R | 07 May 2012 (USA)
Seance Trailers

After a loudmouth college punk singer accuses an amateur medium of being a fake, four college students break into the city morgue and video themselves holding a seance. When the kids summon a demon by mistake, they have to find a way to drive the demon out of their friend before it destroys them all.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
GL84 Breaking into a morgue to film a student horror film, a group of friends accidentally summon a real demon who possesses one of the group and forces the others to try to drive it out in order to get away alive.This here is overall quite problematic even with a few rather decent elements going for it. The one biggest issue plaguing this film is the fact that there's absolutely no reason for this one to descend into a bland rip-off in the final half-hour which does absolutely nothing here for the film beyond keep it it running beyond it's usefulness by dragging out cliché after cliché in order to fill this scene. Not only is this a storyline flaw due to the heavily and incredibly bland changes it makes here which are quite lame in forcing the story into that to begin with, but it also manages to keep itself going by utilizing those different clichés in order to save itself during those segments which are nowhere near that interesting. Forcing this into a marginal exorcism story is incredibly lame and stupid which really does ruin the final act here with this one resorting to those clichés without deviation or exception, as this comes complete with biblical-passage-quoting, holy water chucking, psychological torments and the utterly irritating feature of returning several times to try to finish the job when it starts getting too rough and causing them to bail on the whole experience. While those are somewhat problematic, the fact that this one does manage to include some fine features in a rather fun and exciting first half that really has a lot going for it. This is mostly the exploration of the morgue and its contents, which provide this with a perfectly chilling and dark setting upon which to really hang the different chilling moments throughout here which is quite fun and gets this going nicely. The séance sequence itself is well-done and delivers some solid jolts, some nifty and unexpected gore and sets up the entire impetus for the exorcism, giving it a lot of solid points to work off of. As well, while these scenes may be cliché and quite unappealing the actions present in the final half, from the tormenting and torturing to the stalking through the halls in here provide some pretty enjoyable and thrilling moments to help balance out the repetition of what's going on. Otherwise, this one is just overall decent.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Brief Nudity and drug use.
myspecialparadise The person that makes this film really interesting is Nazneen Contractor, though she really should consider changing her name for fame. Nazneen reminds me a lot of Jane Russell ... she actually looks like she could be Jane's daughter, that's how much they have in common when it comes to looks, as well as attitude. If they ever make a movie about Jane ... Nazneen should get the part, if she's as good as she appeared to be in this film. I certainly hope she continues doing movies, she has the potential to become a very popular actress ... right up there with Halle Berry and Nicole Kidman, but her name will most likely hold her back ... the name you use, in this business, makes a huge difference in what goals you reach. Maybe Nina Nazeen ... it flows well?Actually, what makes this movie "good" is the casting, and the wonderful imagination of Alex Wright, whom seems to have a lot of thoughts, when it comes to religion, as The Love Ministry! If he believes what the character "Joey" says about the church.The filming was very realistic, as was the sounds. The action is superb, and the entrance of the spirit was well incorporated by giving the spirit an appearance as preparations began for the seance, showing that the spirits are already there ... awaiting acknowledgement. Totally cool.The actors are not seasoned actors, few actors are at their ages, that takes years and years of experience, but they are much better than a lot of actors ... at their ages. One thing I can say is that the parts were given to the right people, and the script was basically solid. This is a film I will enjoy watching numerous times ... because the script, directing, action, and film cuttings run as smoothly as a classic poem ... its rhythm is constant, and the parts are never, obviously, played over the top, or under-expectations of what was needed. Anyone that does not appreciate the quality of this film hasn't a clue of how many films, like this one's subject, are basically some degree of crap.By the way, and totally surprising to me, the profanity in this film actually worked ... probably because it wasn't over-used, and it was felt by the actor(s) ... and not everyone was using it. Anyhoots, the point is that this is one of the rare films where profanity worked, in most films it is so obvious that the profanity is used for shock ... not real, not felt ... just there, where it didn't belong.Anyhoots ... I love this film, and it caused me to buy the 2006 DVD "Seance", a waste of money. It was OK, but it couldn't hold a candle to this one!
oynaqozgar Well I don't know if this will be a spoiler or not. But here goes.This is very much a formula movie. And it is probably not the formula you are thinking off. This is the typical, a main character is either a non believer or in this case Pagan and their magic is not strong enough, but we have a true believer that conveniences her the true path is through Christ. It is a formula conversion to Christ movie. And like all the others like it, it comes off flat and lacks all the true horror feel. This is not a movie to scare you, it is a movie to convert you.I will give them one kudo, they read a small part of a Pagan book to sound convincing but they really have no idea what Paganism is.If you are Christian and like this kind of movie you will like it. If you are a horror movie fan and like even a glimpse of scary, well don't wait up for one. The female roles were really weak and Bobby Campo as the possessed had the only role that had any meat on it and he did what he could. But it is not the actors fault with this kind of movie they really don't have much to work with.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Initially I have to say that having read some review for this movie, I was preparing myself for a boring movie, but still I am not really one to turn off movies unless they are beyond boring, and I did find the plot of the story interesting, so despite the bad reviews, I sat down to watch "Seance".I don't understand why it got so bad reviews, because I didn't find the movie that bad. Sure it was not a million dollar Hollywood movie, but still it was to the point and it had a good enough story to tell. "Seance" is about four young people going to a city morgue, where one of them works as a security guard, to have a seance (hence the name of the movie) in order to call up the spirit of the dead. Something goes awry and something dark is called forth.The storyline was compelling and it was good at building up suspense and thrills. Now, don't expect to be scared, because it is not that kind of horror movie. Instead, it is the type of movie that builds on brooding atmosphere and subtle terror.Personally, I found there was a little too much Christian propaganda in the movie. But hey, dealing with evil presences, I suppose that is what people think they need to turn to.The people cast for the movie did good enough jobs, two people stand out and carries the movie entirely; that being Bobby Campo (playing Joey) and Nazneen Contractor (playing Eva). Their performances were really great, and came off really believable.One thing that I didn't understand about the movie was if the entity that was called forth had been waiting 200 years for a mortal vessel to possess, why did it speak 21st century American English and not 19th century American English? If they had kept it that way, the movie would have had so much more credibility. And also, a cool touch to the possession would have been if the possessed individual spoke with those voices simultaneously."Seance" is a toned down version of "The Exorcist" and it would appeal to today's audience, and perhaps even instill a curiosity to further explore the market for possession-style movies and return to the 'classics'."Seance" is well worth a watch if you like movies that have a brooding atmosphere and builds up subtle terror, instead of being all gory and trying to be as brutal as possible. And speaking of gore, then there were actually some nice enough scenes with blood and injuries in "Seance". Thumbs up for that. And the story takes place in a city morgue, that just adds so much to the setting, and that was really a nice touch.