Satanic Panic
Satanic Panic
| 13 August 2009 (USA)
Satanic Panic Trailers

Inspired by true accounts and the craze that took place in the late 1970's and early 80's, follows in the footsteps of classic horror films from that generation. In 1980, ten year old twins Toby and Cindy Richards were abducted by a group of demented satanic cult members. Cindy managed to escape, but Toby was never found. Twenty-five years later, a group of six friends take a canoe trip to re-kindle their friendship, only to find themselves in trouble with crazy, small town locals and the same satanic cult that took Toby years ago. Can the friends make it out of the town of Thornwood alive and in one piece, or will the become victims of sacrifice.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Jack Fyrebourne The only "true events" of the real-life Satanic Panic of the 1980's are that a bunch of charlatans made a lot of money selling fear, and a bunch of innocent people (mostly day care workers) went to prison for crimes they didn't commit. It was all rumor, innuendo, and outright lies, just like the witch panic in Salem. To make a movie suggesting there was any truth to such nonsense, especially when there are still innocent people fighting to have their wrongful convictions overturned, is reprehensible.As for the movie itself, it's extremely poorly made and not worth watching.
ken-schaefer Obviously, the folks who wrote the above reviews saying that this is scary and a good movie are the director and his crew. No one, no matter how drunk, stoned, or deluded could seriously think this movie is anything of than a cow pie. I truly mean it, this is every bit as bad as Manos. The only way watching this movie would be enjoyable would be to MST3Kie it. I'm not sure there's enough alcohol in the world to make this good. I can't wait to hear the commentary. If they say a single positive thing, I will know that there was something in the water. I'd rather drink the water from Cabin Fever than drink whatever would make you think this movie was good.
astream99 This is one of the worst attempts at horror I've ever seen, and there are LOADS of bad horror movies out there. Abysmal acting from EVERYONE, just about every character is a complete moron, directed terribly, extremely amateurish filming and the worst music score this side of porn to boot. The writing is atrocious too. If you don't know who the bad guys are you've probably never seen a movie at all. One of the writers is the guy who plays the staple idiot inbred hick. Something that tells me he actually didn't ACT much for his role considering his writing skills. And to top it all of - the ending is the dumbest I've ever seen I think. If I had paid to see this film I would have demanded my money back or even considered suing them - it's THAT bad. Thank *beep* for torrents. :) Avoid at all cost!
rpizek I was able to screen this movie and for it being a low budget movie, it was pretty well made. I thought the story line at the beginning sequence was intense and I thought the whole movie was going to be that documentary style, but it turned out that it started off that way but then it went into another story which I thought was a cool idea. Almost like you have two parts within one movie. I felt that the characters were interesting enough to keep me watching and you really felt some compassion for the Karen character. I wanted to see how this group of friends made it through their trip and the director did a good job of keeping you wanting to see more. The props that were used were pretty cool and overall, I thought that the movie was done well. If you're into independent movies, this one is pretty good.