NR | 02 November 2006 (USA)
Salvage Trailers

Claire Parker is going to die. At the hands of a sadistic and depraved killer, she will endure a terrifying, unimaginable brutal death--and it will all happen again. After being beaten, dragged, sliced, and stabbed, Claire awakens at work--where it all began--untouched and unharmed. But the hellish ordeal is far from over. The madman is back and he's ready for more blood...

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
nuoipter termer Salvage is a wonderful movie. It's very creepy and scary. A girl named Claire is driven home after work by someone named Duke who says he knows her boyfriend who was supposed to pick her up. Duke acts very creepy. After getting to her house, he punches her, stomps on her, drags her into the basement, and kills her. Then she wakes up at work as if it was a dream. This happens over and over again. It starts to seem as if something supernatural is going on. A student's back in Claire's class looks like her spine is extended out, demonic faces appear, her mother acts very strangely, and other things. A scene in a library tells you for sure that the supernatural is gong on. During the climax of the movie, it is revealed that Claire is actually Duke's soul in Hell. Duke was killed by a police officer and was being tortured in Hell based on what he did to Claire. Duke cut off Claire's face and put it over his so his punishment was to become Claire and have what he did to her done to him over and over. This isn't even remotely right. It's basically Claire's soul. So how is this punishment? It's creating another Claire basically and her being tortured. How is that Duke? But that doesn't ruin the movie obviously. It's a wonderful movie. My favorite line is when a police officer talking to Claire on the phone tells her he can't tell her what's going on but she's gonna find out soon enough. That is extremely creepy and you wonder what in the world is going on. Why in the world did he say that?
jeffa123 i love picking up those horror collector sets out of the clearance bins. 5 bucks for 8 or 10 movies. majority of them are strictly B fare... as in bush! entertaining in their own right, but usually pretty forgettablebut... this one was a hidden little gem. well worth the watch. production values are decent; acting is good enough; but its the original story idea that i loved. kept me guessing most of the way through at least... its not a story idea that i've seen yet, and i've seen hundreds of these. seems like something someone would have done by nowhats off to the writers for coming up with something new
rhkulju I found this movie on a DVD that I bought. It turned out to be a fantastic movie... one that I will regard highly for years to come. Lauren Currie Lewis did a fantastic job of creating a character who one cares about getting tortured over and over again. I liked her character and found myself flinching every time she got caught. I kept hoping that someone would intervene and stop this nightmare from happening to her. The film is low budget but the story and the main actress do a wonderful job in this psychological thriller. Though it does contain some gore, its not gratuitous which was a good thing for me. It was as appropriate as the gore that was depicted in the original Silence of the Lambs. Fortunately my pity for the poor girl was satisfied by the twist at the end... the movie has justice. I haven't seen a movie in this genre this good in a long time.
blackseven-1 First I must say that Lauren is absolutely NOTHING like Alicia Silverstone as previously stated by another user.Anyway, from that note, I must say that this movie is entirely original.It leaves you to come to your own conclusion, kind of like a movie that you can choose your own ending to.If you enjoyed books like in Goosebumps where you can pick which ending you get, then you'd like a horror movie like Salvage.There's no wrong or right answer when it comes to this movie.I must say, it was very hard for me to focus on my phone conversation with this movie on! :)