Scream Bloody Murder
Scream Bloody Murder
R | 13 May 2003 (USA)
Scream Bloody Murder Trailers

In this horror spoof, the girls from Cherry Mount Academy are on their way to a dance at a nearby all-boys school when the van they're riding in breaks down. With no other choice but to spend the night at their tow truck driver's junkyard, the girls soon find themselves at the mercy of a cold-blooded killer.

Chatverock Takes itself way too seriously
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki How is it possible to screw up a movie involving girls in school uniforms and killings? Somehow the producers of the movie figured out a way. A van-load of high-school girls who appear to be in their mid 20s run out of gas on a desert road and a hockey mask wearing redneck tow-truck driver tows them and their van to his garage, where deaths and other strange things being to happen. One girl is killed in a car compactor, another has an air pump shoved down her throat causing her to explode, a guy gets it up the ass from a forklift(!) and it's unclear if the inbred, redneck tow-truck-driver is responsible. Since many of the nighttime scenes were obviously filmed through a dark blue filter, it is easy to understand why the killer's identity might be unclear, ... but the final twist is actually revealed in the film's trailer. Any attempts at actual horror were given away in the film's trailer (it reveals the deaths of several main characters, as well as giving away the entire twist ending!) If it was supposed to be a satire, lame double-entendres and obvious setups (guy with crutches, taking away the cellphones) sink this from the start. And film's soundtrack sounds like someone farting uncontrollably. It might be worth a few unintended laughs to watch this once, and to check out the so-so looking girls, but anything more is asking too much.
crueltwistoffate Low budget horror there's different types but the main one is low budget (where the film could still pass for a real film)and then there's low-low budget which almost means no budget(where everything's just as crappy as the cheap as their home video look). But sometimes these films are some of the worst and should never be seen by anyone but also...sometimes there's also a fun treat. This is Scream Bloody Murder...god, this film is badly acted, badly shot, badly edited and stupid as hell but you know what...I actually liked it. I know it's weird but I found this flick fun as hell and had me watching amazed that was actually liking it. What I found most fun and really saved the flick was the script. I actually found it kinda of smart and funny and could easily tell what they were aiming, funny horror that doesn't try to be anything that it isn't. So I liked how they actually went all out with that and made fun of themselves by being so beyond stupid that it worked. I found the script to be really smart for the most part but there were moments so stupid in the flick that I didn't know if they were actually written like that or just thought up on the day of shooting. First while most of the people in this film are bad actors there were a few surprises...first Brittany Montgomery as Parker was so great a being a bitch(i loved her) and I actually liked Gloria Balding as shay who okay as the dorky nerd. Then a couple of the other girls had some really good moments but for the most parts the girls did what they had to do thanks to bad directing. Everyone else was plain awful. But they all die so it's okay. Then some of these girls would have been so much more pleasing to eye for the camera if they would have had been made up a little. God, all the girls here look like they just walked off the street looking normal and plain. It's suppose to be a freaking movie, dress them girls up a bit yo!This movie would have been so much better and really have fit the script(without having to go all beyond stupid because of it's lack of money) with a bigger budget because the crappy look of the flick is what really kills it...besides it's bad acting and lack of nudity. Come on give us break, if your gonna make a really, and I mean really crappy movie with bad everything then at least show some nudity. It's the least they could do. For script that was made to be done on a low budget they could have at least done this once they found out how no budget this film was going to be. Acouple of boobs would have really made this film that much better. But this film wasn't a total waste, trust me after being burnt by other kind of these films(Scarecrow slayer) that just plain sucked this film was actually kinda good at being really awful.My Rating: It's kinda hard to say, this flick was really that good but good at being that if you know what I mean...and it didn't get me mad like Mr and Mrs Smith and Prom Night did which I hated a lot more than this flick. So I'm gonna have to give it a very happy A GOOD FLICK. If it would have had a budget that fit a creative script and some damn boobs then it would have gotten a better rating.
quiltedporcupine Last year I was at a video store with a few friends when we saw the case for Scream Bloody Murder. It was obvious right away that this would be a rather cheesy and/or bad movie. And seeing as those types of movies always make for entertaining group viewing, we rented it.We were somewhat disappointed when we got to the actual viewing part as the movie was plain bad. Not really even in the entertaining way as it was obvious that they were trying to make a campy movie (and just weren't doing a very good job of it).As the movie reaches the climatic final showdown it suddenly takes a turn for the hilarious. I don't want to spoil anything but you'll know when it happens. The humor up till then has been hit and miss at best but the last 15 minutes or so are pure gold.If you enjoy cheesy movies, and are willing to sit through the first hour or so of not so good viewing, then check it out. Otherwise, pass.
htbdynick I don't know what's gotten into my wife lately. When we first got married, she didn't like me working with other girls, didn't like it when women were naked on TV, and hated the exploitation movies I rented. Then in the past couple of months, we went out with a group of friends and she thought it would be fun for us all to go to the local strip joint (she even through dollars at the stage), she's been nice and laid back in the evenings when it comes to sleazy TV, and she rented this movie and brought it home! It was awesome!This movie is pure cheese and it maintains a certain sexuality level without going overboard. It's funny stuff with some creative death scenes, and one hell of a twist ending. While I must admit, some of the padding at the beginning of the movie made me wonder what I was getting into, by the end of the movie I was glad I'd watched.If you rent the DVD, DO NOT watch the trailer for the movie included in the menu before you see the movie. Not only does it show each death scene -- it also gives away the numerous twists at the end! Beware! Great cast, fun movie. Go check it out!