodford as well as a fanatical Nazi like himself:It takes one to like one. Sneaking a number of Nazis on the train bound to D.C with Woodford aboard they killed those government agents guarding him and take off to their secret hideout a deserted hunting lodge in the far off and land locked Adirondacks Mountains.***SPOILERS*** With everything set to sneak Woodford and later Paula out of the country by German U-Boat It's Bremmer who alerts, vis short wave radio, their plans that has Becker and company of US Government Agents storm the place and in a wild gun battle the slippery as an ell Woodford again escapes from justice with Becker hot on his tale. The final shoe to drop on Woodford AKA Otto Zimmer is when his plan to escape is foiled by Becker & the by now late, he was killed by Woodford's men, Bremmer. That with Woodford's mode of escape the Nazi U-Boat sunk before it surfaced by the US Coast Guard and Paula, who was putting on an act as a loyal American, exposed as a Nazi spy. As for Woodford he was beaten to the punch with Becker, having a hidden gun under his broken arm cast, blasting him before he could get a shot off.
blanche-2 From Warner Brothers in 1942 is a short programmer, "Secret Enemies," starring Craig Stevens as Carl Becker, a young attorney who joins the FBI after an agent friend is murdered. The ruling is suicide, but Becker knows this is not the case.He soon learns that a hotel he frequents to see his girlfriend, a performer there, is a base for Nazi spies. It's where he was staying the night his friend, also staying there, was killed. It's up to him to find out who the Nazis are and capture them.Faye Emerson plays Carl's girlfriend, Paula, in this large cast, along with Robert Warwick as the head Nazi, Monte Blue, Ray Teal, and Ruth Ford in smaller roles. This is a fast-moving film with okay acting, and it's entertaining. Craig Stevens had his major success in television. He starred in many series, but the one he is most remembered for is "Peter Gunn." Faye Emerson did a great deal of stage work which is noticeable here, as she's a little over the top. She was married to Elliot Roosevelt.Pretty good, and it's over before you know it.
LeonLouisRicci December 8, 1941 is the date as the Movie begins...and Paced Like Lightning, this WB B-Movie makes for some Interesting Stateside Wartime Intrigue as the Nazi Spies are up to Their Evil Deeds in the Heart of New York City. There are some Heil Hitlers and Heavy Accents but, obviously, since this is Spy-Stuff, No Swastikas or Paraphernalia to be seen.Craig Stevens, leads a Game Cast as all are in Hyper-Drive to Catch These Vermin and the Film never lets up from the Opening Set-Up as Frank Reicher is Blackmailed into Helping the Nazis because He wants to get His Sick Wife out of Germany before Hitler Declares War.There are Gas Masks, Poison Vapors, Blackouts, Fisticuffs, and Gunplay, along with Government Agents doing Pushups getting in Shape Quickly to go up Against the "Master Race". The Film is so Short and Full of Energy that One can Feel the 1942 Angst Dripping from the Screen. It is not so much Propaganda as a Starting Gun Rallying the Citizens with this Frantic Film.It's got a Good Cast, but Faye Emerson is Wasted. Also of Interest is a Look at some of the "New" Technology that was Manifesting for the World War. Secret Radio Broadcasts, Submarines (off the East Coast), hidden Gas Pellets as well as Undercover Infiltrators, Working as Doormen, Chauffeurs, and maybe Even Torch Singers.