R | 06 December 2005 (USA)
Scarred Trailers

Twenty years ago, after his wife gave birth to another man's baby, an alcoholic husband sought revenge by slicing off the child's face and throwing her tiny body in the swamp. Today, the locals say that the little girl never really died -- and that she aimlessly roams the forest looking for a pretty face to take for her own. Now, a family of campers who've come to the woods for the weekend are in for a gruesome surprise.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Micitype Pretty Good
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Ian Taylor Nothing irritates me more than people ripping apart a low budget movie, declaring it the most hilariously bad piece of film in history and insisting that it should be #1 worst rated movie on IMDb. Why? Because you can guarantee that the posters are talking garbage. Hey, I watch a lot of horror flicks and I know damn well what a truly bad film is. There's stuff out there that looks like it was shot as a home movie. There are actors out there that would make portraying a tree trunk seem too wooden. There are special effects that amount to a couple of squirts of unconvincing blood. Let me tell you, guys... 'Scarred' is none of those things. It might not pick up an award for cinematography but it's a professional job. The lighting and sound are fine and the editing is reasonably smooth. The acting is not so intense that it grabs you and makes you think that you've just discovered the next big Hollywood name but these actors are not wooden. they do a decent job and remain convincing. Some of the special effects are pretty gruesome and they're not overused. What irritates me most is that I avoided this film sometime because of the duff posts - then I eventually watched it...and enjoyed it. No way is it the worst film ever. It's actually pretty good. However, if no-one else wishes to be objective regarding this film then i will. I'll present both the good and the bad points:BAD - 1. Clichéd to hell, can't deny that!2. Some silly choices of action by certain characters.3. The protagonist looks beatable so there should be more of a fightback at times.GOOD - 1. A gruesome and reasonably original back story/purpose for the killer.2. Some gruesome effects used sparingly enough to be effective.3. A killer that can genuinely evoke pity at certain times.4. Reasonable acting.Summary? Less of the knee jerk reactions to low budget, please. It's easy to mock and often it's unfair. 'Scarred' is by no means a great film - but it's alright. Leave it alone unless you can objectively recognise it's good points.
Leveticus Horrible movie, avoid at all costs unless you want to waste $3. All the typical clichés of a horror movie were called by us before they happened and we never saw this movie prior! (No gas in vehicle, bullets run out in gun, splitting up rather than sticking together in bigger group). This movie just pisses you off the more you watch it because of the common mistakes idiot teenagers make in every single one of these films. The only good thing was the background story of how the killer came to be, but not worth the view. Such potential, but in the end, a true letdown for horror usual.Deon
crimeofpassion A friend rented this for us to watch, saying that it was an independent horror film and should be hilarious. And boy, was he ever right. I was expecting a bad horror film, but not this bad.It had the typical elements of any bad horror movie. Family goes camping out in the middle of nowhere. A park ranger tells them about a clichéd and completely impossible "legend around these parts." There's some drinking and then the son and two girls set up their own camps away from the unattractive father and pretty, young step-mother. And there you have it: the stage is set for, quite possibly, the worst horror film ever.Naturally, there's plenty of "You stay here while I go {insert action that requires speaker to wander off alone into the forest}" and "There's a psycho killer out there, so let's split up!" And, as usual for most horror films, good or bad, the victims barely fight back once attacked, even though it's obvious that it would be rather easy to knock the knife away from the killer, whom my friend and I dubbed "The Skilled Huntress," due to the fact that her "sneaking up on people" involves being very obvious and making a lot of noise.Horror films like these get their scares from the killer randomly leaping out at the helpless victims, but there was no leaping here. None. Nothing scary at all about this film. No shock value of any sort. Of course, the reason it didn't frighten my friend and me could have been because of the fact that we were laughing too hard about it to even think about being frightened.I'd still recommend it to anyone just for the laughs, though.
tendaikudou Within the first fifteen minutes, it is fairly easy to tell just what Scarred is - a mediocre, formulaic horror movie. People having sex and getting drunk? At least one of them is going to die. Family goes camping? The pretty daughters are going to go camp a distance away from the rest. I'm sure you can guess what happens from there.While the movie was slightly entertaining just for the schlock value, it isn't by any means a good horror film. The cinematography is dull and average, the plot is one that has been done before, and the acting is mediocre at best. The special effects, such as the trapper's lumpy face, are low-budget and fake-looking.All in all, Scarred is a movie that you might enjoy for the pure badness of it all, but it probably isn't worth the rental fee for anyone who's really a fan of good horror movies.