Scary or Die
Scary or Die
| 09 September 2012 (USA)

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The creation of filmmaker Michael Emanuel, SCARY OR DIE tells five interwoven horror stories that take place in and around the “City of Angles”. A flesh-eating clown desperately trying to protect the person he craves the most; a dirty cop and a hit gone wrong with a vengeful Necromancer; a beautiful but mysterious woman and a lonely man looking for love in all the wrong places; a gruesome, blood-splattered uprising of illegal Mexican zombies; and a Cajun conjurer grandfather whose gift of never-ending love goes terribly awry…SCARY OR DIE is a unique experience in horror filmmaking certain to fulfill all your twisted horror film experience needs.

Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Leofwine_draca SCARY OR DIE is a low budget horror anthology with a few nods here and there to the likes of CREEPSHOW and its ilk. This one ploughs the same territory but is hardly on the same level as the older films, appearing very cheap and amateurish in places, but at least it's watchable and the old standby still works: if there's one story you particularly hate, you can rest assured that another one will replace it soon enough.The first tale is about Mexican zombies, and I think it's the strongest here: certainly it's the only one that manages a few genuine scares in the Romero mould. The second effort is about a Korean vampire, and it's weaker all round, with a very light story barely sustaining the scant running time and a too obvious twist in the tale. The third story is about a serial killer who dismembers his victims, and is probably the weakest here; there's so little story that a key scene ends up being repeated. The fourth story is about an evil clown who bites a man who finds himself also turning into a clown. It has a neat premise but goes on too long. The wraparound segment isn't worth mentioning.SCARY OR DIE knows that it isn't up to much in the scare department, so it throws in plenty of gore to make up to it. The acting ranges from poor to adequate, while the technical values are acceptable for what is a low budget genre production. Hardly the worst I've seen then but far from the best; this sits somewhere in the middle of the road.
adi_2002 Black humor, ironic twists and surprises are found in this horror. First story. A rebel couple with their friend who scare those around them and kill other peoples who are from another nation than their's, are witness of something only in zombie movies we met when they go to the desert to shoot and bury two of the victims. The second story. A widower is haunted by the ghost of his wife and one evening sitting on a bench when he sees a group of girls and one of them resembles his wife. This is kidnapped and forcibly plugged into the car and he try to help her but fails. Taejung manages to put his phone in the fuel tank and using the laptop follows the car and he is led to the place where the young woman is about to be murdered but in the last-minute he saves her managing to stop the attacker. She wants to thank him and says she'll give a little party next week and you really need to come too. He has some small doubts but finally made an appearance at her residence. Now the roles were reversed for the young who seem helpless is something else than he could have imagined and now Taejung is the one who needs help. Third story. A killer carry in the trunk his recent victim gets some bangs which normally should not hear them because the body is cut into several pieces. Lose control of the car for a few seconds and a cop stops him. He hears sound from behind and asks man to open the trunk. The killer panics and takes the gun from the glove box, but the cop comes back and says he is free to leave. It's surprised and he stops the car a few hundred meters away and finds that in the trunk the victim is no longer there and instead founds a note. Now the killer has the same fate. Fourth story. This is the longest and is about a young man who is bitten by a clown and with time changes begin to occur. His clothes remain small shoes are no longer good and slowly begins to turn into a bad clown. He leaves home for fear that his girlfriend will see him along with his mother and son. Now sleeps like a bum under a bridge and his child has a dream that becomes reality. So one night it taken somewhere for a little picnic but after the clown is unmasked gives notice that it is not his father but he appears and saves him. Fifth story. The shortest is about a man who cheated on his girlfriend, and then kill her. She returns from the dead to avenge him and his infidelity. Many would classify this film as a weak but let's give him a chance. What I liked about it is that had that dose of curiosity who makes you wonder what will happen next and makes you eager to find out and all in a very short story.
tdeladeriere Lured by the cover art to think I was in for a killer clown movie, the Creepshow-esque hand that clicked on the scaryordie website in search of a good horror clip made me realize that this was an anthology.I haven't bothered to check if all segments were directed by different directors, but what they lack in a unifying theme, they make up with style. The general vibe is old-school, with enough blood to keep the viewer happy but no outright gore or torture. The set-ups are also classic : zombies, vampires, devil cults and the aforementioned killer clown. Segments range from 10 to 30 minutes, with no twists. The story lines are straightforward to a point and do not try to add to any mythos. But they all deliver with elegance and a lot of promise.Because none of the sketches tries hard to surprise you, they're better left at their short running time, which is enough to be impressed by the directorial styles displayed. This explains why the Clown segment, the longest in the anthology, is also the weakest. It outstayed its weak set-up. The first and last segments, both tales from the undead, are also the slickest and nicely round up this hodgepodge of atmospheric, but almost too respectful quickies.
Mooventhan GP Out of five stories, i like 3 stories except 1st and last. Decent horror and little suspense in each episode. Acting is good in all the movies. Last episode could be avoidable. This movie cannot be compared to any other horror movies. Because its contain 5 different stories in single film. So i fully enjoyed to watch this movie.My rating order of the episodes are... 1.Clowned - 10/10 2.Tajeum Lament - 10/10 3.RE-Membered - 9/10 4.The Crossing - 8/10 5.Love Come Back - 7/10Over all very good watching experience..My Rating: 9/10