NR | 18 June 2000 (USA)
Scrapbook Trailers

A young woman named Clara is captured by a serial killer named Leonard who records his “life story” by keeping a scrapbook of his many victims. In addition to adhering Polaroids, scraps of clothing, and other small trophies to the pages, Leonard has forced his victims to personally write in the scrapbook about their individual ordeals. Clara is beaten, raped, starved, and locked up like an animal, filthy and naked. She is forced to write in the scrapbook, adding her agony to the pages. She soon realizes that her only hope for survival is to manipulate Leonard through her writings in his cherished scrapbook.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
BA_Harrison Scrapbooking, a hobby that has increased in popularity in recent years, is, according to Wikipedia, 'a method for preserving a legacy of written history in the form of photographs, printed media, and memorabilia contained in decorated albums'. In Scrapbook, a low budget indie horror from director Eric Stanze, serial-killer Leonard (Tommy Biondo) blends polaroids, news cuttings and handwritten journals from his victims to produce a detailed account of his career as a killer: a scrapbook twelve years in the making and a labour of love which he hopes will one day make him famous.Leonard has only one more victim to document until his project is complete: Clara (Emily Haack), a chubby bird with a very bad haircut. He subjects her to days upon days of degradation, rape and violence, whilst forcing her to add her comments to his sick journal. But Clara plans to survive her ordeal, and plays mind games with her captor, until, one day, she turns the tables on him and wreaks revenge.Now I've watched a fair amount of 'underground' horror in my time, and witnessed all sorts of celluloid depravity, but in my opinion Stanze's Scrapbook goes just that bit further than most in an effort to shock. A nasty, misogynistic catalogue of torture, it seems that this movie's purpose is to offend, and in that it definitely succeeds. Use it as a yardstick to measure your tolerance to disturbing imagery, but don't ever call it art.Biondo spends 95 minutes abusing Haack's character in every manner possible, with no detail spared by Stanze's camera. Haack, an 'actress' with obviously no shame, willingly degrades herself at every opportunity; exactly what makes someone want to perform such acts on film, I shall never know.I tried to view this film as an intense study of psychotic behaviour (ala Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer), but Biondi's Leonard is so OTT, he is hard to take seriously. I tried to view it as a hard-edged 'rape/revenge' movie, in which the viewers sense of satisfaction at witnessing the victim's ultimate retribution justifies earlier scenes of violence—but the payoff is too weak to qualify it as such. And its story and level of acting is not good enough to make it a truly gripping tale about survival against the odds. In the end, I accepted it for what it really is: an effectively repugnant little movie designed purely to illicit a reaction—good or bad—from those who watch it.
sevdah I thought I might give this movie a chance despite the multitude of bad reviews. Hell, August Underground's Mordum received a lot of them, and I still like it. And now here goes my review of Scrapbook which goes along the lines of the said multitude.Yup, I made a mistake watching this. Here's why.Scrapbook might be called a lousy attempt at no - budget, no - plot worth mentioning , almost no acting, silly yet pretentious, unjustifiably slow - paced and over - hyped cinematography. It won a prize? What for - the most unconvincing scenes of slapping ? It tries to be violent, gory, shocking, dark, even some sort of psychological thriller at times - and fails in everything. It's way too long, too unconvincing. I found myself fast - forwarding quite a few times, just to skip a minute or two of totally pointless garbage. And again, and again, and again... and it was still too long.Special effects and make - up are crap. Acting is mostly crap. Story too - banal, unoriginal and it doesn't really go anywhere. A serial killer abducts this poor girl, takes her to a decrepit house on a farm and subjects her to various forms of torture, all along ranting about his scrapbook full of mementos from previous victims and their descriptions of what they went through. He's going to be famous and rich after he's done with her, she's the last one to write in the scrapbook. So, is he psychotic or retarded? Because, you know, this story sounds stupid to me. By the way, we don't get to see much of the photos in the scrapbook, and they're supposed to be super - shocking. The torture is also supposed to look shocking, but it doesn't. It doesn't look realistic enough.So, this guy is giving this girl a very rough and degrading treatment, so she realizes that her only way out is to manipulate him... by writing some very unbelievable things in the scrapbook. Eventually/very quickly he buys it, succumbs to his masochistic drives, allows the girl to tie him up to the bed and they start some kinky sex... which quickly ends in his murder. Girl stabs him off - screen and for some part on - screen, takes several Polaroid snapshots of poor bastard screaming, puts them in the scrapbook and goes away. The end.I see absolutely no point in this movie. I don't find it educational. Too short of gore for gore hounds, definitely not suitable for fans of mainstream horror... so, what's the point? To earn some money and pseudo - cult status using sick cinematographic clichés that don't live up to the hype, internet gossips and reviews done probably by the film crew and their friends? Come on, we already got a lot of that.1 out of 10.
buchass Attention, this film is not for everyone, its an horrifying portrait of the human mind and human condition. This is not an ordinary home made flick, this one its very realistic and brutal, very credible.. The cast are incredible, Tommy Biondo and Emily Haack play their role in a fantastic way.. Its an intense, disturbing and violent movie..and unfortunately its a reflex of some part of our society.But "its only a movie" :). If you like "Scrapbook", i recommend: "Funny Games"(Michael Haneke)and "The Piano Player"(Michael Haneke);"Last House on the left"(Wes Craven)";"I spit on your grave"
hmmdrmike It's true: this movie is disturbing and will shock you with some scenes of depravity and torture that you've never seen before, but despite all that it's still just not very good. Among my main complaints: - Some people extol the fact that the production quality was very low, giving it a grim "snuff" film look to the movie. But seriously, I thought it just made every scene look that much worse because of the image quality, shaky camera movements, and muffled sounds.The acting, though pretty good at times (the female lead whose name I forget must've gone through hell to make this movie) is still suspect throughout much of the movie. They try hard but in the end... it's just not very good.The special effect. I know a movie with such a small budget can't be expected to have Hollywoood quality special effects, but seriously, a lot of the corpses and body parts looked like discarded parts from Halloween costumes.The premise of the movie was great but the execution was just bad. Blame it on the small budget, the neophyte actors, or whatever, but in the end it boils down to this movie just not being very good. There are much better, scarier, gorier, "shock-ier" movies out there. Don't get taken in by the hype.
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