Sam's Lake
Sam's Lake
| 01 January 2005 (USA)
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Inspired by a murder-mystery-turned-legend surrounding a massacre near "Sam's Lake," the film follows Sam, a young woman who, every summer, returns home to the secluded lakeside cottage she grew up in, to reconnect with her traditions and memories of the past deep within an isolated forest.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
SanteeFats Sam and Jesse are two twisted siblings from a really nutso daddy. This daddy has turned into a legend in the local area having escaped from a care facility, murdered his parents and his sister, then has not been heard from for a long time. He has blended in in a small area town, found a wife, who dies having the twins Sam and Jesse. He teaches the kids how to chase down human prey in the woods, which they do when Sam, the sister who lives in the city from time to time, brings her city friends up for the fun and games. The first half of the movie is not as bad as some reviewers state. It sets up the second half where the chase starts and it wasn't that bad a story telling. Bro and sis thought they had killed daddy when they bopped him on the head and interred him in I guess what is suppose to be the family crypt. Guess what? HHHEEEEE"s back and hunting his own offspring. Meanwhile the two sibs have been hunting the five people Sam brought with her. There is one black guy and a nice surprise is he is the second to die not the first!! The only one still alive of the five is Sandrine Holt (Kate) because Jesse wants her. Cornered she is saved when daddy grabs Jesse before he can kill her. The kids decide to go hunt their dad and leave Kate alone for now. Unfortunately they find daddy. Jesse gets killed by daddy and daddy by Sam. Chasing Kate to the dock Sam gets belted on the head and knocked into the lake bleeding pretty good. Is she dead? Who knows. Kate gets the keys, and as she drives away there is a cut to the cabin where a shadowy something momentarily shows in an impossible to tell who or what. Now the only thing not really covered was the folk living in the area. They apparently know what's happening but I guess as long as they keep shut about it and don't interfere they are left alone. The only local who says anything like a warning is killed by one of the family.
Lone Ranger X This film uses the tried-and-true gimmick of putting a bunch of young people together in a wilderness cabin and then terrorizing them. It is not terribly original in this way. However, as a film, it succeeds where many Hollywood attempts at this same thing fail as the story is taut, accomplishes the goal of creating anxiety, and has a bit of a different twist on who is behind the terror and why. All the actors are unknown, but do a decent job. While the film is low-budget, it looks okay. Those seeking a really scary and unique experience with lots of blood and scares will be disappointed. If you are bored and cannot find anything else at the video store and you want an okay experience with this stock type of film you should be satisfied. As far as films, and particularly horror films go, this one is no where near the top, but it is nowhere near the bottom where the stupid, silly, and goofy lie.
Bill357 Do not watch this pitiful excuse for a horror movie. There is a reason it took four years to hit the video shelves and it is not because it's good!Do not believe the DVD box when it tells you this is a supernatural horror film. It is not. It's a wooded stalk and slash picture with bad pacing. Lion's Gate also tries to trick little girls into watching this by boldly proclaiming that it's from the producers of Twilight.Sam's Lake is totally boring as hell! Literally the whole first half of the movie is taken up by insipid conversations amongst this dull assemblage of college students. The first plot point (the event that changes the direction of and gets to the meat of a film) occurs halfway through, an amazingly amateurish move on the part of the filmmakers.The second half got my eyeballs rolling as the film's revelations turn out to be both predictable and stupid.
em89072002 From the Friday THE THIRTEENTHs to CABIN FEVER this 'cabin by the lake/ teens in the woods' horror genre has been done to death.SAM'S LAKE both adds and detracts from this genre at the same time; it adds another piece of rubbish to the pile and it detracts from the few truly original and quality productions in this genre.The story is just a knock-off that pulls elements from the numerous other flicks in the genre. Instead of crazy Jason with his crazy mother, crazy Samantha has a crazy father and crazy brother. Her rag-tag band of young somewhat buff friends/victims are little more than bland stereotypes for a diversity campaign. The horror aspect is a real disappointment; the victims never really fight back and are easily killed. The horror scenes just aren't scary and the acting is bad. In an obvious attempt to pander to preteen girls and perhaps a gay following from his other so-called acting ventures, the actor who plays Sam's brother takes his shirt off and runs around in the woods half naked during the final night hunt and killing segment. Within the story this is illogical --- there's no reason for it; but, as a gimmick to keep viewers watching the practice of showing some skin is done in movies all the time --- but usually with more attractive actors.