Screams of a Winter Night
Screams of a Winter Night
PG | 26 January 1979 (USA)
Screams of a Winter Night Trailers

Ten college friends take a winter weekend camping trip to Lake Durand. The group holes up in an old cabin where the original owners were once found dead, with local Native Americans suspecting they were the victims of a spirit called Shataba. As the group nestles in for the night, they start telling each other scary stories.

Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Cujo108 Superb regional horror film about a group of friends who go on a weekend excursion to a lakeside cabin in the wilds of Louisiana. Once there, they start telling each others various "true" stories of the macabre. The place they're staying happens to have a morbid history of it's own, but is it really true? I had been wanting to see this film for many years, but with the tape being exceedingly rare, it took a good while before I got the opportunity. After finally checking it out, it rapidly became my new favorite anthology.The first story, "Moss Point Man", is a combination of bigfoot tale and old urban legend. It's the weakest of the lot, but it's short. The second bit, "The Green Light", is the best as three fraternity pledges must spend the night in an old building where a mysterious green light has been seen emanating from the upper floors. This one has a unique ending and some creepy moments with the guys hearing sounds from the floors above them. The third and final tale, "Crazy Annie", involves a girl who goes crazy after an attempted date rape. The story is typical, but it's well-acted by the main girl.That said, this is the only omnibus I've seen where the wrap-around segment is actually the strongest aspect of the picture. The area our characters are staying is said to be plagued by an Indian wind demon. The opening credits are very effective as one family's encounter with the malevolent entity plays out via sound only. Once our main group arrives, John, the one guy who know about the place's history, shows another guy the old house and graves of the family. This is another unsettling scene, one that gave me a "Blair Witch" vibe.As the film plays out, the wind builds and builds, culminating in a terrific ending. There's also some intriguing subtext about the nature of scary stories and the basis behind them.
Woodyanders A bunch of young adults go deep into the woods to a remote cabin and tell each other several scary urban legend-style stories. First and coolest vignette - A diminutive albino Bigfoot creature stalks a teenage couple who find themselves stuck in the middle of nowhere after their car runs out of gas. Second and most frightening tale - Three college fraternity pledges spend the night at an old abandoned hospital that's said to be haunted. Third and most disturbing yarn - A mousy, repressed young coed turns out to be a deranged murderess. Finally, our motley group of young adults discover that the local legend of a vicious Indian wind demon isn't far-fetched in the least. Director James L. Wilson and writer Richard H. Wadsack neatly craft a fun and engrossing omnibus outing that eschews the usual graphic gore and bloodshed in favor of creating and sustaining a potently creepy and nightmarish midnight-in-the-graveyard gloom-doom atmosphere; the opening credits sequence in particular is very chilling and the conclusion packs one hell of a terrifying punch. The isolated sylvan setting projects a truly unnerving sense of dread and vulnerability. The spirited shivery'n'shuddery score by Don Zimmers does the flesh-crawling trick. The pretty, fairly polished cinematography by Robert E. Rogers likewise hits the spot. Moreover, the game no-name cast all contribute winningly sincere and enthusiastic performances. A shamefully neglected and unheralded drive-in terror treat.
awitzel The first time I saw this movie, I was a kid and we'd gone to the drive-in. This movie was so deliciously scary that it's haunted me for years! I spent 10 years trying to remember the title and the last 5 trying to find it to rent it. The vignettes in this movie were all scary, and at the time, our local residents were trying to claim the frat brothers' vignette was based on the old Oregon Institute of Technology -- several buildings that were abandoned and haunted. "Gravity Hill", a place where your car could be pointing uphill and you'd put it in neutral and it would roll... UPHILL... existed near old OIT as well.No big budget, no known actors, and yet it was one of the best scary movies I've ever seen. I want this movie in the worst way. Somehow, somewhere, there has to be a copy!
wakeeladee When I was 10 years old, I saw the previews for this movie on television. Seeing spooky shows/movies on t.v. and in the safety of my home, I was intrigued as a little girl to see this movie. I begged my family to take us to it when it would come to our local drive-in. It happened to show the week of July 4th in our town. My family and my dad's brother's family all loaded up two full size vans to go see this movie I begged for all of us to go see! My dad and uncle tried to make light of the spookiness for the rest of us by laughing and joking at crucial parts in the movie, but I was already spooked. I got half way through the movie and climbed over the back seat of the van to try and avoid seeing or hearing anymore! It didn't work. I was too curious and would peek over the seat at what seemed to be the worst parts of the film. I was thoroughly scared and regretted that I got what I asked for. This movie gave me more nightmares than any other movie or story I had ever seen, read or heard. Not even the Exorcist or The Shining scared me as much as this movie and I don't know why. The story telling was creepy and the visuals were just enough to frighten!
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